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Wind- Reading Guide
textbook pages 52-56
Before you read the textbook, remind yourself of the following ideas.
Temperature affects the density of air. If air is denser, it pushes on you more, so we can say
that denser air has higher air pressure. Less dense air (warm air) has lower air pressure.
What causes wind?
Wind is the horizontal movement of air due to difference in air pressure.
Wind is caused when one area of air has a different air pressure than another. Most differences in
air pressure are caused by ___differences in air pressure_________. As the sun heats the Earth,
some parts heat up quicker than others. Do you remember that water heats up _slower______?
Think of how the hot sand feels compared to cool grass.
Air over a hot surface becomes _less__ dense, so it rises up. Therefore, it has ___low___ air
pressure. If a nearby area is not as hot, the air over that area would be cooler
and ____denser___ . Cool, dense air has a ___high__ air pressure, so it
Wind moves from areas of ___high__ pressure to __low__ pressure.
Wind speed is measured with an anemometer______________.
Local Winds:
Local winds are winds that ____blow over a short distance____. Unequal heating often occurs
on land that is next to a large body of water, like the ocean. It takes __more___ energy to heat up
a body of water than it does to heat up __land_. So, the sun’s energy warms the ___land_ faster
than the __water___. The warm air over the land rises, creating __low__ pressure. The cool air
over the land is pushing down, creating _high__ pressure. The air then moves from the high
pressure area to the low pressure area. This is known as a ____sea breeze_____. Have you ever
been cooler at the ocean than inland? Now you know why.
At night, the situation is reversed. __Land___ cools more quickly than water, so the air over the
land becomes ___cooler___ than the air over the water.
Describe what happens to cause a land breeze:
The cool air over the land is high pressure, so it move toward the low pressure area over the sea.
The air over the sea rises up as it is pushed out of the way.