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AP Biology
Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration Step-by-Step
For this activity, you will take miniature puzzle pieces which represent molecules in the cell and walk
through the processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis. You will do this with a partner, but you
are your partner must both be prepared to present the steps at all times (in other words, you can’t each
take only half of the duties).
 GOAL: Perform all of the steps of cell respiration OR photosynthesis with a partner. Each partner
may not say more than two steps in a row. You get one do-over if you make a mistake. After
this, you will have to use notes for partial credit. MAKE SURE YOU’RE READY!
 EXTRA CREDIT for doing it alone OR doing both parts. Must be done before or after school
during designated times. You only have two chances total to attempt extra credit.
Light Reactions
1. Photosystem II begins when sunlight with a wavelength of 680nm reacts with chlorophyll in
2. Chlorophyll releases an electron into the thylakoid membrane’s electron transport chain.
3. The electron is replaced with the electron from a hydrogen ion which is taken from water. The
remaining oxygen from water is released back into the atmosphere.
4. As the electron passes through the electron transport chain, hydrogen ions are pulled from the
stroma into the thylakoid.
5. The hydrogen ions are not in equilibrium and therefore will pass through the membrane using
ATP synthase.
6. These ions provide energy to the ATP synthase which uses the energy to attach a phosphate to
an ADP and form ATP. Every electron released from water forms an average of 3 ATP.
7. The electron then is returned back to chlorophyll to begin Photosystem I.
8. Photosystem I begins when sunlight with a wavelength of 700nm reacts with chlorophyll in
9. This time, chlorophyll releases an electron into a second electron transport chain. This electron
is attached to an NADP+ and forms an NADPH.
Calvin Cycle
1. The Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts and begins with three 5-carbon
molecules called RuBP.
2. 3 molecules of CO2 enter the chloroplast and bind to the molecules of RuBP.
3. Using the energy of 6 ATP and 6 NADPH (formed during the light reactions) the carbons are
rearranged to form six 3-carbon molecules called PGAL.
4. One PGAL exits the Calvin cycle. This PGAL will bind with additional PGALs from subsequent
Calvin cycles and form sugars such as glucose, cellulose, starch, etc.
5. The remaining five PGALs are rearranged—using energy from three more ATP’s—to reconstruct
the original three molecules of RuBP.
Cell Respiration
1. Glycolysis begins with a molecule of glucose, a 6-carbon molecule, in the cytoplasm.
2. Two ATP molecules are used to provide energy, becoming ADP
3. The glucose molecule is split into two 3-carbon molecules called PGAL.
4. Each PGAL attaches an electron to NAD+, which becomes NADH.
5. Each PGAL attaches a phosphate to an ADP to become ATP two different times.
6. The PGAL end the steps of glycolysis as two molecules of pyruvic acid.
Intermediate Step
1. Each pyruvic acid molecule enters the mitochondria.
2. Each pyruvic acid loses a carbon to carbon dioxide and becomes acetyl-CoA, a 2-carbon
3. The pyruvic acid also attaches an electron to an NAD+ which becomes NADH.
Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs Cycle)
1. Acetyl-CoA attaches to a 4-carbon molecule and forms citric acid, a 6-carbon molecule.
2. The citric acid gives off two carbons as carbon dioxide and becomes a 4-carbon molecule again.
3. The molecule attaches an electron to NAD+, which becomes NADH. This happens three times.
4. The molecule attaches an electron to FAD+, which becomes FADH2.
5. The molecule attaches a phosphate to an ADP to become ATP.
Electron Transport Chain
1. Each NADH and FADH2 provides energy to the carrier proteins in the electron transport chain
and becomes NAD+ and FAD+.
2. As the electron powers each protein in the chain, the protein pulls a hydrogen ion across the
3. The hydrogen ions return to the original side of the membrane by traveling through the ATP
synthase molecule.
4. As the hydrogen pass through, they provide energy to attach a phosphate to an ADP to become
5. The electron at the end of the transport chain attaches to an oxygen molecule and becomes
Names of students in
the group
Cell Respiration
Alone or
Alone, no With a
notes on
no notes
Alone or
Alone, no With a
notes on
no notes
one section
one section
Extra Credit Post Activity
On a separate sheet of paper, each student MAY answer ONE of these questions ON THEIR OWN. You
may discuss answers together, but you may not put the exact same answers together. (In other
words, one person cannot answer the questions and everyone else just copies them). A correct and
complete answer to any of these four questions will earn 10 extra credit points.
1. Cyanide is a chemical that, in some forms, is a highly potent toxin. The poison kills cells by blocking
the proteins in the electron transport chain. What will be the overall effect of cyanide on the cell?
Explain, in detail.
2. Creatine is a performance-enhancing supplement often used by athletes and body builders. Creatine
is able to help cells more rapidly attach phosphates to ADP molecules. What will be the overall
effect of creatine on the cell? Explain, in detail.
3. Nitric Oxide is a chemical that, in some forms, damages parts of the mitochondria, making it an
unusable organelle. What will be the overall effect of nitric oxide on the cell? Explain, in detail.
4. A bacteria called P. syringe harms plants by releasing a chemical called coronatine. Coronatine
prevents the stomata in plants from closing. What will be the overall effect of coronatine on the
cell? Explain, in detail.