Download US Foreign Policy in the Interwar Years, and entry into World War II

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U.S. Foreign Policy in the Interwar Years, and entry into World War II
Notes # 19 [Chap. 25]
The Interwar Years:1919-1939
Washington Naval Conference (1921-1922)
“The Good Neighbor” Policy
II. The Beginnings of World War II
The Axis Powers-Italy, Germany, Japan
(Rome-Tokyo-Berlin Axis [1940])
Benito Mussolini (Italy)
Treaty of Versailles(1919)
Adolph Hitler (Germany)
Nazi Party
Japan: 1936-Military takes over
Admiral Hideki Tōjō
Axis Aggression (1931-1937)
World War II (Began Sept., 1939- ended August, 1945)
III. The U.S. Reaction
“The Arsenal of Democracy”
“The Four Freedoms”
1) Freedom of Speech and Expression
2)Freedom of Worship
3)Freedom from Want
4)Freedom from Fear
Sir Winston Churchill ( Prime Minister-Great Britain)
12/7/1941-Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
U.S. Declares War on Japan: December 8, 1941
Allies- U.S, Great Britain, Russia
IV. The Home Front
A. Philip Randolph
“March on Washington”
Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC)
“Double V” campaign
Women and the War-“Rosie the Riveter”
The Internment of Japanese-Americans
V. Military Highlights
A. The European Theatre of Operations
-Goal: Defeat Germany, Italy
The “Tuskegee Airmen”
-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Normandy, France
(“D-Day” -June 6, 1944)Turning Point -Europe
The “Holocaust”
B. The Pacific Theatre of Operations
Goal: defeat Japan
- Battle of Midway (1942)- Turning Point - the Pacific
“Island Hopping”
FDR dies: 4/1945
VP Harry Truman assumes office
The “Manhattan Project”
Atomic Bombs dropped:
1) On Hiroshima (8/6/1945)
2) On Nagasaki: 8/9/1945
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