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People's Party (United States)
People's Party (United States)
This is about the American political party commonly known as the "Populists" which existed from 1892 to
1908. For other American and worldwide parties using the term populists see Populist Party. For the
American party with the same name which was active in the 1970s see People's Party (United States, 1971).
For the party existing in the Utah Territory from 1870-1891 see People's Party (Utah).
People's Party
Populism, bimetallism
Political position
International affiliation None
The People's Party, also known as the "Populists", was a short-lived political party in the United States established
in 1891 during the Populist movement (United States, 19th Century). It was most important in 1892-96, and then
rapidly faded away. Based among poor, white cotton farmers in the South (especially North Carolina, Alabama, and
Texas) and hard-pressed wheat farmers in the plains states (especially Kansas and Nebraska), it represented a radical
crusading form of agrarianism and hostility to banks, railroads, and elites generally. It sometimes formed coalitions
with labor unions, and in 1896 the Democrats endorsed their presidential nominee, William Jennings Bryan. The
terms "populist" and "populism" are commonly used for anti-elitist appeals in opposition to established interests and
mainstream parties.
People's Party (United States)
A People's Party grew out of agrarian
unrest in response to low agricultural
prices in the South and the
trans-Mississippi West.[1] The Farmers'
Alliance, formed in Lampasas, Texas
in 1876, promoted collective economic
action by farmers and achieved
widespread popularity in the South and
Great Plains. The Farmers' Alliance
ultimately did not achieve its wider
economic goals of collective economic
action against brokers, railroads, and
People's Party candidate nominating convention held at Columbus, Nebraska, July 15,
merchants, and many in the movement
agitated for changes in national policy.
By the late 1880s, the Alliance had developed a political agenda that called for regulation and reform in national
politics, most notably an opposition to the gold standard to counter the high deflation in agricultural prices in relation
to other goods such as farm implements.
In 1886, a "People's Party" elected some members to the Wisconsin State Assembly and Wisconsin State Senate; but
this was a labor party, and by the 1888 elections was using the Union Labor Party label.
In December 1888 the National Agricultural Wheel and the Southern Farmer’s Alliance met at Meridian, Mississippi.
In that meeting they decided to consolidate the two parties pending ratification. This consolidation gave the
organization a new name, the Farmers and Laborers’ Union of America, and by 1889 the merger had been ratified,
although there were conflicts between “conservative” Alliance men and “political” Wheelers in Texas and Arkansas,
which delayed the unification in these states until 1890 and 1891 respectively. The merger eventually united white
Southern Alliance and Wheel members, but it would not include African American members of agricultural
During their move towards consolidation in 1889, the leaders of both Southern Farmers’ Alliance and the
Agricultural Wheel organizations contacted Terence V. Powderly, leader of the Knights of Labor. “This contact
between leaders of the farmers’ movement and Powderly helped pave the way for a series of reform conferences held
between December 1889 and July 1892 that resulted in the formation of the national People’s (or Populist) Party.”[3]
People's Party (United States)
The drive to create a new political party out of the movement
arose from the belief that the two major parties Democrats and
Republicans were controlled by bankers, landowners and
elites hostile to the needs of the small farmer. The movement
reached its peak in 1892 when the party held a convention
chaired by Frances Willard (leader of the WCTU and a friend
of Powderly's)[4] in Omaha, Nebraska and nominated
candidates for the national election.
The party's platform, commonly known as the Omaha
Platform, called for the abolition of national banks, a
graduated income tax, direct election of Senators, civil service
reform, a working day of eight hours and Government control
of all railroads, telegraphs, and telephones. In the 1892
Presidential election, James B. Weaver received 1,027,329
votes. Weaver carried four states (Colorado, Kansas, Idaho,
and Nevada) and received electoral votes from Oregon and
North Dakota as well.
The party flourished most among farmers in the Southwest
1892 People's Party campaign poster promoting James
and Great Plains, as well as making significant gains in the
Weaver for President of the United States.
South, where they faced an uphill battle given the firmly
entrenched monopoly of the Democratic Party. Success was
often obtained through electoral fusion, with the Democrats outside the South, but with alliances with the
Republicans in Southern states like Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.[5] For example, in the elections
of 1894, a coalition of Populists and Republicans led by Populist Marion Butler swept state and local offices in
North Carolina, and the coalition would go on to elect Republican Daniel Lindsay Russell as Governor in 1896.[6]
Quite separate from the Populists were the Silverites in the western mining states, who demanded Free silver to solve
the Panic of 1893.
The Populists followed the Prohibition Party in actively including women in their affairs. Some southern Populists,
including Thomas E. Watson of Georgia, openly talked of the need for poor blacks and poor whites to set aside their
racial differences in the name of shared economic self-interest. Regardless of these rhetoric appeals, however, racism
did not evade the People's Party. Prominent Populist Party leaders such as Marion Butler, a United States Senator
from North Carolina, at least partially demonstrated a dedication to the cause of white supremacy, and there appears
to have been some support for this viewpoint among the rank-and-file of the party's membership.[7] After 1900
Watson himself became an outspoken white supremacist and became the party's presidential nominee in 1904 and
1908, winning 117,000 and 29,000 votes.
People's Party (United States)
Presidential election of 1896
By 1896, the Democratic Party took up many of the People's
Party's causes at the national level, and the party began to fade
from national prominence. In that year's presidential election, the
Democrats nominated William Jennings Bryan, who focused (as
Populists rarely did) on the free silver issue as a solution to the
economic depression and the maldistribution of power. One of the
great orators of the day, Bryan generated enormous excitement
among Democrats with his "Cross of Gold" speech, and appeared
in the summer of 1896 to have a good chance of winning the
election, if the Populists voted for him.
The Populists had the choice of endorsing Bryan or running their
own candidate. After great infighting at their St. Louis convention
they decided to endorse Bryan but with their own vice presidential
nominee, Thomas E. Watson of Georgia. Watson was cautiously
open to cooperation, but after the election would recant any hope
he had in the possibility of cooperation as a viable tool.[8] Bryan's
strength was based on the traditional Democratic vote (minus the
middle class and the Germans); he swept the old Populist
strongholds in the west and South, and added the silverite states in
the west, but did poorly in the industrial heartland. He lost to
Republican William McKinley by a margin of 600,000 votes, and
lost again in a rematch in 1900 by a larger margin.[9]
The 36-year old William Jennings Bryan was the
"fusion" candidate of the Democrats and the People's
Party in 1896.
Fading fortunes
The effects of fusion with the Democrats were disastrous to the Party in the South. The Populist/Republican alliance
which had governed North Carolina fell apart in North Carolina, the only state in which it had any success. By 1898,
the Democrats used a violently racist campaign to defeat the North Carolina Populists and GOP and in 1900 the
Democrats ushered in disfranchisement.[10]
Populism never recovered from the failure of 1896. For example, Tennessee’s Populist Party was demoralized by a
diminishing membership, and puzzled and split by the dilemma of whether to fight the state-level enemy (the
Democrats) or the national foe (the Republicans and Wall Street). By 1900 the People’s Party of Tennessee was a
shadow of what it once was[11]
In 1900, while many Populist voters supported Bryan again, the weakened party nominated a separate ticket of
Wharton Barker and Ignatius L. Donnelly, and disbanded afterwards. Populist activists either retired from politics,
joined a major party, or followed Eugene Debs into his new Socialist Party.
People's Party (United States)
In 1904, the party was re-organized, and Thomas E. Watson was their nominee for president in 1904 and in 1908,
after which the party disbanded again.
Historians look at Populism
Since the 1890s historians have vigorously debated the nature of Populism; most scholars have been liberals who
admired the Populists for their attacks on banks and railroads. Some historians see a close link between the Populists
of the 1890s and the progressives of 1900-1912, but most of the leading progressives (except Bryan himself) fiercely
opposed Populism. Thus Theodore Roosevelt, George W. Norris, Robert LaFollette, William Allen White and
Woodrow Wilson strongly opposed Populism. It is debated whether any Populist ideas made their way into the
Democratic party during the New Deal era. The New Deal farm programs were designed by experts (like Henry
Wallace) who had nothing to do with Populism.[12]
Some historians see the populists as forward-looking
liberal reformers. Others view them as reactionaries
trying to recapture an idyllic and utopian past. For
some they are radicals out to restructure American life,
and for others they are economically hard-pressed
agrarians seeking government relief. Much recent
scholarship emphasizes Populism's debt to early
American republicanism.[13] Clanton (1991) stresses
that Populism was "the last significant expression of an
old radical tradition that derived from Enlightenment
sources that had been filtered through a political
tradition that bore the distinct imprint of Jeffersonian,
Jacksonian, and Lincolnian democracy." This tradition
emphasized human rights over the cash nexus of the
Gilded Age's dominant ideology.[14]
Frederick Jackson Turner and a succession of western
historians depicted the Populist as responding to the
closure of the frontier. Turner explained:
The Farmers' Alliance and the Populist demand
for government ownership of the railroad is a
People's Party campaign poster from 1904 touting the candidacy of
Thomas E. Watson.
phase of the same effort of the pioneer farmer, on
his latest frontier. The proposals have taken
increasing proportions in each region of Western Advance. Taken as a whole, Populism is a manifestation of
the old pioneer ideals of the native American, with the added element of increasing readiness to utilize the
national government to effect its ends.[15]
The most influential Turner student of Populism was John D. Hicks, who emphasized economic pragmatism over
ideals, presenting Populism as interest group politics, with have-nots demanding their fair share of America's wealth
which was being leeched off by nonproductive speculators. Hicks emphasized the drought that ruined so many
Kansas farmers, but also pointed to financial manipulations, deflation in prices caused by the gold standard, high
interest rates, mortgage foreclosures, and high railroad rates. Corruption accounted for such outrages and Populists
presented popular control of government as the solution, a point that later students of republicanism emphasized.[16]
In the 1930s C. Vann Woodward stressed the southern base, seeing the possibility of a black-and-white coalition of
poor against the overbearing rich. Georgia politician Tom Watson served as Woodward's hero.[17] In the 1950s,
People's Party (United States)
however, scholars such as Richard Hofstadter portrayed the Populist movement as an irrational response of
backward-looking farmers to the challenges of modernity. He discounted third party links to Progressivism and
argued that Populists were provincial, conspiracy-minded, and had a tendency toward scapegoatism that manifested
itself as nativism, anti-Semitism, anti-intellectualism, and Anglophobia. The antithesis of anti-modern Populism was
modernizing Progressivism according to Hofstadter's model, with such leading progressives as Theodore Roosevelt,
Robert LaFollette, George Norris and Woodrow Wilson pointed as having been vehement enemies of Populism,
though William Jennings Bryan did cooperate with them and accepted the Populist nomination in 1896.[18]
Michael Kazin's The Populist Persuasion (1995) argued that Populism reflected a rhetorical style that manifested
itself in spokesmen like Father Charles Coughlin in the 1930s and Governor George Wallace in the 1960s.
Postel (2007) rejects the notion that the Populists were traditionalistic and anti-modern. Quite the reverse, he argued,
the Populists aggressively sought self-consciously progressive goals. They sought diffusion of scientific and
technical knowledge, formed highly centralized organizations, launched large-scale incorporated businesses, and
pressed for an array of state-centered reforms. Hundreds of thousands of women committed to Populism seeking a
more modern life, education, and employment in schools and offices. A large section of the labor movement looked
to Populism for answers, forging a political coalition with farmers that gave impetus to the regulatory state. Progress,
however, was also menacing and inhumane, Postel notes. White Populists, embraced social-Darwinist notions of
racial improvement, Chinese exclusion and separate-but-equal.[19]
Elected officials
Colorado: Davis Hanson Waite, 1893–1895
Idaho: Frank Steunenberg, 1897–1901 (Fusion of Democrats and Populists)
Kansas: Lorenzo D. Lewelling, 1893–1895
Kansas: John W. Leedy, 1897–1899
Nebraska: Silas A. Holcomb, 1895–1899 (Fusion of Democrats and Populists)
Nebraska: William A. Poynter, 1899–1901 (Fusion of Democrats and Populists)
North Carolina: Daniel Lindsay Russell, 1897–1901 (Coalition of Republicans and Populists)
Oregon: Sylvester Pennoyer, 1887–1895 (Fusion of Democrats and Populists)
South Dakota: Andrew E. Lee, 1897–1901
Tennessee: John P. Buchanan, 1891–1893
Washington: John Rogers, 1897–1901 (Fusion of Democrats and Populists)
United States Congress
Approximately forty-five members of the party served in the U.S. Congress between 1891 and 1902. These included
six United States Senators:
William A. Peffer and William A. Harris from Kansas
Marion Butler of North Carolina
James H. Kyle from South Dakota
Henry Heitfeld of Idaho
William V. Allen from Nebraska
The following were Populist members of the U.S. House of Representatives:
52nd United States Congress
• Thomas E. Watson, Georgia's 10th congressional district
• Benjamin Hutchinson Clover, Kansas's 3rd congressional district
People's Party (United States)
John Grant Otis, Kansas's 4th congressional district
John Davis, Kansas's 5th congressional district
William Baker, Kansas's 6th congressional district
Jerry Simpson, Kansas's 7th congressional district
Kittel Halvorson, Minnesota's 6th congressional district
William A. McKeighan, Nebraska's 2nd congressional district
Omer Madison Kem, Nebraska's 3rd congressional district
53rd United States Congress
Haldor Boen, Minnesota's 7th congressional district
Marion Cannon, California's 6th congressional district
Lafayette Pence, Colorado's 1st congressional district
John Calhoun Bell, Colorado's 2nd congressional district
Thomas Jefferson Hudson, Kansas's 3rd congressional district
John Davis, Kansas' 5th congressional district
William Baker, Kansas' 6th congressional district
Jerry Simpson, Kansas' 7th congressional district
William A. Harris, Kansas Member-at-large
• William A. McKeighan, Nebraska's 5th congressional district
• Omer Madison Kem, Nebraska's 6th congressional district
• Alonzo C. Shuford, North Carolina's 7th congressional district
54th United States Congress
Albert Taylor Goodwyn, Alabama's 5th congressional district
Milford W. Howard, Alabama's 7th congressional district
William Baker, Kansas' 6th congressional district
Omer Madison Kem, Nebraska's 6th congressional district
Harry Skinner, North Carolina's 1st congressional district
William F. Strowd, North Carolina's 4th congressional district
Charles H. Martin (1848–1931), North Carolina's 6th congressional district
Alonzo C. Shuford, North Carolina's 7th congressional district
55th United States Congress
Albert Taylor Goodwyn, Alabama's 5th congressional district
Charles A. Barlow, California's 6th congressional district
Curtis H. Castle, California's 7th congressional district
James Gunn, Idaho's 1st congressional district
Mason Summers Peters, Kansas's 2nd congressional district
Edwin Reed Ridgely, Kansas's 3rd congressional district
William Davis Vincent, Kansas's 5th congressional district
Nelson B. McCormick, Kansas's 6th congressional district
Jerry Simpson, Kansas's 7th congressional district
Jeremiah Dunham Botkin, Kansas Member-at-large
Samuel Maxwell, Nebraska's 3rd congressional district
William Ledyard Stark, Nebraska's 4th congressional district
Roderick Dhu Sutherland, Nebraska's 5th congressional district
William Laury Greene, Nebraska's 6th congressional district
• Harry Skinner, North Carolina's 1st congressional district
• John E. Fowler, North Carolina's 3rd congressional district
People's Party (United States)
William F. Strowd, North Carolina's 4th congressional district
Charles H. Martin, North Carolina's 5th congressional district
Alonzo C. Shuford, North Carolina's 7th congressional district
John Edward Kelley, South Dakota's 1st congressional district
Freeman T. Knowles, South Dakota's 2nd congressional district
56th United States Congress
William Ledyard Stark, Nebraska's 4th congressional district
Roderick Dhu Sutherland, Nebraska's 5th congressional district
William Laury Greene, Nebraska's 6th congressional district
John W. Atwater, North Carolina's 4th congressional district
57th United States Congress
Thomas L. Glenn, Idaho's 1st congressional district
Caldwell Edwards, Montana's 1st congressional district
William Ledyard Stark, Nebraska's 4th congressional district
William Neville, Nebraska's 6th congressional district
[1] Foner, Eric (2005). Give Me Liberty! An American History, Volume Two Second Edition. W. W. Norton & Company, New York, London.
[2] Hild, Matthew (2007). Greenbackers, Knights of Labor, and Populists, Farmer-Labor Insurgency in the Late-Nineteenth-Century South. The
University of Georgia Press, Athens & London.
[3] Hild, Matthew (2007). Greenbackers, Knights of Labor, and Populists, Farmer-Labor Insurgency in the Late-Nineteenth-Century South.The
University of Georgia Press, Athens & London, p. 123.
[4] Gusfield, Joseph (1963). Symbolic Crusade: Status Politics and the American Temperance Movement The University of Illinois Press,
Urbana, Chicago & London, p. 78, 93.
[5] http:/ / history. missouristate. edu/ wrmiller/ Populism/ Texts/ bibliography. htm
[6] William S. Powell, "Marion Butler", Dictionary of North Carolina Biography (1979)
[7] James L. Hunt, Marion Butler and American Populism (2003), pp. 3-7
[8] James L. Hunt, Marion Butler and American Populism (2003), pp. 4-6.
[9] R. Hal Williams, Realigning America: McKinley, Bryan, and the Remarkable Election of 0000 (2010)
[10] Eric Anderson, Race and Politics in North Carolina, 1872-1901 (1981).
[11] Connie L. Lester, Up from the Mudsills of Hell: The Farmers' Alliance, Populism, and Progressive Agriculture in Tennessee, 1870-1915
[12] For a summary or how historians approach the topic see Worth Robert Miller, "A Centennial Historiography of American Populism."
Kansas History 1993 16(1): 54-69.
[13] See Worth Robert Miller, "The Republican Tradition," in Miller, Oklahoma Populism: A History of the People's Party in the Oklahoma
Territory (1987) online edition (http:/ / history. missouristate. edu/ wrmiller/ Populism/ texts/ republican_tradition. htm)
[14] Gene Clanton, Populism: The Humane Preference in America, 1890-1900 (1991) p, xv
[15] Frederick Jackson Turner, The Frontier in American History, (1920) p. 148; online edition (http:/ / www. gutenberg. org/ files/ 22994/
22994-h/ 22994-h. htm)
[16] Martin Ridge, "Populism Revolt: John D. Hicks and The Populist Revolt," Reviews in American History 13 (March 1985): 142-54.
[17] C. Vann Woodward, Tom Watson: Agrarian Rebel (1938); Woodward, "Tom Watson and the Negro in Agrarian Politics," The Journal of
Southern History, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Feb., 1938), pp. 14-33 in JSTOR (http:/ / www. jstor. org/ pss/ 2191851)
[18] Richard Hofstadter, The Age of Reform: From Bryan to F.D.R. (1955
[19] Charles Postel, The Populist Vision (2007)
People's Party (United States)
References and further reading
• Beeby, James M. Revolt of the Tar Heels: The North Carolina Populist Movement, 1890–1901 (2008) ISBN
• Clanton, Gene. Populism: The Humane Preference in America, 1890-1900 (1991).
• Formisano, Ronald P. For the People: American Populist Movements from the Revolution to the 1850s (2009),
populist movements flourished long before People's Party began
• Goodwyn, Lawrence. The Populist Moment: A Short History of the Agrarian Revolt in America. (1978). ISBN
• Hackney, Sheldon, ed. Populism: The Critical Issues (1971), excerpts from scholars
• Hicks, John D. "The Sub-Treasury: A Forgotten Plan for the Relief of Agriculture". Mississippi Valley Historical
Review, Vol. 15, No. 3 (Dec., 1928), pp. 355–373. in JSTOR (
• Hicks, John D. The Populist Revolt: A History of the Farmers' Alliance and the People's Party (1931). Stresses
geographical environment that turned harsh and radicalized wheat farmers
• Kazin, Michael. The Populist Persuasion: An American History. New (1995). (ISBN 0-465-03793-3)
• Lester, Connie. Up from the Mudsills of Hell: The Farmers' Alliance, Populism, And Progressive Agriculture in
Tennessee, 1870-1915. University of Georgia Press. March 2006. Hardcover. ISBN 0-8203-2762-X.
• McMath, Robert C., Jr. American Populism: A Social History, 1877-1898. (1993). 245 pp. short survey excerpt
and text search (
• Miller, Worth Robert. "A Centennial Historiography of American Populism." Kansas History 1993 16(1): 54-69.
Issn: 0149-9114 online edition (
• Miller, Worth Robert. "Farmers and Third-Party Politics in Late Nineteenth Century America," in Charles W.
Calhoun, ed. The Gilded Age: Essays on the Origins of Modern America (1995) online edition (http://history.
• Nugent, Walter T. K. The Tolerant Populists: Kansas Populism and Nativism. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press 1962.
• Postel, Charles. The Populist Vision (2007) excerpt and text search (
• Stock, Catherine McNicol. Rural Radicals: Righteous Rage in the American Grain. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell
University Press. 1996. (ISBN 0-8014-3294-4)
• Woodward, C. Vann. Tom Watson: Agrarian Rebel (1938) online edition (
• Woodward, C. Vann. "Tom Watson and the Negro in Agrarian Politics," The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 4,
No. 1 (Feb., 1938), pp. 14–33 in JSTOR (
External links
• 40 original Populist cartoons (, primary
• Peffer, William A. "The Mission of the Populist Party," The North American Review (Dec 1993) v. 157 #445 pp
665–679; full text online (
important policy statement by leading Populist senator
• People's Party Hand-Book of Facts. Campaign of 1898 96 p. (
html), official party pamphlet for North Carolina election of 1898
• Populist, republican and Democratic cartoons, 189s election (
html), primary sources
• Populist Party timeline and texts; edited by Professor Edwards (
html), secondary and primary sources
People's Party (United States)
Contemporary accounts
• Gompers, Samuel (July 1892). "Organized Labor in the Campaign" (
moa/moa-cgi?notisid=ABQ7578-0155-15). The North American Review (University of Northern Iowa) 155
(428): 91–97. Retrieved 2006-10-09.
• Dolph, Senator Joseph N. (January 1893). "Does the Republican Party Need Reorganization?," (http://cdl. The North American Review (University
of Northern Iowa) 156 (434): 54–61. Retrieved 2006-10-09.
• Peffer, Senator William A. (December 1893). "The Mission of the Populist Party" (http://cdl.library.cornell.
edu/cgi-bin/moa/moa-cgi?notisid=ABQ7578-0157-82). The North American Review (University of Northern
Iowa) 157 (445): 665–679. Retrieved 2006-10-09.
• Lewelling, L. D. (January 1895). "Problems Before the Western Farmer" (
cgi-bin/moa/moa-cgi?notisid=ABQ7578-0160-4). The North American Review (University of Northern Iowa)
160 (458): 16–21. Retrieved 2006-10-09.
• Stahl, John M. (September 1896). "Are the Farmers Populists?" (
moa-cgi?notisid=ABQ7578-0163-31). The North American Review (University of Northern Iowa) 163 (478):
266–276. Retrieved 2006-10-09.
• Trent, W. P. (January 1897). "Dominant Forces in Southern Life" (
moa-cgi?notisid=ABK2934-0079-7). The Atlantic monthly (University of Northern Iowa) 79 (471): 42–53.
Retrieved 2006-10-09.
• Turner, Frederick J. (April 1897). "Dominant Forces in Western Life" (
moa/moa-cgi?notisid=ABK2934-0079-51). The Atlantic monthly (University of Northern Iowa) 79 (474):
433–443. Retrieved 2006-10-09.
• Peffer, Senator William A. (January 1898). "The Passing of the People's Party" (
cgi-bin/moa/moa-cgi?notisid=ABQ7578-0166-4). The North American review (University of Northern Iowa)
166 (494): 12–24. Retrieved 2006-10-09.
Party publications and materials
• The People's Advocate (1892-1900) (
shtml), digitized copies of the Populist Party's newspaper in Washington State, from The Labor Press Project.
• Populist Cartoon Index (
Archived at Missouri State University. Retrieved August 24, 2006.
• Buttons, tokens and ribbons of the Populist Party ( Reprinted
from Issue 19, Buttons and Ballots, Fall 1998. Retrieved August 26, 2006.
• People's Party Hand-Book of Facts. Campaign of 1898 (
Electronic Edition. Populist Party (N.C.). State Executive Committee. Reformated and reprinted by the University
Library, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
• Populist materials online ( Party (N.C.)) courtesy
University Library, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
People's Party (United States)
Secondary sources
• Farmers, the Populist Party, and Mississippi (1870-1900) (
populistparty.html). By Kenneth G. McCarty. Published by Mississippi History Now (
us/index.html) a project of the Mississippi Historical Society. Retrieved August 24, 2006.
• The Populist Party in Nebraska ( Published by the (http://www., a project of the Nebraska Department of Education (
• Fusion Politics ( The Populist Party in North
Carolina. A project of the John Locke Foundation ( Retrieved August 24, 2006.
• The Decline of the Cotton Farmer ( Anecdotal account of
rise and fall of Farmers Alliance and Populist Party in Texas.
"Populist Party". New International Encyclopedia. 1905.
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
People's Party (United States) Source: Contributors: (jarbarf), 172, 4bit, 5 albert square, A8UDI, Abasia, Aeonx, Ahoerstemeier,
Alansohn, Alba, Allixpeeke, Americasroof, Americus55, Ampersand777, Andrewlp1991, Anthony Appleyard, ApostleJoe, Appraiser, Avono, Awbeal, Awewe, AznBurger, Badger Drink,
Bamadude121, Bargomm, Bellerophon5685, Beyond My Ken, Biederman, Billy Hathorn, Bkonrad, Bob Burkhardt, Bobby119, BrownHairedGirl, Bruce Hall, Bucketsofg, Burzmali, Camw, Can't
sleep, clown will eat me, Canyonrat, Carrite, Cberlet, Cdtew, CharlotteWebb, Chicken212, Closedmouth, Crimson30, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, DJ Silverfish, DNewhall, Dagko, Darkwind, Darolew,
Darth Panda, Decumanus, Derktar, Discospinster, Dmoon1, Dodo von den Bergen, Durin, Edcolins, Edward, Egmontaz, Erondites, Fatsobill, Favonian, Fieldday-sunday, Fratrep, Freechild,
Frozenport, Funandtrvl, GB fan, GeorgeLouis, Gjd001, Good Olfactory, Gregbard, GregorB, Gurch, Hairhorn, Hcheney, Hit bull, win steak, Hmains, Instinct, Iridescent, ItsAKow, JamesAM,
Javert, Jayemd, Jeffbeardall, Jfloyd1, John K, John Thacker, John Z, Johnpacklambert, Jonathan.s.kt, JordanTClarke, Kaibabsquirrel, Kasyapa, Katie123moo, Keilana, KeithB, Kelisi, Kerowyn,
KevinOKeeffe, Kingvashy, KleenupKrew, Kraxler, Kungfuadam, LeaveSleaves, Legato16, LightSpectra, Lincolnite, Linuxmatt, Luk, Lususromulus, MIKERHANKS, Marek69, Matthew
Fennell, Michaelb854, Micmic27, Mike Rosoft, Mike6271, Minesweeper, Mitchumch, Mlessard, Mrwojo, Nat Krause, Nathanmoorehead, Neutrality, Nfstern, NickW557, Nikhil8896,
Nonamer98, Obiwankenobi, Orangemike, Peruvianllama, Peteforsyth, Peter Karlsen, Pgan002, Pgraves27, Phantomsteve, Phoenix2007, Plasmoe, Pluma, Populist, PranksterTurtle, Puffin, Rayc,
Rayisthechosenone, Rebozo, Reflections of Memory, Revolución, Reywas92, Rjensen, Rjwilmsi, Rockstone35, Ryuhaku, Salamurai, Scr206, Serpent-A, Sesel, Shii, Sir mermot, SkyWalker,
Slightsmile, Sm8900, Smith03, Sonez1113, Spot87, Spshu, Srsjones, Stevietheman, Strangelv, Stuartyeates, Sven Manguard, Svick, Swid, Tankerraid, Tawker, Tdzurilla, The Four Deuces, The
Thing That Should Not Be, The wub, TheSuave, Thesavagenorwegian, Tide rolls, Tim Long, Timbouctou, Tjl82090, Tom, Tombomp, Topbanana, Totallyunqualified, Tphi, Uspopulistparty,
Uvaduck, Valiantis, Vidor, Vilerage, Vrenator, WarthogDemon, Wiki.Tango.Foxtrot, Wikibojopayne, Wmpearl, World, X!, Yellowspacehopper, Zoe, Шизомби, 363 anonymous edits
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
File:Populist-logo.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Carrite
Image:Peoples Party at Columbus Nebraska.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors:
Bkell, Carrite, Materialscientist, 1 anonymous edits
File:1892PopulistPoster.png Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Unknown.
File:William-Jennings-Bryan-speaking-c1896.jpeg Source: License: Public Domain
Contributors: Copyright by Geo. H. Van Norman, Springfield, Mass.
Image:Populist Party campaign poster 1904.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors:
Dmoon1, 1 anonymous edits
Image:wikisource-logo.svg Source: License: logo Contributors: Guillom, Jarekt, MichaelMaggs, NielsF, Rei-artur,
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported