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Teacher Grade/Class: Rough? Final? FIVE-­‐STEP LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Topic: KEY POINTS. What highlights do you want to hit? -­‐ Hinduism is at least 5,000 years old -­‐ Hinduism is pluralistic -­‐ reflected through its vast intra-­‐religious diversity as well as acknowledgement of other faiths as possible paths -­‐ Hinduism is focused on a search for truth VISION-­‐SETTING Hinduism: The Basics ASSESSMENT/End Goal/Quiz Answer 4/6 questions correctly on the quiz in Independent Practice. Key Vocabulary Hinduism Pluralism Brahman Atman Law of Karma Dharma Kama Artha Moksha Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Jnana Yoga Raja Yoga Shakti Murti Standards Addressed 1. OPENING DETERMINING METHODS A hook that will engage the students. Teachers will guide students through creating a KWL (What you Know, what you Want to know, and what you learned) chart. Students will be given 2 minutes to silently complete the K section of the chart. 3 volunteers will share one thing they know about Hinduism. Students will then be given 3 minutes to complete the W portion of the chart. 3 volunteers will share their questions, and the teacher will write them on the MATERIALS -­‐ Long white sheet of paper and writing utensil for KWL chart board. (alternatively, if pressed for time, complete a class KWL chart together) 2. INTRODUCTION TO NEW MATERIAL Slides 1 – 42 of Hinduism: The Basics Powerpoint 3. GUIDED PRACTICE: DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Hinduism: The Basics Powerpoint After Slide 4: Hindus believe that their religion has no founder or identifiable beginning, making Hinduism different from many of the other religions we have studied. In what ways does that impact the way we define the term religion? After Slide 13: Ask the students about the law of Karma. Is it different from what they thought it meant from pop-­‐culture references? How so? After Slide 29: Ask the students why idol is an inaccurate definition of the Sanskrit word murti. What is the difference? 4. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE 1. Who founded Hinduism? 2. What is the nature of God in Hinduism? 3. What is karma? Select the best answer. a. The law every action has a reaction. b. Performing one’s duty selflessly. c. Loving God with selfless devotion. d. The vibration of the universe. 4. What are the main goals of Hinduism? Circle all that apply. • Reading the Vedas • Liberation • Spreading the Hindu message • Getting a huge surplus in the karmic bank account • Taking a dip in the Ganga river • Visiting temples in the four corners of India • The pursuit of wealth • Enjoyment of the material world • Eating chilled monkey brains • Following dharma 5. Define the following yogas: a. Karma: b. Bhakti: c. Jnana: d. Raja: 6. List three countries other than India in which Hinduism is practiced by a majority or significant minority. 5. CLOSING In closing, review the KWL chart the students created at the beginning of the lesson. Is everything they said they knew true of Hinduism? Were their questions answered? What was the most interesting new thing they learned? Previously completed KWL chart. Hinduism Basics Quiz 1. Who founded Hinduism? 2. What is the nature of God in Hinduism? 3. What is karma? Select the best answer. a. The law every action has a reaction. b. Performing one’s duty selflessly. c. Loving God with selfless devotion. d. The vibration of the universe. 4. What are the main goals of Hinduism? Circle all that apply. • Reading the Vedas • Liberation • Spreading the Hindu message • Getting a huge surplus in the karmic bank account • Taking a dip in the Ganga river • Visiting temples in the four corners of India • The pursuit of wealth • Enjoyment of the material world • Eating chilled monkey brains • Following dharma 5. Define the following yogas: a. Karma: b. Bhakti: c. Jnana: d. Raja: 6. List three countries other than India in which Hinduism is practiced by a majority or significant minority. Hinduism Basics Quiz Answer Key 1. Who founded Hinduism? Hinduism does not have a founder. 2. What is the nature of God in Hinduism? Brahman is thought of as the Absolute, a formless and infinite energy. Some Hindus believe that Brahman exists in one form such as Krishna or Shiva. 3. What is karma? Select the best answer. a. The law every action has a reaction. b. Performing one’s duty selflessly. c. Loving God with selfless devotion. d. The vibration of the universe. 4. What are the main goals of Hinduism? Circle all that apply. • Reading the Vedas • Liberation • Spreading the Hindu message • Getting a huge surplus in the karmic bank account • Taking a dip in the Ganga river • Visiting temples in the four corners of India • The pursuit of wealth • Enjoyment of the material world • Eating chilled monkey brains • Following dharma 5. Define the following yogas: a. Karma: Performing one’s duty selflessly b. Bhakti: Loving god through devotion and service c. Jnana: Studying and contemplating on the scriptures d. Raja: Focusing inwardly on the divine through meditation 6. List three countries other than India in which Hinduism is practiced by a majority or significant minority. Indonesia, Nepal, the United States 
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