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Lab No. 6
Muscles and the muscular system.
I. Fill in the blanks.
1._______________ muscle is uninucleated, nonstriated, and located in the walls of internal organs.
2. The fascia called _______________separates muscle fibers from one another within a fascicle.
3. When a muscle fiber contracts, an ______________myofilament slides past a myosin myofilament.
4. The energy molecule ________________ is needed for muscle fiber contraction.
II. Match the following:
(a) a sheath of areolar connective tissue that wraps around individual skeletal muscle fibers
(b) dense irregular connective tissue that separates a muscle into groups of individual muscle fibers
(c) bundles of muscle fibers
(d) the outermost connective tissue layer that encircles an entire skeletal muscle
(e) dense irregular connective tissue that lines the body wall and limbs and holds functional muscle
units together
(f) a cord of dense regular connective tissue that attaches muscle to the periosteum of bone
(g) muscle cell
(h) areolar and adipose connective tissue that separates muscle from skin
(i) connective tissue elements extended as a broad, flat layer
(j) a two-layer tube of fibrous connective tissue enclosing certain tendons
(1) aponeurosis
(2) fascia
(3) subcutaneous layer
(4) tendon
(5) endomysium
(6) perimysium
(7) epimysium
(8) tendon (synovial) sheath
(9) fascicles
(10) muscle fiber
III. Match the following (some questions will have more than one answer):
(a) has fibers joined by intercalated discs
(b) thick and thin filaments are not arranged as orderly sarcomeres
(c) striated
(d) contraction begins slowly but lasts for long periods
(e) has an extended contraction due to prolonged calcium delivery from both the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the
interstitial fluid
(f) does not exhibit autorhythmicity
(g) uses troponin as a regulatory protein
(h) can be classified as single-unit or multiunit
(i) can be autorhythmic
(j) uses calmodulin as a regulatory protein
(1) skeletal muscle
(2) cardiac muscle
(3) smooth muscle
IV. Match the following:
(a) muscle that stabilizes the origin of the prime mover
(b) site of muscle attachment to a stationary bone
(c) muscle that stretches to allow desired motion
(d) muscle that contracts to stabilize intermediate joints
(e) site of muscle attachment to a movable bone
(f) group of muscles, along with their blood and nerves, that have a common function
(g) contracting muscle that produces the desired motion
(h) fleshy part of the muscle
(1) compartment
(2) origin
(3) insertion
(4) belly
(5) synergist
(6) fixator
(7) prime mover (agonist)
(8) antagonist
V. Match the following (some answers may be used more than once):
(a) most common lever in the body
(b) lever formed by the head resting on the vertebral column
(c) always produces a mechanical advantage
(d) EFL
(e) FLE
(f) FEL
(1) first-class lever
(2) second-class lever
(3) third-class lever