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The Potential
“Real Cost” of
a Course Book
to a UW Student
Retail Price
What Can UW Faculty Members
Do to Save Students Money
$100.00 $75.00
Book is Sold Back
to the Book Store
Net Cost of Book
To UW Student
UW Customer
Real Cost of Book
To UW Student
55% of Current New
Book Price (assumes
the book is used for
another UW course)
10% Rebate —Reduces
cost of a future book
store purchase
Example based on a $100 new course book
Where Does the
New Course Book
Dollar Go?
Prices of many course books are high. Often
the Book Store is blamed for these high
prices. The reality is that most of the price of
a new course book is paid to the publisher.
Following is the most common example:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 76¢
(Paper, author royalties, editorial, marketing and
operating costs, and publisher income)
Academic Publisher
University Book Store .
. . . . . . . . . . .
(Personnel, operating and freight costs, taxes,
UW Customer Rebate, Income)
Total .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Why Are Due Dates So Far in Advance
of the Beginning of the Quarter?
• To ensure that previously
used books can be
bought back from
students as soon as
possible and at
the highest prices.
• To ensure that course
materials are available
to students as soon
as possible.
Course Materials Due Dates
Due Date
May 25
October 25
January 25
April 25
• Adopt previously used books
as often as possible.
• Submit course book adoptions
by the due dates.
• Evaluate textbook “bundles”
carefully to ensure that bundled
materials will be used in the course.
• Before adopting a new edition of a
textbook, make sure the changes
from the previous edition are
significant enough to make a
difference in the course.
• Provide the Book Store with lists
of all course materials, not just
books, required or recommended
for your courses.
• Shop at University Book Store.
Proceeds from every purchase
directly benefit UW students and
the greater UW community.
• 10% UW Customer Rebate —
Over $27 million in rebates provided
to the UW community since 1930.
• UW Student Scholarships —
Over $750,000 in scholarships
provided to date.
• Special Academic Pricing on computer
systems, software and Apple products
— best prices available.
• Sponsorship and support of
UW faculty authors, department
lectures and events.
• Over 450 author events annually.
• All course materials selected by
UW faculty are stocked in the
right quantities.
• Expert assistance to UW Faculty in
selecting and sourcing course materials.
• To ensure that a sufficient number
of books for each course can be
acquired before the quarter begins.
New & Used General Books • Books & Materials for UW Courses
Computers, Software, Supplies & Accessories • Student & Art Supplies
UW Husky Gear • Gifts, Cards & Stationery • the book store café
Benefits to the
UW Community
Free Gift Wrapping • Free Shipping of General Books Anywhere
in the US • Free Author Events • Free Wi-Fi • Purchase of Used
General Books • Validated Parking •
About University Book Store
U District & Technology Center
4326 University Way NE
(UD) 206.634.3400
(TC) 206.545.4382
University Book Store’s mission is to provide
University of Washington students,
faculty and staff with supportive and
990 102nd Avenue NE
valued products and services as well as
meaningful savings and benefits in an
environment that delivers a superior
Mill Creek
15311 Main Street
customer experience.
We believe in and support the
University of Washington’s vision to
change people’s lives through education.
Board of Trustees
University Book Store is a corporate trust
governed by an eleven-member board of
trustees, consisting of:
• 5 UW students
• 4 UW faculty members
• 1 UW administrator
• The Book Store CEO
The Trustees also serve as Directors
of University Book Store, Inc.
Please visit
for more information.
or contact:
Bryan Pearce, CEO
[email protected]
Who Started University Book Store?
Two UW students started University Book
Store in January 1900. Two UW faculty
members donated a total of $100 in capital.
Who Owns University Book Store?
University Book Store is owned by the
University of Washington Book Store
Trust. The Trust is governed by an eleven
member board of trustees consisting
of UW students, faculty and staff.
How is University Book Store Organized?
Your Book Store is organized as a for-profit
corporate trust. UW students, faculty
and staff are beneficiaries of the trust.
Where do the Earnings Go?
All earnings not required to operate
and grow your Book Store go to UW
beneficiaries in different ways.
1754 Pacific Avenue
100 Husky Union Building
18325 Campus Way NE, Suite 102
Health Sciences
301 South Campus Center