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Chapter 1: (Science of Biology)
Scientific method (be able to put steps in order and identify) 15
Dependent (responding) and independent (manipulated) variables (know the difference) 16
Know what a control is
Hypothesis (recognize a well-written hypothesis) 14
Theory (know what it is) 16
How is a law different from a theory?
Characteristics of living things (8) 5-6
Homeostasis (what is it) 9
Divisions within the science of biology (zoology, botany, genetics, ecology)
Hierarchy of organization (atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, systems, organisms) 5
Types of microscopes; what are they used for? (electron, light) 19-20
Common lab safety rules R2-R4
Chapter 2: (Chemistry of Life)
Acids and bases (differences & characteristics, examples) 43
Subunits of macromolecules (what makes up macromolecules?) 45-48
4 macromolecules of living things (protein, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids) 45-48
Enzymes and catalysts (what are they, how are they used?) 54-56
Chapter 3: (Cell Structure & Function)
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (examples) 72
Endosymbiotic theory (how a prokaryote made a eukaryote) 72
List organelles and their functions (vacuoles, nucleus, lysosome) 73-79
Recognize examples of osmosis & diffusion 85-86
3 parts of the cell theory 71
Describe pathway of protein in a cell (ribosomes, golgi body) 89-91
Structure of cell membrane (lipid bilayer) 82
Distinguish between plant and animal cells (structure & specific organelles) 74
Chapter 4: (Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration)
Explain photosynthesis and respiration (formulas, chloroplasts, mitochondria)103-105, 113-115, 121
Know makeup of ATP and ADP (ATP-ADP cycle) 101
Know types of anaerobic respiration (alcoholic & lactic acid fermentation) 122-125
Chapter 5-6: (Cell Growth & Division)
Cell cycle (interphase, mitosis, & cytokinesis) 134-135
Recognize phases of mitosis (PMAT& C) 140
Recognize homologous pairs, centromeres, spindle fibers, centrioles, cleavage furrow, cell plate) 138-139
What causes cell division?145-146
What is cancer? 146
Chapter 7: (Genetics)
What did Mendel study? 177-178
What is Meiosis? What are the stages of it? meiosis (PMAT1 & PMAT2) 174-175
How are mitosis & meiosis different? 140 and 174-175
Recognize genetic crosses (P1, F1, F2), know predictable ratios of offspring in each cross 179
What are alleles, genes, traits? 180
What is the principle of dominance? Independent Assortment? Segregation? 181, 186
Know the terms: phenotype, genotype, homozygous, heterozygous 180-181
Recognize examples of: incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, polygenic traits 204-05
Recognize diploid (2N) & haploid (N) 170-171
What are linked genes & gene maps? 209-211
What causes mutations in genes and chromosomes? 252-255
Know what a pedigree is and how it is used in human genetic studies 215
Name some polygenic traits 206
What are genotypes and phenotypes for blood types? (AA, AO, BB, BO, AB) 205
Know causes and symptoms of: Cystic fibrosis, PKU, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, Down’s
syndrome, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, muscular dystrophy) 201, 208, 213, 217, 252, 284
Explain nondisjunction 192
What is a test cross? 185
What is a karyotype? 217
Explain electrophoresis & DNA fingerprinting, bacterial transformation 272-274
What are the sex chromosomes? How many chromosomes do you have in body/somatic cells? 169-170
Name 2 sex-linked traits (colorblindness, balding, etc) Sex-limited traits, sex-influenced traits 201-203
What are: germ cells, somatic cells, autosomes, sex chromosomes 169-170
Chapter 8: (DNA & RNA)
History of DNA discovery & description 226-227
Structure of DNA (nucleotides, bases, phosphates, sugar, double helix) 230-233
Differences between RNA & DNA 239
Explain DNA replication (unzipping, base pairing) 237
Steps of protein synthesis (transcription, translation, nRNA, tRNA, rRNA, codons, anticodons) 241, 246
Chapter 9: (Genetic Engineering, Human Genome)
Explain selective breeding & hybridization 298
Crossing over, recombination (how do they contribute to genetic variation?) 329, 374
Know genetic engineering techniques (restriction enzymes, PCR, restriction fragment length polymerization)
What is a plasmid, vector, transformation? 276
Give examples of: transgenic plants, animals, microorganisms 277-78
What is cloning? 275
What is: Human Genome Project, gene therapy, cloning 281, 285, 275
Chapter 10-12: (Evolution & History of Life)
What were the contributions of Darwin? 298-306
What is natural selection? 304-306
What is the use & disuse theory?
How are natural and artificial selection different? 304-05
What is “survival of the fittest”? 305-07
List evidence of evolution 310-14
Explain speciation 344-346
What are acquired traits?
What is a gene pool? 328-329
What are vestigial, analogous, and homologous organs? 312-314
Conditions for life on earth and What did Miller prove in his lab? 368-370
Explain: mass extinctions, coevolution, adaptive radiation, convergent evolution, punctuated equilibrium 348351
Chapter 13: (Biosphere)
What are autotrophs and heterotrophs? 406
Describe carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles. 413-416
What is a food web? Food pyramid?411, 417-419
Chapter 14-15: (Ecosystems & Communities)
Know major land biomes and characteristics of each 462-474
Know: parasitism, commensalism, mutualism, competition 431-433
Chapter 16: (Populations & Human Impact)
What are renewable and nonrenewable resources? 485
Population growth curves (carrying capacity, exponential growth) 484
Biomagnification 495
What is global warming, the greenhouse effect? 490-492
Chapter 17: (Classification)
List the 6 kingdoms and name characteristics of each 534-535
What are the 3 domains of life? 534
What is binomial nomenclature? Taxonomy? 518-19
What are the 3 systems of classification? 524-27
Chapter 18-19: (Bacteria, Viruses, Protists, Fungi)
Describe characteristics of bacteria and viruses. 544, 547 and 555-558
Name the parts of a viral structure. 547-548
Contrast algae, protozoa, & fungus-like protists. 574, 578, 581-584
Name major characteristics of fungi. 587- 592
Chapter 20-22: (Plant Diversity, Structure, Reproduction, Responses)
Know what the following do: xylem, phloem, ovary, pollen, ovules, cortex 642, 668 614
Do seed-bearing plants need water for fertilization? 670-672
Difference between monocots and dicots 626
Differences between annuals, biennials, and perennials 627
Differences between woody and herbaceous plants 627
Functions of roots, stems, leaves, flowers 648-49, 644, 652, 668
Know what root pressure is 645
Where are vascular bundles found? 642
Know when stoma are open or closed (how do guard cells make this happen?) 653
Know how capillary action, adhesion, & cohesion work 643
What is pollen, where is it produced? 669-70
What 3 things make up a seed? 666-67
What do the ovule and ovary become in angiosperms? 667
How can seeds be dispersed? 667
Explain dormancy and germination 674-75
What are plant hormones, what does each do? 680-81
Know plant tropisms (gravitropism, phototropism) 681-83
What are cactus leaves adapted to do? 678
Chapter 23-24: (Invertebrates)
Name the 3 animal cell layers (endo, ecto, mesoderm), what do they form? 701
List the 3 types of body symmetry. 701
How do sponges feed? 706
What are nematocysts? 707-08
Know life cycle of the jellyfish 707
How are polyp and medusa forms different? 707
How can you contract roundworms? 716-17
How can you get hookworms? 717
Know parts of earthworm digestive system. 716
What does the mantle make in mollusks? 712
Explain arthropod appendages 728-29
Know parts and functions of water-vascular system in echinoderms 718
Chapter 25-27: (Chordates)
Know differences between chordates and vertebrates & examples of each 758-60
Know differences between viviparous, oviparous, and ovoviviparous birth 793
How are fish and amphibians different? 773, 763-764
Stages of amphibian metamorphosis 775
Describe differences between the retile egg and the bird egg. 778-79
How does the body plan of a snake differ from other reptiles? 796
Know the terms: endothermic, exothermic 791
Know parts of the vertebrate brain and their functions, which part is larger in humans? 886-88
Know parts of the amniotic egg 779
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