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Bounds Green School -Geography Unit Overview Geographical enquiry and skill (1-2) Knowledge and understanding of places. (3) Knowledge and understanding of patterns and processes (4) Knowledge and understanding of enviromental change and sustainable development. (5) Autumn A Spring A Spring B Summer A Place: Global Dimension: Autumn B *CC Link to Literacy: Place: Global Dimension: Enviroments: *Intoduce world map. Fantasy: creating maps of * Use secondary sources of *Exploring cotrasting *Introduce UK and four fantasy stories, introducing information to identify seven enviroments: countries. geographical vocabulary: continents/ and oceans. Features of a rainforest and *Introduce 7 continents. reinforce key geographical *Children to investigate desert enviroment. *Identify and describe human/ physical features clothes form around the *Comparing plants from our where their heritage world: identify weather own enviroment to our local countires are. patterns across the world and enviroment. *What their heriatge location of hot and cold areas how places are linked to other countries are like, in the world. Objectives for Year 1 Summer B *Recognise places in the world. *Create a class atlas focusing Fieldwork:School playground on the seven continents. Y 2 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 2 Spring 1 and garden. Summer 1 Objectives for Year 2 Place: London Enviroments and Fieldwork study: *Using world map/atlases Sustainability: Enviromental sustainability To be able to name, locate and identify the four countries and capital cities of the and globes to identify *Identify seasonal and daily of Local area. United Kingdom. where Europe, UK, and weather pattern in the UK and To know the surrounding seas. London are. compare it to that of the To be able to identify human and physical characteristics of England, Scotland, Wales *Name, locate and rainforest. and Northern Ireland. identify charaterictiscs rainforest, using knoweldge To be able to compare and contrast human and physical features London to another of the countires, major aquired in year 1 focus on how area in a non-European country. cities and surrounding the rainforest is being Patterns seas of the UK. damaged. To be able to identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK. *Study the human and introducing concept of reduce, To know that the climate in the UK contrasts with other counrties in the world. physical geography of reuse, recylce. Skills *Focus on *Recycling: Global Knowledge: London and compare it to Mapping: a contrasting non- To be able to use world maps, atlas' and globes to identify: European City.. >The UK, its four countries, and their capital cities. >The surrounding seas of the UK. >Non-European area of study To be able to use sattelite images (CC LINK: ICT) to ideentify daily weather patterns in the UK. To be able to use areial photos and OS maps of local area to identify human and physical features. To be able to create a map of local area using compass directions and constuct basic symbols on a map. Geographical Enquiry: To be able to describe local area and toidentify and discuss what we could do to make Autumn 1 Y3 Spring 1 Autumn 2 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Objectives for Year 3 Place: Local Area *Using World Map: identify Global Knowledge: *Exploring maps of UK: the position of latitude, To be able to name and locate coutnries and major cities of the United Kingdom locate countries and longitude, Equator, Northern To know major European countries. major cities, rivers. and Southern Hemisphere, To be able to describe the human and physical charateruistics of the UK countires. *Express views on local Artic and Antartic Circles To consolidate knowledge of London: children to know the human and physical area. Climate zones: Investigate geography of London. *Use world map to locate and explore climate in the To be able to know and compare the human and physical features of a region or area in seven continents and to Arctic Circle. Identify, Europoean country. name major countires of describe and compare Patterns: Europe. weather patterns in local *To idenmtify the contrating climate zones. *Compare local area to an area and the Arctic: map and To describe and understand the climate zone of Antartica. area/ region of Europe . analyse weather across a To compare and contrast weather patterns from the UK to Antartica. Focus on their period of time. Skills envirometnal regions and CC Link: ICT: Use internet Mapping: human charateristics. to locate Artic and to map To be able to use maps, sattelite images and OS maps to: Fieldwork study: Local Artic weather conditions. > identify human and physical characteristics of local areas. area using maps-to Focus on human effect on >To be able to use world maps to identify Europe. understand land use of the Artic: changes and what >To use digital mapping to identify countries of Europe and to focus on one country local area. Using maps to we can do? and region. find features of human To use world maps to identify: enviroment. Children to >position of latitude and longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern compare local area to that Hemispher, Artic and Antartic circles. of focus region in Europe. To map weather patterns of Antartica and the UK and to compare and contrast them. Geographical Enquiry: To know and understand the land use of their local area. Autumn 1 Y4 Settlements: Global Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Objectives for Year 4 Economic Impact on Local Settlements: Scale. Area *Comparisons between town To be able to know locate world's countries , oceans and majopr cities. World Maps: Locate Fieldwork focus: Alexandra and country. Patterns: world's countries, oceans Palace-economic effect on *Draw plans and maps of focus To identify settlement patterns ion a global scale. and major cities. (With the enviroment, and how areas Use eight points of To recognise settlement processes and how this is effected by the distributiopn of focus these aspects have changed compass, four-figure grid natural resources. and South America.) over time. reperence, sybols and key. To identify contrasting land use between urban and rural areas. Recognise human patterns Haringey seeek to manage *Children to be able to Skills: and processes, linking to enviroment sustainably. identify human and physical Mapping: the distribution of features, key topographical Use world maps to locate world countires, oceans and major cities. settlement on a global features and land use Map distribution of natural resources: energy, food, and minerals. scale and the distribution patterns. Using digital maps, to identify global settlement patterns and recognise how these of natural resources, and *Children to express, record have changed over the last 100 years. the effeect this has on and communicate own views. Compare and contrast settlement patterns to natural resources. on Europe, North settlement patterns. Recognise why UK Summer 2 Global Knowledge: Draw maps of local area: using eight point compass. Geographical Enquiry: How settlements are affected by distribution of resources and land use. Y5 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 To be able to identify major Sustainability: recognise Global Knowledge: To be able to use world rivers. effects of global warming on To understand that the production of chocolate is on a global scale. digital/computer world To understand river process enviroments. Chn to identify To be able to locate and identify South America on a world map. map to identify countries and patterns. human causes, and what we can To be able to describe geography of and name the coutnires of South America. which make chocolate. To be able to create a riuer do to manage enviroment. To understand the land use of major South American cities. To be able to explain the system and explain it, To be able to name, identify and locate major world rivers. land use and climate zones referring to the water cycle. Patterns: of these regions. Fieldwork Focus: New River in To be able to explain the climate zones of chocotlate growing regions- to be able to To be able to map the Bowes Park. Chn to locate explain climate by referring to a global map using the equator. distribution of where river on map, draw a diagram To be able to identify the physical features of a river. chocolate ois grown on a and label the river. To understand river processes and patterns. global scale. Skills: To bea ble to identify the Mapping: global trade links. To be able to use digital/coputer world map to identify focus countries. Focus on a chocolate To mapon a world map the distribution of where chocolate is grown. growing region in South Y6 Autumn 1 Objectives for Year 5 Global Trade Links: America. Autumn 2 To be able to draw on a world map the trade links between different countries. Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 To create a for sketch diagram of a river and to label it accordingly. Objectives Year 6 Enviroments: Natural Global Knowledge: Disasters: Earthquakes To know and identify the global distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes. and Volcanoes. Patterns: Chn to recognise physical To be able to explain the physical processes of an earthquake and volcano. porocess of natural To identify what humans do to sustainably manage eartquakes or volcanoes. disatsters and to identify Skills: how humans seek to Mapping: manage the envriroment. To use digital mapping to identify the global distribution of natural disaster zones. To use the internet to identify and track the occurance of natural disasters.