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-Feel the adrenaline rush, rock climbing-
• Do you know the effects of abuse on the human body?
• Do you try to develop your talents?
Venture Scouts at SUAS phase
• Decide on a timeline for the programme cycle
• Find out what campsites are close to climbing crags, do they have equipment and instructors?
• Learn about the different knots and rope management techniques needed for rock climbing. Find out how to use
the various types of safety equipment
• Visit your local indoor climbing wall to practice climbing techniques, belaying and climbing calls.
• Adrenaline can be addictive, in your Crews discus other addictions both positive and negative
• In Crews decide on a menu, shopping list and equipment list for the weekend
• Organise any transport needed for the weekend
• Put your new skills into action on a rock climbing weekend
• Before you leave the campsite at the end of the weekend have a review session, what where the best bits?
Venture Scouts at TRASNA phase
• Find out who in the Unit would like to take up the challenge
• Assess the skill level and experience of the Crew. With this information decide how much time is needed to
prepare for the activity
• Find out if any of the Rover Scouts or Scouters in the Group or County are experienced rock climbers. Can they
come down to your meeting and demonstrate some of the rope techniques used when climbing
• Arrange a training session at your local climbing wall with one of their instructors
• Adrenaline can be addictive, in your Crews discus other addictions both positive and negative
• Contact the local Garda Station and arrange for the Community Garda to visit your meeting to talk about
substance abuse and it long term affects
• Divide into Crews to organise a menu, shopping list and an equipment list
• Arrange with the help of the Group Quartermaster the packing of group equipment
• Organise any transport needed for the weekend
• Put your new skills into action on a rock climbing weekend
• Before you leave the campsite at the end of the weekend have a review session, ensure all the members of the
Crew get a chance to voice their options
Adventure Skills
• Camping
• Emergencies
• Hillwalking
Special Interest Badges
• Personal Skill
• Physical/Recreation
• Adventure/Journey
• Environment
What is Warm-Up?
A warm-up prepares the body gradually for more demanding activity. This is done by:
1. Increasing the body temperature
2. Increasing blood flow to the muscles
The purpose of Warm-Up is to:
• Increase muscle temperature
• Increase blood flow
• Check for injuries or uncomfortable points on the body
• Delay the early fatigue while doing physical activity
• Allow the body use oxygen more effectively during exercise
• Prepare the mind for physical activity
Warm-up should consist of:
1. Pulse Raising Activities:
Gentle aerobic activity to gradually raise the heart rate and prepare the cardiovascular system for activity. e.g. Short 5
– 10 minute walk or gentle jog around the gymnasium.
2. Joint Mobility:
Full body movements, to increase mobility of joints and to move the joints through a range of motion. These actions
should be slow and controlled,
e.g. arm circles or hip rotations.
3. Safe Appropriate Stretching:
Short static stretches should be done as part of an activity to prevent injury.
Each stretch should be held for 6 – 10 seconds to prepare muscles for action.
4. Activity Specific Warm-up Exercises:
Warm-up activities need to be appropriate to the exercise, sport, game or actions that will follow.
E.g. if playing football warm-up drills should include kicking, passing and running activities.
What is Cool-Down?
The purpose of cool-down is to return the blood from the muscles to the heart and allow the body to recover gradually
and return back to a resting state. More specifically a cool down helps to eliminate the build up of lactic acid in the
muscles and facilitates oxygen-depleted blood to return back to the heart.
This is done by:
1. Slowing down the pace of the physical activity
2. Stretching the muscles that were used during the class
The purpose of Cool-Down is to:
• Lower pulse, heart rate and body temperature
• Release tension that could build up in the muscles and reduce lactic acid
• Relax the body
• Bring the body back to a resting state
• Stretch muscles to avoid injury
Cool-down should consist of:
1. Pulse Raising Activities:
Activities to bring the heart rate back to normal and lower the body temperature e.g. walking around the gym.
2. Bring the body back to a resting state
Gradually slow pace and stop the activity.
3. Controlled Passive Stretching
Slow stretches to prevent stiffness holding each exercise for 10-12 seconds.
The cool down should last about 5 minutes.