Download epping high school course syllabus

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Course Title:
for Learning
District Skills
for Learning
Students in this course will study the stories told by people around the world, stories that
seek to answer life's essential questions. Students will explore connections between the
stories of various cultures and historical periods and examine how cultures are similar and
different in the answers they offer to life’s essential questions. Daily readings will include
creation myths, the hero’s cycle, ancient religious texts, and modern mythology.
Assignments in this course include journal and creative writing, individual and group
projects, daily classroom discussions, quizzes, tests, and at least 1 formal paper.
Students will understand concepts and demonstrate ability to transfer skills across
content areas and apply concepts and skills to real-life situation.
Reading - Students will demonstrate the ability to read closely and analytically to
comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts.
Writing – Students will demonstrate the ability to produce effective and well-grounded
writing for a range of purposes and audiences.
Speaking & Listening – Students will demonstrate the ability to employ effective
speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences.
Research & Inquiry – Students will demonstrate the ability to engage in research and
inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information.
Students will become a:
Collaborator – Students will understand that respect, collaboration, and leadership
are critical to interacting and working effectively with others.
Communicator – Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly using
the most appropriate and effective means.
Contributor – Students will demonstrate the ability to contribute toward a better
world through community service, acceptance and tolerance of diverse people, and
responsibility for the environment.
Evaluator – Students will demonstrate the ability to access, evaluate, use, and
manage information.
Learner – Students will demonstrate the ability to be flexible, adaptable, and
accountable throughout the learning process.
Producer – Students will demonstrate the ability to manage projects, produce
results, and create media products.
Technology User – Students will demonstrate the ability to use technology
respectfully and apply it effectively.
Thinker – Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically, creatively, and
systemically to define and solve problems.
The Epping High School community educates and empowers students within a safe environment to
become Respectful, Involved, and Knowledgeable citizens.
School Based
(CCS linked to
1. Students will demonstrate the ability to interpret and critically analyze literature to
Units of Study
Course Unit
Content and
understand the human experience. (Reading)
Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate through writing for a
variety of purposes and audiences. (Writing)
Students will understand that speaking purposefully and articulately, and listening and
viewing attentively and critically, are essential to becoming effective communicators.
(Speaking and Listening)
Students will demonstrate the ability to acquire and express knowledge by reading
nonfiction and informational texts. (Reading, Research and Inquiry)
Students will understand that effective learners use specific cognitive and metacognitive
strategies to solve problems, overcome obstacles, and reflect on their own learning.
(Reading, Writing, Research and Inquiry)
Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively research, organize, and critically
evaluate information in assessing problems. (Research and Inquiry))
1. Introduction to Mythology and Creation Myths
2. Gods and Goddesses
3. Greek Drama and Hubris
4. Classic Heroes and Modern Mythology
Introduction to Mythology and Creation Myths (CCS: 1, 2) (DCC: Reading, Writing)
(DSC: Evaluator, Learner, Producer)
1. Students will identify and explain the purpose of mythology to society.
2. Students will demonstrate and explain the ways in which a creation myth
reflects the cultural values of its people.
3. Students will compare and contrast a selection of creation myths from around
the world.
4. Students will compose a creation myth using the common characteristics of
creation myths as well as cultural knowledge of the geographic location (setting) of
the myth.
Gods and Goddesses (CCS: 1, 3, 4, 6) (DCC: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening,
Research and Inquiry) (DSC: Communicator, Evaluator, Learner, Producer,
Technology User)
1. Students will match gods and goddesses with their domain/traits.
2. Students will compare/contrast the role of gods and goddesses in cultures
around the globe.
3. Students will research, plan, and implement a presentation to the class of
information on a particular trait represented by gods/goddesses around the world.
4. Students will determine key characteristics of gods and goddesses based on
The Epping High School community educates and empowers students within a safe environment to
become Respectful, Involved, and Knowledgeable citizens.
Greek Drama and The Tragic Hero (CCS: 1, 2, 5) (DCC: Reading, Writing, Speaking
and Listening) (DSC: Collaborator, Communicator, Learner, Thinker)
1. Students will define classical Greek tragedy.
2. Students will identify, interpret, and analyze elements of a literary tragedy.
3. Students will analyze a text to identify passages that support the craft of literary
4. Students compare/contrast a classic literary tragedy with a modern literary
Classic Heroes and Modern Mythology (CSS: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) (DCC: Reading, Writing,
Speaking and Listening, Research and Inquiry) (DSC: Communicator, Evaluator,
Learner, Thinker, Producer, Technology User)
1. Students will identify and explain the steps in the hero’s journey.
2. Students will analyze how the hero’s journey in a collection of short hero myths
aligns with the archetypical hero’s journey.
3. Students will write and rewrite a reflective personal narrative in which they apply
the stages of the hero cycle to themselves.
4. Students will compare and contrast modern hero myths with ancient hero myths,
establishing criteria for evaluation then judging which myth is better.
Individual and group learning through direct instruction, discussions, modeling,
research, think/pair/share, group work, learner’s strategies.
Homework, “do now” activities, exit tickets, quizzes, journal entries, papers, tests,
projects, presentations, student self-assessments
February 2012
July 2015
The Epping High School community educates and empowers students within a safe environment to
become Respectful, Involved, and Knowledgeable citizens.