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Chapter 5: Cause and effects (influence)
American Revolution – America declared independence from England in 1776. However, several
important events occurred before 1776 to spark revolution(cause and effects).
From this assignment, you will:
 Review the influence of the Enlightenment on Colonists’
 Discover the influence of English Gov. on Colonial America
 Note the cause effects of the “Glorious Rev.” in England
 Learn the cause and effects of the French and Indian War
1. How did the Enlightenment influence the American colonists? (Sec. 1 pgs 124-135)
Student Notes:
Thanks to the Enlightenment: Colonists valued ideas of…
 Natural rights- government by the consent of the
 Rights to life, liberty, and property
 High rates of literacy
John Locke –if the government doesn’t do what is
best for the people, we have the right to
change it.
The Great Awakening – spiritual equality and
religious diversity
Colonists valued education… there were public
schools and children were taught to read.
2. In what ways did the English government influence how the American colonists governed? (pgs. 137-139)
Student Notes:
 The Magna Carta was the first document to limit the
power of gov. in favor of justice and self-government
(jury of peers, representative government, not taxed unless a
council agreed, etc.)
 Parliament, England’s lawmaking body was the
colonists’ model for representative gov.
 Because Parliament was so far away, the colonists
were allowed to self-govern by elected assemblies
(smaller versions of the House of Commons in
Parliament/ much like our Congress today)
3. What changes occurred to English Rights and carried over to the American colonial rights? ( pgs 139-140)
Student Notes:
 King James (1685) came to power and restricted rights in
Parliament and in the British American Colonies.
 William and Mary…replaced King James after the
“Glorious Revolution” in England. This upheld the
English Bill of Rights: Gov’t. is based on laws by
Parliament, not a King.
 English Bill of Rights…applied to the colonists too,
therefore allowing local elected assemblies in America
with a governor appointed by the King.
 This “Glorious Rev.” restored the colonies to self-govern
with assemblies and a King appointed governor.
. What were the cause and effects of the French and Indian War? (Section 3 pgs 143-148)
Student notes:
 The war was caused and fought by…
o British, British-American Colonists, and
American Indian Tribes Vs. French, and
American Indian Tribes. The war was a fight
over control of North America.
 As a result, the British and French…
o The war ended in 1763 with a treaty that ended
nearly all French control in N. America.
o The war ended with the French but different
American Indian tribes continued to fight the
British over this territory.
 And the relationship of the Colonists’ and England
changed in these ways…
o After three years of fighting between the British
and the Indians, a treaty was signed. And the
British issued the Proclamation of 1763, which
forbade colonists from settling on Native
American lands.
o This angered the colonists because they wanted
to continue expanding west on to Indian land.
o Dispute set the stage for the final conflict
between colonies and Britain.