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CHEM 210
Testing center #2 Study guide
Review key terms on pg. 162 (related to the sections that we covered in class)
Review all sample problems 4.1-4.6, 4.8
Know the Octet rule
Name positive and negative ions (cation[+], anion [-])
Define ionic charge
Define ion
Know what groups are metals/cations (Groups 1A- 3A)
Know what groups are mostly nonmetals/anions (Groups 5A-7A)
Review Table 4.1- 4.2
Know ionic charges for elements using the group numbers
Know what Ionic compounds, and ionic bonds are
Review properties for ionic compounds
Review formulas for ionic compounds and how to write formulas for ionic compounds
What is a formula unit? (pg. 133)
Know that the ionic formulas for ionic compounds are written such that the lowest ratio of the ions in
an ionic compound, ...this is the formula unit
Know/Review the guide to naming ionic compounds (four steps, pg.134)
Note table 4.5, elements that have more than one positive ion
Know how to neutralize the charges in an ionic formula
Know Table 4.6
Know/Review the guide to naming ionic compounds with variable charge ( four steps, pg. 136)
Know/Review the guide to writing formulas from the name of an ionic compounds
Define polyatomic ion
Know how to name polyatomic ions (Table 4.7 will be provided)
Know /Review how to name compounds that contain polyatomic ions (review naming guide on pg.
140, four steps)
Review table 4.8
Define covalent compound
Define molecule ( know an example), review table 4.9
Define double and triple bonds
Know/review how to name covalent compounds (three step guide on pg. 146)
Review table 4.12
Review Sample problem 4.10, 4.11
Define electronegativity, and know the general trend (increases up a group/column, and left to right
across a period/row)
Review figure 4.6
Review table 4.18, know type of force, example, and strength
Ch. 5●
Define mole as used in chemistry (not the anatomical mole nor the mammal, and not the military
Know Avogadro’s Number--> 6.02 x 10^23
Review guide to calculating the atoms or molecules of a substance (pg. 170)
Review Sample problem 5.1, know steps of calculating number of molecules
Define molar mass
Review Sample problem 5.3
Review/know guide to calculating molar mass (pg. 173)
Review Sample Problem 5.4
Review/know guide to calculating moles (or grams) of a substance from grams (or moles) on pg. 175
Ch. 10-Review all sample problems
● Define hydrocarbon
● Review expanded structural formula, condensed structural formula, skeletal formula (pg. 356-359)
...Review Sample problem 10.1
Review/know Table 10.2, know how to name alkanes, alkenes, alkynes
Know concept check 10.3
Review Table 10.4
Review Sample problem 10.2
Review branched vs. straight chain alkanes (pg.362- 363) (melting points)
Define isomer
Review table 10.5 (need to know what a methyl group is--> --CH3
Know the basics of how to name an alkane when a halogen (F,Cl, Br, I)is attached, (ex. CH3-CH2CH2-CH2-F
=> fluorobutane ) (fluoro,chloro,bromo, iodo)
Know the basics of how to name a cycloalkane (pg. 361, 365, table 10.4)
Know how to calculate the number of hydrogens in an alkane, and a cycloalkane (alkane formula =>
2n + 2= # H’s
…....... cyclo alkane formula => 2n, remember that n = number of carbons here
Review Sample problem 10.6
Know/Review properties of alkanes (similar to reading quiz 5)
Review Table 10.7 (know what elements can be covalently bonded)
Know what an alkene, and and alkyne are (concept check 10.5)
Know what an aromatic compound (has a benzene ring)is and why it is different from a cyclohexane
Know that alcohols have a hydroxyl group (OH-) that replaces a hydrogen atom in a hydrocarbon
(ex. CH3-CH2-OH name => ethanol)