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TU München
Zentrum Mathematik
Lehrstuhl M16
E. Sonnendrücker
K. Kormann
Sommersemester 2014
Monte Carlo Methods with applications to plasma physics
Exercise sheet 7
1. Importance sampling
Let us consider the PDF f (x) = √12π e−x /2 of the standard normal distribution. We want to
compute E[ 2πχ[0,1] (X)] using Monte–Carlo integration.
(a) Estimate E[ 2πχ[0,1] (X)] by Monte–Carlo integration with random numbers X drawn
from the standard normal distribution. Compute the mean squared error.
(b) As an alternative consider sampling U from the uniform distribution on [0, 1] with PDF
χ[0,1] (x). In this case, we want to compute E[e−U /2 ]. Compute the mean squared error
and compare to the result in (a).
2. Control variates
Let us consider the random variable X := U 2 + εU with U uniformly distributed on [0, 1].
Now assume that we know the expected value of Y := U 2 so that we can use it as a control
variate. As a function of ε compute the variance of X and Z := X − (Y − E[Y ]).