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The Right Solution for Enterprise MBSE
A Rock Solid Data Model Built on SQL Server
A proven data schema implemented on the rock solid Microsoft SQL Server® gives your mission critical system proper foundation.
GENESYS is built on strong user authentication protocols that are standard so users can bring their own credentials to the tool and it will know how it should treat that user. HIGHLY-­CONNECTED
Delivering the Power of MBSE to the Enterprise
Project documents and data from
Consistent system model is
across the organization create input
developed from collaborative
sources for model development.
efforts using enterprise data.
The GENESYS™ Platform Scales to Meet the Needs of All Systems Engineers
Vitech’s GENESYS™ software suite brings the proven
STRATA™ approach together with an enterprise-­ready architecture,
giving you the ability to deliver model-­based systems engineering
(MBSE) seamlessly and consistently across your project team.
GENESYS is an open architecture based on familiar standards, so
Integration of project management data, schedule
resources, and cost inputs allows you to be more respon-­
you can focus on design and not trying to get disparate tools to
scalability of GENESYS gives you a simple path to upgrades
sive to the customer at critical points in the program.
work together. GENESYS takes the guesswork out of implementation
and extensions for a growing team.
GENESYS Server opens the collaborative platform
and delivers on context-­driven modeling for complex systems
through rich APIs so you can expose the power of an
engineering problems.
integrated model to all team stakeholders.
2270 Kraft Drive, Suite 1600
Blacksburg, VA 24060 USA
Tel: +1.540.951.3322
The Proven Capabilities of Vitech: The Architecture of Tomorrow
Feed Models with Sources from Across
The system model is a linchpin in the engineering process. Feed it with data from sources including project manage-­
ment, requirements capture, costing, risk assessment and other groups.
Model Consistency
Change one diagram and see your
Fully exploit the power of MBSE by tailoring it to meet \RXUVSHFL¿FQHHGV/HYHUDJHWKH*(1(6<6RSHQ
architecture and standard technologies to deliver new capabilities and integrate your domain toolkit to take MBSE to a new level.
always be consistent and the impact
of changes traced seamlessly.
With the ever-­accelerating pace of
Behavior Analysis
change, responding adeptly and
delivering rapidly is essential to business
today. Through model-­based systems
engineering (MBSE), leading companies
An intuitive, ribbon-­based interface drives easy adoption for new users. Context-­based diagrams provide clear under-­
standing of all aspects of the model.
are transforming their practices and
harnessing the collective power of
their organization to deliver innovative
Leverage SysML Views
solutions, revolutionary products, and
GENESYS comes ready to deliver SysML representations out of the box. If you need to leverage the power of SysML EXWZDQWWKHÀH[LELOLW\RIDQLQWHJUDWHGPRGHOLQJDSSURDFK
GENESYS brings these elements together so you don’t have to compromise.
project success.
your product architecture is on solid
Project Clarity
ground from day one.
Standard reports are easy to create with GENESYS. Users will be up and running in no time with the standard drag and drop report generator.
Improve your analysis and communi-­
from across the system domains, the
Validate solution architectures faster
GENESYS combined model delivers
Capture details the right way by modeling interfaces between subsystems. Use information from across the enterprise to give interfaces the context to close the gaps.
Detailed System Functionality
A quality functional architecture is key to
product and project success. GENESYS
delivers robust behavioral representations
and the integrated simulation to ensure
Integrating sometimes disparate data
unique insights. Combining integration
with execution, GENESYS enables rapid
exploration of alternative solutions to
empower better decisions, reduce proj-­
ect risk, and decrease life-­cycle cost.
End-­to-­end MBSE through an integrated
cation across entire team
Domain Command
Architecture Synthesis
with distributed models