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Electricity Test Study Guide
Directions: Answer the following questions to help you study for your test.
1. What is the charge of the atom in each of the following situations?
When the atom gains an electron:
When the atom loses an electron:
2. Define and give an example of each of the following:
3. Why are wires wrapped in insulators?
4. Define the following terms:
Simple Circuit:
Series Circuit:
Parallel Circuit:
5. Label the elements (battery, wire, resistor, switch) in each circuit diagram and identify
which is a series circuit and which is a parallel circuit.
6. How can you make an electromagnet stronger? What qualities does it share and not
share with a regular magnet?
7. If a balloon sticks to your head after you rub it on your head, what could you say about
the charges of the atoms on the balloon?
a. The charges of the balloon repel the charges of your head
b. The charges of the balloon attract the charges of your head
c. The charges of the balloon are the same as the charges of your head
d. The balloon does not have any charges and it sticks because it wants some
8. What is the definition of a superconductor?