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*Rock Cycle Study Guide Key
Q2. Create a chart that illustrates the correct rock cycles sequence. Clues; The first category layer has one word;
the second category layer has three word branches that are subdivided into two branches that will form the third
layer which consist of six words. All together there are (10) listed words? Clastic, chemical, extrusive, foliated,
igneous, intrusive, metamorphic, non-foliated, rocks, and sedimentary are the word choices. (D40-42, D48, D57,
Igneous rocks
ex pluton
Sedimentary rock
ex. rhyolite
( minerals)
Metamorphic rock
(visible layer)
(nonvisable )
Q3. Name, classify, describe, and compare three interesting rock that represent different stages of the
rock cycle (D40-44)
( D 48 – 51)
(D56- 59)
A3. Igneous - Pumice
Sedimentary rock – Breccia
metamorphic rock - Phyllite
Light, holes
sharp pebbles,
clay, thin, dark
Q4. Name two scientists that study or work with rocks? D70 D32
4. August F. Foerste Waverly J. Pearson
Florence Bascom
Friedrich Mohs
Q5. What is a conglomerate rock? D48
A5. A conglomerate rock contains small round pebbles and sand that are cemented together.
Q6. What types of rocks form as a result of lava and magma cooling and crystallizing?(D41)
A6. Igneous rocks form as a result of lava and magma cooling and crystallizing.
Q7. Name some different ways that rocks are used?
A7. Rocks are used as medicine, flavoring, architectural design, cosmetic products, writing utensils,
preservatives, soil treatment, purification and filtration, and energy resources.
Q8. What is the correct rock cycle sequence pattern involved in the events of the rock cycle: (compaction and
cementation, heat and pressure weathering, erosion, deposition, Melting, cooling, solidification (D65)
A8. The rock cycle involves the following sequence patterns;
1st melting magma & lava, cooling, and solidification, forms (Igneous rock)
2nd weathering, erosion, and deposition, compaction and cementation, forms (Sedimentary rock)
3rd heat and pressure. - forms (metamorphic rock)
Q9. What does the rock cycle illustrates? (D64)
A9. The rock cycle illustrates how rocks are related, formed, and recycled.
Q10. What is a parent rock? (D56 & 57 chart)
A10 The original rock before it changed into the new rock.
Q.11 Give an example of one parent rocks and its metamorphic new rock. (D57)
A11. Parent rock -Granite -changes into – Metamorphic rock – marble
Q12. What type of rock is formed as a result of deposition, sedimentation, and cementation? (D49 & 65)
A.12 Sedimentary rocks
Q13. How many groups of processes are involved in the rock cycle? (#Q7 & D65)
A. 13There are (3) basic processes that include (10) separate step; melting, cooling, and solidification,
weathering, erosion, and deposition, compaction and cementation, heat and pressure.
Q14. What is the pressure and heat intensity level that will determine which type of rocks will form due
to low grade metamorphism and high grade metamorphism? (D56)
A 14. low grade metamorphism – involves less intense pressure and heat while high grade metamorphism –
involves very high extreme pressure and heat.
Q15. What are the three basic types of rocks? (D40-42, D48, D57, D65)
A 15. Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are the three basic types of rocks.
Q16 . What type of rock contains small holes? (D43)
A.16 A pumice rock contains small holes or pores.
Q17. What are some properties that are used to identify different types of rocks? (CHART- D42-43,
D50-51, D57)
A 17 Texture-touch,
Course or Smooth
Hard or soft , float/sink
Color-physical appearance
Dark / light /layer
main mineral substance
Q. 18.
What is a geode? Internet
A. 18.
A rock that has large visible crystals.
Q 19.
What types of rocks are produced as a result of heat, pressure, and property change? (D56 & 65)
A 19. Metamorphic rocks
Q 20. What are some science careers that are associated with the rocks unit? (D40)
A. 20. Paleontologist Geologist mineralogist seismologist, Petrologist, Stratigraphers, Geomorphologists
Q 21. What is the difference between intrusive and extrusive rocks and their properties? (D42-43)
A 21. Intrusive rocks – rock formed by Magma. It occurs inside the earth
Lava. It occurs outside the earth.
Extrusive rocks- rocks formed by
Q 22. Name and describe two other types of rocks beside those included with the basic rock cycle.
A 22. Geode - large visible crystals,
Jem stones – colorful crystal rocks
Fossil - calcified rocks
Q 23. What type of test can be used to classify rocks?
A 23. Scratch test, acid test, hardness, tenacity, composition, density, streak, color, luster, cleavage/fracture
texture, and diaphaneity (transparency)
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