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2. Why do biologists work in zoos?
By Cindy Grigg
Biologists study living things
and where they live. "Living
things" means much more than
just animals. Biologists study
algae. They study slime molds
and fungi. They study plants.
They study animals of all kinds,
from sponges to mammals.
Marine biologists study plants
and animals that live in the ocean.
Cell biologists study cells, the
smallest part of a living thing.
Some biologists might work in
zoos. They keep the animals healthy. Some forensic biologists work
with police. They find and explain evidence. They help solve crimes.
Many biologists work in health professions. Doctors, nurses, and lab
workers all must have a good grasp of biology. Biologists may study
cells under a microscope or insects in a rainforest. They may study
viruses that make us sick. They may study plants in a greenhouse or
animals all around the world. Do you think being a biologist might be
just the right job for you?
1. What does a biologist do?
A. study cells and viruses
B. study plants and fungi
C. study animals
D. all of the above
3. Which of these things would a biologist probably NOT study?
A. stars
B. fish
C. algae
D. plants
4. The author's main purpose in writing this story was to ______.
A. inform
B. entertain
C. express personal feelings
D. all of the above
5. Biologists study ______.
A. forces and motion
B. stars and planets
C. atoms and matter
D. living things and where they live
Would you like to be a biologist? Explain why or why not. If so, what
would you most like to study?
Write a summary of the story. Try to include answers to the 5 W
questions: who, what, when, where, and why.