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Review Questions Unit 9
“Korea Divided at 38th Parallel”
“Hungarian Revolution Crushed”
“Missile Sites Spotted in Cuba”
The events in these headlines contributed to the
(1) development of peacetime alliances
(2) collapse of the Soviet Union
(3) rejection of imperialism by Western nations
(4) tensions between the superpowers
2.The political climate of the Cold War caused the world’s two superpowers to
(1) cooperate in halting the spread of communism
(2) colonize Africa and Asia
(3) compete economically and militarily
(4) protect human rights
3.The United Nations was created primarily to
(1) prosecute persons accused of war crimes
(2) contain the spread of communism
(3) channel relief aid to war-torn nations
(4) provide a means of solving international problems
4.After World War II, the Soviet Union maintained control of many Eastern European nations mainly
because these nations were
(1) a source of new technology and skilled labor
(2) near warm-water ports on the Mediterranean Sea
(3) extensions of communist power
(4) members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
5.The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was initially formed to
(1) promote religious freedom
(2) defend Western Europe from Soviet aggression
(3) isolate member nations from the rest of the world
(4) stop the flow of immigration between member nations
Which leader’s policies included glasnost and perestroika?
(1) Fidel Castro
(2) Nikita Khrushchev
(3) Mikhail Gorbachev
(4) Deng Xiaoping
People would prefer their own bad government rather than submit to the good government of a
foreign power.
Which concept is characterized by this statement?
(1) nationalism
(2) communism
(3) socialism
(4) militarism
Which function of the United Nations is based on the concept of collective security?
(1) providing health services
(2) coordinating global peacekeeping
(3) monitoring educational programs
(4) assisting in agricultural research
What was one social change Mao Zedong instituted in China after 1949?
(1) granting legal equality for men and women
(2) requiring arranged marriages
(3) adopting the practice of foot binding
(4) mandating Confucianism as the state philosophy
10.Which of these groups were the major supporters of 20th-century communist revolutions?
(1) priests and artisans
(2) bourgeoisie and nobility
(3) entrepreneurs and capitalists
(4) workers and peasants
11.The Marshall Plan was designed to stop the spread of communism by providing
(1) government housing to refugees
(2) military assistance to Vietnam
(3) funds for economic recovery in war-torn European nations
(4) nuclear weapons to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members
12.What is a long-term effect of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979?
(1) Communism was strengthened in South Asia.
(2) Hostilities between China and India lessened.
(3) The influence of militant Islamic groups increased in the region.
(4) Tensions along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan were reduced.
13.The goal of Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies of perestroika and glasnost was to
(1) expand collectivization and communes
(2) resume development of Soviet nuclear weapons
(3) stimulate economic growth and political discussion
(4) stop expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) into Eastern Europe
14.World War II was a turning point for many European colonies in Africa and Asia because the war led
(1) the occupation of most European colonies by United Nations troops
(2) increased efforts by these colonies to gain independence
(3) the expansion of European imperialism
(4) decreased friction between the Europeans and their colonies
15.Mikhail Gorbachev contributed to the fall of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe by
(1) introducing the policies of perestroika and glasnost
(2) violating nuclear arms agreements
(3) invading Afghanistan
(4) signing the Camp David Accords
16.The South African government’s policy of racial separation between 1948 and 1994 was called
(1) Pan-Africanism
(2) democratization
(3) apartheid
(4) suffrage
17.Mohandas Gandhi’s protests in India were a response to Great Britain’s
(1) support of Zionism
(2) practice of humanitarianism
(3) introduction of socialism
(4) policy of colonialism
18.What has the end of communism in the Soviet Union caused many countries in Eastern Europe to
(1) shift to a command economy
(2) maintain a communist form of government
(3) pursue free-market economic policies
(4) join the Warsaw Pact
19.Which country is most closely associated with the terms pass laws, homelands, and white minority
(1) El Salvador
(2) South Africa
(3) Iran
(4) Israel
• French intent to recolonize Indo-China after World War II
• United States desire to prevent the spread of communism
• United States support for the French in Southeast Asia
These ideas are most closely associated with the
(1) causes of the conflict in Vietnam
(2) reasons for the Nationalist settlement of Taiwan
(3) factors that led to the Korean War
(4) results of the Marshall Plan
21.The destruction of the Berlin Wall and the breakup of the Soviet Union signify the
(1) end of the Cold War
(2) collapse of the Taliban
(3) strength of the Warsaw Pact
(4) power of the European Union
22.One way in which Vladimir Lenin’s New Economic Policy and Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy of
perestroika are similar is that both
(1) allowed elements of capitalism within a communist economic system
(2) strengthened their country’s military defenses
(3) supported censorship of news and of personal correspondence
(4) increased tensions during the Cold War
23.Mohandas Gandhi is most closely associated with the
(1) support of violence and terrorism to end British rule
(2) desire to strengthen the caste system
(3) use of civil disobedience to gain political freedom
(4) establishment of a national religion in India
24.Between 1945 and 1947, the differences between the Hindus and the Muslims in India led to the
(1) Sepoy Mutiny
(2) Salt March
(3) policy of nonalignment
(4) partitioning of the subcontinent
25.What was a major reason for the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in
(1) to control European trade
(2) to resist Soviet aggression
(3) to support the blockade of Berlin
(4) to strengthen communist governments
26.In Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser’s seizure of the Suez Canal continued his policy of
(1) attracting investments from Western banks
(2) supporting the rights of British workers
(3) eliminating criticism of political opponents
(4) establishing national control of vital resources
27.A study of the fall of the Roman Empire (476) and of the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991) shows
that powerful empires can
(1) lose strength when mercenaries enforce reforms
(2) be threatened only when directly attacked by outsiders
(3) conquer more than one continent and remain stable
(4) be weakened by both internal and external pressures
28.One way in which Simón Bolívar, Jomo Kenyatta, and Mohandas Gandhi are similar is that each
(1) led a nationalist movement
(2) used nonviolent tactics
(3) supported imperialism
(4) opposed communism
29.One way in which Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jong Il are similar is that each
(1) set up democratic governments
(2) used Marxist political principles
(3) overthrew a ruling monarch
(4) promoted Confucian principles
30.At the end of World War II, the British decided to partition the Indian subcontinent into the nations
of India and Pakistan. What was a primary reason for this division?
(1) India had adopted a policy of nonalignment.
(2) Religious differences had led to conflicts between Hindus and Muslims.
(3) Most of India’s valuable resources were located in the south.
(4) British India’s Muslim minority controlled most of India’s banking industry.
31.After World War II, the boundaries of newly independent African countries were most often based
(1) existing ethnic settlement patterns
(2) divisions imposed under European imperialism
(3) mandates created under the United Nations
(4) locations of oil resources
32.Which group of countries became Soviet satellites after World War II?
(1) France, Spain, Great Britain
(2) Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary
(3) Switzerland, Austria, Belgium
(4) Turkey, Greece, Italy
33.The term iron curtain refers to the
(1) scars left on the land by the trenches of World War I
(2) no-fly zone in northern Iraq after the Persian Gulf War
(3) border established between India and Pakistan after World War II
(4) western boundary of Soviet domination in Europe during the Cold War
34.The Truman Doctrine, Korean War, crisis in Guatemala, and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan were all
(1) reasons for the Industrial Revolution
(2) examples of Japanese imperialism
(3) events of the Cold War
(4) causes of World War II
35.Mahatma Gandhi and Jomo Kenyatta were similar in that both
(1) supported colonial policies
(2) sought to gain independence from Great Britain
(3) led a worldwide boycott of British goods
(4) used violent revolution to achieve their aims
36.One similarity in the actions of Ho Chi Minh and Jomo Kenyatta was that both leaders
(1) introduced Western ideas to their societies
(2) established democratic forms of government
(3) led nationalist movements
(4) supported separation of church and state
37.During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the democracies in the West competed for influence in
the Middle East because of its
(1) strategic location and valuable resources
(2) vast fertile farmlands and rivers
(3) large well-educated population
(4) industrial potential
38.In the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev, the trend toward private ownership of businesses
represented a move away from
(1) a traditional economy
(2) a command economy
(3) a free-market economy
(4) laissez-faire economics
39.The early 20th-century Zionist movement calling for the establishment of a Jewish homeland was an
example of
(1) imperialism
(2) nationalism
(3) capitalism
(4) isolationism
40.“. . . Passive resistance is a method of securing rights by personal suffering, it is the reverse of
resistance by arms. When I refuse to do a thing that is repugnant [objectionable] to my conscience, I use
soul-force. For instance, the Government of the day has passed a law which is applicable to me. I do not
like it. If by using violence I force the Government to repeal the law, I am employing what may be
termed body force. If I do not obey the law and accept the penalty for its breach, I use soul-force. It
involves sacrifice of self. . . .”
Source: M. K. Gandhi, Indian Home Rule, Navajivan Publishing
This statement reflects the belief that individuals
(1) have no control over events
(2) can influence events by following moral guidelines
(3) must use violence to influence events
(4) can influence events by using military force
41.“. . . The Communist party of the Soviet Union has been and remains a natural and inalienable part of
social forces.
Their cooperation will make it possible to attain the ultimate goal of Perestroika: to renew our society
within the framework of the socialist choice, along the lines of advance to a humane democratic
socialism. . . .”
Which leader would most likely have made this statement?
(1) Kwame Nkrumah
(2) Mohandas Gandhi
(3) Benito Mussolini
(4) Mikhail Gorbachev
42.Which United States foreign policy was used to maintain the independence of Greece and Turkey
after World War II?
(1) containment
(2) neutrality
(3) nonalignment
(4) militarism
43.“. . . I saw that the whole solution to this problem lay in political freedom for our people, for it is only
when a people are politically free that other races can give them the respect that is due to them. It is
impossible to talk of equality of races in any other terms. No people without a government of their own
can expect to be treated on the same level as peoples of independent sovereign states. It is far better to
be free to govern or misgovern yourself than to be governed by anybody else. . . .”
— Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana: The Autobiography of Kwame Nkrumah, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1957
Which idea is expressed in this statement by Kwame Nkrumah?
(1) free trade
(2) collective security
(3) self-determination
(4) peaceful coexistence
44.One similarity in the histories of Germany and Vietnam is that both nations
(1) were once divided but have since been reunited
(2) remained nonaligned during the Cold War period
(3) have chosen a democratic form of government in recent years
(4) were once colonized by other European nations
45.Which name would best complete this partial outline?
I. African Nationalists of the 20th Century
A. Leopold Senghor
B. Jomo Kenyatta
C. Julius Nyerere
D. ________________________
(1) Atatürk [Mustafa Kemal]
(2) Ho Chi Minh
(3) José de San Martín
(4) Kwame Nkrumah
46.Since 1948, a major reason for the conflict between Arabs and Israelis is that each side
(1) wants the huge oil reserves that lie under the disputed land
(2) believes that the United States favors the other side in the conflict
(3) claims sovereignty over the same land
(4) seeks to control trade on the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea
47.One similarity in the unification of Italy, the Zionist movement, and the breakup of the Ottoman
Empire was that each was influenced by
(1) humanism
(2) polytheism
(3) nationalism
(4) imperialism
• The Nazi Party controls Germany.
• Khmer Rouge rules in Cambodia.
• The Sandinistas control Nicaragua.
Which statement describes a similarity in these situations?
(1) Civil liberties were promoted.
(2) Voting rights were extended to women.
(3) Leaders won the support of all groups.
(4) One group seized power and limited opposition.
49.One similarity between the Korean War and the Vietnam War is that both wars were
(1) resolved through the diplomatic efforts of the United Nations
(2) fought as a result of differing political ideologies during the Cold War
(3) fought without foreign influence or assistance
(4) caused by religious conflicts
50.One similarity between Mikhail Gorbachev’s perestroika and Deng Xiaoping’s Four Modernizations is
that each
(1) allowed elements of capitalism
(2) maintained the democratic process
(3) strengthened communism
(4) increased global tensions