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Medical Physics
University of Canterbury
Steven Marsh
Steven Marsh
Medical Physics
• University of Canterbury teaches the academic
portion of the TEAP training requirements as
specified in the “Accreditation of University
Postgraduate Courses in Medical Physics for the
Purposes of the ACPSEM Training, Education and
Accreditation Program” policy document.
• In 2014 there were 13 students enrolled in all
courses, three of these were registrars.
Lecture courses
• Currently medical physics course content given in
seven MDPH courses:
MDPH401 Anatomy and Physiology
MDPH402 Nuclear Medicine
MDPH403 Radiation Physics
MDPH404 Radiation Biology
MDPH405 Radiation Therapy
MDPH406 Medical Imaging
MDPH407 Research Tools
• An eighth course is selected from 400 level physics
MDPH401 – Anatomy and Physiology
Warwick Shillito
Structural and functional organisation
Cellular biology
Cellular pathology: adaptions and injury
Integumentary system
Skeletal system
Muscular system
Nervous system
Endocrine system
Cardiovascular system
Lymphatic system
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system
Digestive system
Urinary system
Reproductive system
Human embryology
MDPH402 – Nuclear Medicine
Steven Marsh
Radioactive decay
Radionuclide choice
Specific properties of detectors used in Nuclear Medicine
Radionuclide production
Non-imaging tracer studies
Imaging systems used in Nuclear Medicine
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Diagnostic Interpretation of radionuclide studies
Analysis methods commonly used in Nuclear Medicine
Therapeutic uses of unsealed sources
Patient doses
Radiation protection specific to Nuclear Medicine
MDPH403 – Radiation Physics
Tony Cotterill
Atomic and nuclear structure
Nuclear stability
Nuclear models
Radioactive decay
Decay chains and equilibrium
Modes of radioactive decay
Types of reactions
X-rays, gamma rays, etc.
Photon beam attenuation
Photon interactions with matter
Energy transfer mechanisms
X-ray production
Heavy charged particle interactions
Particle range
Neutron interactions, scattering and absorption
Neutron activation
Neutron shielding and measurement
Nuclear reactor types
Introductory nuclear reactor physics
Dosimetric principles quantities and units
Cavity theory
Detection and monitoring equipment
Terrestrial radionuclides and decay chains
Cosmic radiation
MDPH404 – Radiation Biology
Steven Marsh
The development of radiation protection
Radiation protection organisations
ICRP system of radiological protection
Effects of ionising radiation
Quantities and units of radiation protection
Basic principles for dose reduction technical aspects
Basic principles for dose reduction – external and internal hazards
Safety of the radioactive patient
Effects of total body irradiation
Natural and man-made radiation
Organisation of radiation protection
Transport, storage and disposal of radioactive material
Basic radiation biology
Structural shielding
Radiation detection and measurement
Radiation biology – survival curves
Radiation biology – fractionation, accelerated RT, Oxygen effect
Radiation biology – normal tissue tolerance
Radiation biology – heritable and foetal effects
MDPH405 – Radiation Therapy
Bryn Currie
Introduction to clinical radiation therapy
History and development of radiation therapy
Treatment machines – physical and clinical aspects
Treatment machines – technical aspects
Commissioning of radiotherapy equipment
Phantoms used in radiotherapy
Quality assurance
Clinical dosimetry – photons and electrons
Dosimetry protocols
Primary standards and traceability for dosimetry
Introduction to brachytherapy
Treatment techniques in radiation therapy
Treatment simulation
Patient positioning
Treatment planning
MDPH406 – Medical Imaging
Darin O’Keeffe
Radiography – screen film and digital radiography
Digital subtraction angiography
Computed tomography
Ultrasound imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging
Introduction to image processing
Image perception
MDPH407 – Research Tools
Bryn Currie
Understand the science of writing
Understand the science of scientific writing
Have a working understanding of LaTeX
Have a working understanding of MatLAB
Understand appropriate statistical methods to plan and analyse
To be able to install and work with the EGSnrc environment
To be able to create and analyse simple dose distributions in a water
To be able to install and work with the BEAMnrc environment
To be able to create and analyse three dimensional dose distributions
in a more complex phantom
To attain a basic understanding of how to generate a phase space file
using BEAMnrc.
The 8th Course
• PGDipSci or MSc students are required to sit eight
courses in their 400 level studies. The eighth course
is generally selected from PHYS400 courses e.g.:
– PHYS413: Laser Physics and Modern Optics
– PHYS444: Condensed Matter Physics
– PHYS411: Advanced Quantum Mechanics
UoC ACPSEM Accreditation
• Documentation for re-accreditation was sent to
ACPSEM earlier in the year
• Likely time for accreditation visit is February 2015
Medical physics research
• Many interesting developments – I’ll highlight two
– The Linac MRI project in collaboration with the
University of Sydney is attempting to integrate real time
MRI imaging with radiotherapy to allow the treatment
beam to precisely and accurately focus on the tumour.
Medical physics research
– Or the MARS-CT project which has an ability to
differentiate and quantify simultaneously several targeted
cell types, biomarkers, and drug delivery at the target
3D image of mouse showing bone (red)
Iodine in cardio system (blue)
and barium in lungs (green)
MARS-CT scanner
Research collaborations
• Actively seeking research opportunities
• 2015 will also see projects offered in collaboration
Masters of Medical Physics degree
• There has been discussion in the past regarding
offering a Masters in Medical Physics (MMP)
• The difference to the MSc would be in the amount of
effort required in the thesis component
• Motivators for MMP is that it takes less time and
there is reduced hospital supervisor input required
• However this is at the expense of research
experience and not all HODs are in favour of
• Would naturally require approval from ACPSEM
• This has not been progressed at this stage
Registrar – when to appoint
• UoC has no preference as to when in their academic
registrars are appointed
• Until recently popular opinion was that appointing
registrars at the end of third year improved funding
to the university – this is not the case
• Australian hospitals tend to appoint post MSc
• The Sydney model is to appoint post MSc but to
engage likely candidates in clinically relevant
(hospital based) research in their thesis year
• Courses as offered match the requirements specified
in the “Accreditation of University Postgraduate
Courses in Medical Physics for the Purposes of the
ACPSEM Training, Education and Accreditation
Program” policy document
• University of Canterbury Medical Physics students
are actively engaging in research projects
throughout Australasia
• Masters in Medical Physics degree is still up for
debate though I think interest is waning
• From the university’s perspective registrars can be
appointed at any stage of their academic programme