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Name: ____________________________________ Class: ___________ Date: ______________
The Kings: From Babylon to Baghdad
Directions: Read the following questions and their answers. Then watch the video, “The
Kings: From Babylon to Baghdad.” Circle the response that best answer the question.
Alternate Directions: Read the following questions and their answers. On the Internet,
look up the answers. Circle the response that best answers the question.
Chapter 1: Mesopotamia
1. What does the Greek word for Iraq, Mesopotamia, mean?
a. the Land between the Rivers
b. the Land of the Fertile Crescent
2. What inventions were developed in Mesopotamia?
a. the world’s first writing system
b. the wheel and the plow
c. kings and the state as a way of organizing political life
d. all of the above
3. What did Sargon’s mom do with him after his birth?
a. She gave him to the local temple as an offering to the gods.
b. She put him in a basket and floated him down the river.
4. How did Sargon provide food for his troops?
a. He paid for it with gold from his treasury.
b. His troops took it by force through plundering.
Chapter 2: The Babylonians
5. Why did Hammurabi write his code of laws?
a. He wanted to frighten his people with harsh punishments.
b. He wanted to make just and fair laws so that his people would love him.
6. In what type of writing did Hammurabi write his 282 laws?
a. hieroglyphs
b. cuneiform
7. If a slave told his master that he wasn’t his master, what happened to
a. His ear was cut off by his master.
b. He was killed by his master.
8. Was everyone equal before Hammurabi’s laws?
a. No, rights varied based on a person’s rank in society.
b. Yes, Hammurabi believed that all people should be treated equally.
Chapter 3: The Assyrians
9. How did Ashurnasirpal II keep all of his cities he under control?
a. He used brutal tortures and sadistic scare tactics to frighten them.
b. He tried to win them over with just laws and free food for the poor.
Assignment 3C4 Updated 2011
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How did Sennacherib die?
a. He stoned to death by an angry mob of his own subjects.
b. His son stabbed him or pushed a giant stone statue on top of him.
How did Esarhaddon escape the 70-year curse his father had called
down on the city of Babylon?
a. He read the tablet upside down to find out it was only an 11-year curse.
b. He destroyed the tablet it was recorded on and pretended it had never
been written.
What did Ashurbanipal value the most in his library?
a. He valued 300 “omen texts,” which he thought predicted the future.
b. He valued the tales of Gilgamesh, a hero of ancient Mesopotamia.
Chapter 4: The Neo-Babylonians
What Babylonia king overthrew the Assyrian Empire?
a. Nebuchadnezzar II
b. Nabopolassar
What did Nebuchadnezzar II order after his armies took the city of
a. He ordered all of the important people of Judah put to the sword.
b. He ordered all of the important people of Judah deported to Babylon,
known as the Exile in Jewish history.
What was the color of the ceremonial Ishtar Gate?
a. yellow
b. blue
Why did Nebuchadnezzar build the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
a. He did it to give his doctors a place to grow herbs for medicine.
b. He did it to comfort his homesick Iranian wife.
Chapter 5: The Persians
What skills were Persian boys expected to learn?
reading, writing, and mathematics
horseback riding and archery
How did Cyrus get the people of his empire to support him?
He was generous to his subjects and supported local religions.
He used brutal torture and sadistic scare tactics to frighten them.
What did Cyrus do to the Jews?
He let 40,000 of them return to their homeland in Judah.
He had 40,000 of them slaughtered for rebelling against him.
Who took the Persian Empire from Darius III?
Julius Caesar, leader of the Romans
Alexander the Great, leader of the Macedonians
Assignment 3C4 Updated 2011
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