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Meteors and Asteroids
Chelyabinsk Meteor - February 15, 2013
Scientists were able to calculate the trajectory of the meteor that exploded over
Chelyabinsk, Russia on February 15, 2013 by using the many cellphone videos
posted on the Internet (measuring shadows and such, just like Crime Scene
Investigators). They traced the meteor back to a group of Earth-crossing objects
known as Apollo Asteroids.
NOTE: Unlike objects in the main Asteroid Belt, which safely orbit between Mars and
Jupiter, Apollo Asteroids pass through Earth's orbit, thus posing a collision risk. So
far, more than 4,800 Apollo "close Earth approachers" have been found.
Estimates of the size of the Chelyabinsk meteor put it at between 7,000 and 10,000
tons. It was approximately 56 feet across (roughly the length of a school bus). The
energy released by the explosion was estimated to be around 500 kilotons (30
Hiroshima atomic bombs) at an altitude of between 9.3 and 16 miles. The massive
blast injured more than 1,000 people and blew out windows across the entire
Russian Urals region.
The Chelyabinsk meteor's unique, low trajectory shows that it was not associated with
asteroid 2012-DA14 which, just 15 hours later, came so near to Earth that it actually
passed between the Earth and our geosynchronous satellites. 2012-DA14 is 98 feet
in diameter, estimated 40,000 tons (four to six times larger than the Chelyabinsk
meteor), and capable of obliterating an entire city. (see image below)
Using these two, same-day events, God got me thinking about asteroids again...
2012-DA14 Asteroid
While the world's eyes were fixed on 2012-DA14, no one could have ever suspected
that a 500 kiloton Apollo would sneak up from behind. The odds of both a largemeteor hit and an asteroid close-call on the same day are 1 in 100 million.
Chelyabinsk Meteor - Billowing Smoke Trail
There are many videos on YouTube where you can watch the Chelyabinsk meteor
streak across the sky and hear the sudden, loud explosion, breaking glass, car
alarms and barking dogs. There are also videos that show where the three largest
pieces landed; one in a frozen lake, one in a field and one destroyed a vacant factory.
Solar System Asteroids
So where do all these asteroids come from? What exactly is their origin?
In 1766, Johann D. Titus, a German Mathematician developed a mathematical
formula, now known as Bode's Law, which was used to predict planetary distances in
our solar system. This formula predicted that a planet should exist between Mars and
Jupiter, but none could be seen. Then, In 1801, a Catholic priest, astronomer, and
mathematician named Giuseppe Piazzi discovered a tiny planet located at just the
right distance. This minor planet was named Ceres. Since then, more than 9000
asteroids have also been discovered along the same orbital path. This path is now
simply referred to as the Asteroid Belt.
NASA Asteroid Diagram
Two large groups of asteroids, called Trojan asteroids, have also been discovered
following after Jupiter along its orbital path. Jupiter is known as the guardian (king)
planet because of its ability to deflect, block and capture potentially harmful objects.
One common theory for the existence, and peculiar dispersion pattern, of this
multitude of asteroids (including the Apollo Asteroids) is that they are what remains of
a planet which once orbited our sun between Mars and Jupiter but was destroyed in a
cataclysmic collision with an unknown object.
If this was indeed the case, then this unknown destroyer must have been so
incredibly large and dense that it was easily able to wipeout an entire plant and yet
survive the collision intact without leaving any discernible traces behind.
After this massive collision, the resulting fragments would not only have formed an
asteroid belt, and been safely swept into Jupiter's orbital path, but a large number of
the fragments would likely have followed the "unknown object,” eventually forming a
giant “tail” of trailing debris, perhaps consisting of as much as one third of the planets
original mass.
So, what could this mysterious, destructive object have been, and where is it now?
Unknown Large Blackbodies
Scientists have concluded that we currently live in a universe of primarily secondgeneration stars. Most of the first-generation stars have already either violently
exploded as super novas (which is where all atoms heavier than iron come from), or
they have peacefully cast off their outer atmosphere (which is where many of the
atoms lighter than iron come from) and become dead, brown dwarfs. So where
exactly are all these billions of now-dead, first-generation brown dwarf stars?
In 1983, NASA launched the InfraRed Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). This satellite was
designed to look for blackbody objects -- objects that do not emit visible light -- such
as proto-galaxies; brown dwarf stars; any undiscovered planets orbiting beyond Pluto;
comets, dust clouds and even asteroids.
On December 30th of that same year, NASA announced the discovery of a massive,
cold, unknown object that might be part of our solar system. "All I can tell you is that
we don't know what it is," Said Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for
California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the
California Institute of Technology. -- Later, NASA claimed they were mistaken.
In 1992, NASA announced that an unknown gravitational force was casing deviations
in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Yet, now, they are strangely silent on the subject.
Lately, there has been a lot of Internet, conspiracy chatter about NASA's apparent,
strange behavior regarding large, blackbody objects entering our solar system. Many
are claiming a government cover up is currently in progress.
In 2006, the California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory disclosed in
an obscure research paper that sensors placed on the moon during the Apollo
missions have been detecting seismic events. What's interesting is that, out of 28
Shallow Moonquakes, 23 of them occurred when the lunar nearside was facing the
constellation Virgo.
Upon examining Virgo through the online, vurtual-sky applications; Google Sky, Wiki
Sky and World Wide Telescope, people began noticing that a small patch of the sky
has been blocked out near Virgo's legs in all three applications.
Google Sky Image of Virgo
What object could there be, coming from the direction of the constellation Virgo, which
is so heavy that its gravitational pull is causing moonquakes? What kind of object and
trajectory would cause our own government to want to hide the fact of it’s existence
from the American people? Or is this “blocked-out” region of space merely a ruse
meant to distract conspiracy theorists from something else entirely?
Astronomical Configurations
(Revelation 12:1-2) "A great and wondrous sign appeared in the heavens: a woman
clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her
head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth."
On September 28-30, 2011 during Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish feast of trumpets, the
comet Elenin, which had earlier broken into many pieces as it whipped around the
sun, apparently passed above the head of the constellation Virgo, forming what could
be described as a crown of stars. During this passage, the sun was next to Virgo; The
moon was at Virgo’s feet; And both Venus and Saturn were within Virgo.
Constellation Virgo - September 29, 2011
With the exception of the comet Elenin, a similar configuration was seen in the sky on
the night Jesus was born. Only, it was Jupiter, not Saturn, that was in close
conjunction to the planet Venus at the birth of Christ, which it has been assumed
created the optical effect of a bright star over Bethlehem.
(Revelation 12:3-4) "Then another sign appeared in the heavens: an enormous red
dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. His tail
swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood
in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child
the moment it was born."
Is this “blocked-out” object between Virgo’s legs the astronomical representation of
the red dragon of Revelation 12:3? If this object is, in fact, a dense, brown-dwarf star,
and, if it is the same object responsible for the long-ago, violent destruction of one of
our plants and the subsequent formation of the Asteroid Belt, then it will likely be
dragging a large tail of asteroids, debris and dust behind it. It could even have
companion objects orbiting it, such as several small planets and moons, and even
more asteroids.
The gravitational influence of such a heavy object would have a noticeable effect on
every orbiting body in our inner, solar system with possibly devastating consequences
to people on the surface of the earth. Either star (our sun or the brown dwarf) could
end up capturing or dislodging some of the other's orbiting bodies. The gravitational
pull of the sun could easily fling any trailing debris toward Earth. Any object captured
by the brown dwarf could be pulled from its orbit and even taken out of our solar
system into total darkness. At the very least, there will be mega-quakes, enormous
tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and the orbits of many asteroids and comets will
become disturbed, creating total chaos -- a dangerous shooting gallery.
Astrophysicist and gifted mathematician, James M. McCanney has been announcing
for decades the possible existence of brown dwarfs and likely many other large, nonluminous, blackbodies within our solar neighborhood -- all collectively referred to as
Planet-X objects. He further states that these objects are a normal part of the gradual
formation and constant rearranging of all solar systems throughout the universe. (A
Planet-X object that can affect our solar system is also referred to as "Nibiru," an
ancient Babylonian word meaning, “A crossroads or turning point.”)
According to McCanney, comets are not made of ice. This is a NASA perpetuated,
outdated myth. Any large object coming in from the outside of our solar system will,
upon encountering the solar wind, become statically charged and form a dust tail.
The year 2013 is being called the Year of the Comet. The last time anyone saw a
comet with the naked eye was comet Hale-Bopp over 15 years ago. Now, all of a
sudden we have three recently discovered "wonders in the heavens." (Three wonders
visible to the naked eye in the same year. What are the odds?)
Comet PanSTARRS (Discovered: June 6th, 2011) passed closest to earth on March
5th, 2013. PanSTARRS is considered special because it's a long-period comet that's
likely never been through our solar system before. (Another wonder?) Scientists
suspect it was recently nudged out of the "Oort cloud of comets" on the edge of our
solar system. (Nudged out by what?)
Comet Lemmon (Discovered: March 23rd 2012) was visible in the early morning
skies of the northern hemisphere begining last April. Lemmon is unusual too. It is
glowing an unnatural green color, like an electrified neon light bulb. (Yet another
Comet Lemmon
Comet ISON (Discovered: September 21st, 2012), is predicted to be the brightest
comet seen since the Great Comet of 1680. (And yet another wonder?)
Comet ISON
Some scientists are calling ISON the "comet of the century" saying that by midNovember it could outshine the full moon and might even be visible during the
daytime. Comet ISON is predicted to pass within 800,000 miles of the sun on
November 28th. If it survives without disintegrating, then it should be spectacular with
a very long tail. Around mid-January, 2012 the comet's tail was already more than
40,000 miles long. According to NASA, the closest ISON will get to earth is 40 million
miles on the day after Christmas.
Word is, this comet is HUGE, possibly planet sized, and likely has an entourage of
objects traveling with it (caught in its gravity well). Also, due to tail drag and a coming
close encounter with Mars sometime around early October, ISON's path and eventual
orbit will be hard to predict accurately. If it's large enough, it could even change the
orbit of Mars or capture Mar's moons.
Scientists are also speculating that ISON too was recently nudged out of the Oort
cloud. (Again, nudged out by what, a brown dwarf?) And these three comets aren’t the
only ones. At least four more are currently on their way. One, comet 2013-A1 may even
crash into Mars.
A Solar System Parable?
As I was looking at the diagram of the asteroid belt (shown on page three) and
considering the origin of all that debris, I suddenly became aware of a possible
parable beginning to emerging. It occurred to me that some of the asteroids have
been saved by the king (Jupiter). Some follow behind the red dragon (unknown
destroyer object). But, many still orbit in the valley of decision?
I am still unsure if I am seeing this clearly, but if there was a planet between Mars and
Jupiter, perhaps it's destruction happened at the time of the fall? What if something
big is about to disturb that asteroid belt causing more of them to be captured by
Jupiter (the king) as a living parable of the last great harvest? Some could also be
flung into outer darkness, burned up in the sun or crash into other solar system
bodies including Earth.
Perhaps we should pray for discernment about this possible parable, and watch for
any disturbance of the asteroid belt by the return of a large unknown object? (NOTE: I
believe comet ISON should also be passing through the asteroid belt on its way
toward Mars sometime in September, and then again on it's way back out of the inner
solar system.)
Bible Verses
Having studied astrophysics at Washington State University, I've often wondered
about the many prophetic bible verses involving the sun, moon, stars and Earth
shaking events. An incoming brown dwarf star or a very large, planetary-sized body
(perhaps comet ISON?) entering our inner solar system could fulfill these prophecies
very well indeed. -- Of course, The Lord does not require a comet or dark star in order
to shake the heavens.
(Acts 2:17-19) "In the last days, God says...I will cause wonders in the heavens above
(Planetary Alignments? Shooting Starts? Super nova? Comets? Passing Brown
Dwarf or Black Hole?) and signs on the earth below -- blood and fire and billows of
(Luke 21:25-27) "And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And
here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange
tides (caused by a powerful, gravitational force?). People will be terrified at what they
see coming upon the earth, for the powers in the heavens will be shaken (Disturbed
Orbits?). Then everyone will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and
great glory."
(Matthew 24:29) "Immediately after the distress of those days, the sun will be
darkened, and the moon will not give its light (Heavy Dust From Nuclear Fallout,
Volcanic Ash or Meteor Impacts?); the stars will fall from the sky (Meteors?), and the
heavenly bodies will be shaken (Disturbed Orbits?)."
(Amos 8:8-9) The earth will tremble for your deeds, and everyone will mourn. The
ground will rise like the Nile River at floodtime; it will heave up, then sink again. "In that
day," says the Sovereign LORD, "I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the
earth while it is still day. (The Earth's Outer Crust Will Shift One Quarter Turn?)
(Haggai 2:6) "This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'In a little while I will once more
shake the heavens and the earth (Disturbed Orbits?), the sea (Tsunamis Caused By
Earthquakes?) and the dry land (Earthquakes?).'
(Haggai 2:21) "Tell Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, that I am about to shake the
heavens (Disturbed Orbits?) and the earth (Earthquakes?)."
(Job 9:5-7) "It is God who removes the mountains, they know not how, When He
overturns them in His anger (Tectonic Plates Shifting in Reverse, Flattening the
Mountains?); Who shakes the earth out of its place, And its pillars tremble (Pulled Out
of Orbit?); Who commands the sun not to shine, And sets a seal upon the stars
(Heavy Dust in the Atmosphere? Suspended Solar Fusion?);"
(Isaiah 13:13) "For I will shake the heavens (Disturbed Orbits?). The earth will move
from its place (Pulled Out of Orbit?) when the LORD of Heaven's Armies displays his
wrath in the day of his fierce anger."
(Revelation 8:8) "The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge
mountain, all ablaze (Giant Asteroid?), was thrown into the sea."
(Revelation 8:10) "Then the third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from the
sky, burning like a torch (Meteor?)."
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