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Making History, LIVE!
with Roanoke Children’s Theatre
What better way to learn about what it was like to live in a world
of the past than to bring that world back to life onstage?
As part of our educational outreach mission, RCT offers SOL-compliant in-school
residencies as a theatre enrichment option for schools in our community.
These programs come with study guides, in-class instruction by RCT’s
professional actors/educators, and follow-up materials. These courses can be
offered over several days to a class level, or in one day to multiple classrooms.
Students Will Learn All About
The New World of Jamestown and
The World of Theatre by Putting on a Play!
Living is Learning —
and that’s what RCT Residencies are all about.
Jamestown —A New World
To create the Play in Residency, students will explore the
New World they are bringing to life:
Why did Jamestown settlers come to America?
Where is Jamestown located?
What was the importance of the charters of the
Virginia Company of London ?
What was the Virginia House of Burgesses?
What was the impact of the arrival of women?
What was the impact of the arrival of Africans?
What hardships did the Jamestown settlers face?
What changes took place to ensure survival?
How did the Powhatan people and the settlers interact?
Why did these relationships change?
Making History—LIVE! Onstage!
And to create the New World on stage, students will explore
the world of Theatre Arts:
Performance, research and
design are all part of the act
in an RCT Residency!
What is a play?
What are professional theatre jobs?
And why is a Producer like King James?
How do actors prepare?
How do you cast a show?
And who will be in the show today?
What design/technical positions make a world
come to life?
What inspires designing props and costumes?
Experience Rehearsals, Dress Rehearsal and
Opening Night!
Roanoke Children’s Theatre: Professional Theatre for Young Audiences
For more information please call 540-309-6802 or contact Pat Wilhelms, Artistic Director
[email protected]
Making History, LIVE!
with Roanoke Children’s Theatre
Here’s what Teachers are saying about RCT:
"The presentation was a wonderful review and the children were very enthusiastic
in their performance!" - Frances Burkholder, 4th Grade
An instructor commented to me that it is so good to see the theatre in some form come to
our school as it has been missing for so long. Our students simply love the program.”
- E. Hobson-Hardy, Westside 21st Century Community Learning Center
I hope this is just the beginning and that we will be able to continue this educational
program and add even more next year." - Russ Baskett, Smith Mtn Lake Good Neighbors
Providing Comprehensive SOL-compliant Programming in the Classroom,
Virginia Standards of Learning Skills Addressed:
Objective: This 90 minute workshop will stimulate imagination, promote critical thinking, heighten effective listen skills,
and strengthen comprehension and learning retention of
4th Grade Jamestown SOL's by involving all the senses in the
learning process.
Grade Level: 4th Grade
Group Size: Entire Classroom
Classroom Set-Up: Students start at desks at the beginning
of the workshop. Requires a clear space in the front of the
classroom for rehearsal and performance.
Procedure: Students will be introduced to theatre and the
play production process. The Teaching Artist will guide the
students through a series of warm-ups, theatre exercises and
games to prepare their voices, bodies, and imaginations for
the day’s activities.
The Artist will engage students in theatre production by
creating the hands-on team it takes to bring a play to life.
Serving as Producer, the Artist will assign job responsibilities
to the students. The students will rehearse the show, create
the props, design costume items and ultimately perform the
play. Afterwards, the students will engage in a post show
talk-back with the Artist, critiquing the work and reinforcing
Jamestown standards learned.
Students participate on stage and
“in the booth” too!
The student will demonstrate skills for historical and
geographical analysis and responsible citizenship,
including the ability to
determine cause-and-effect relationships;
compare and contrast historical events;
draw conclusions and make generalizations;
make connections between past and present;
sequence events in Virginia history;
interpret ideas and events from different
historical perspectives;
evaluate and discuss issues orally and in writing;
analyze and interpret maps to explain relationships among landforms, water features, climatic
characteristics, and historical events.
Colonization and Conflict: 1607 through the
American Revolution
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the first
permanent English settlement in America by
explaining the reasons for English colonization;
describing how geography influenced the decision to settle at Jamestown;
identifying the importance of the charters of the
Virginia Company of London in establishing the
Jamestown settlement;
identifying the importance of the arrival of
Africans and English women to the Jamestown
describing the hardships faced by settlers at
Jamestown and the changes that took place to
ensure survival;
describing the interactions between the English
settlers and the native peoples, including the
contributions of Powhatan to the survival of the
Roanoke Children’s Theatre: Professional Theatre for Young Audiences
For more information please call 540-309-6802 or contact Pat Wilhelms, Artistic Director
[email protected]