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A reprint from
American Scientist
the magazine of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
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The 100-billion-body problem
A full-scale computer simulation of the galaxy we call home must trace the
motions of at least 1011 stars and other objects over several billion years.
Brian Hayes
saac Newton earned his fame by
solving a two-body problem: He
showed how gravitational attraction binds the Earth and the Sun
into elliptical orbits. His formulas
worked equally well for the Earth and
the Moon or the Earth and an apple,
but Newton was stumped when he
tried to apply his law of universal gravitation to a three-body problem, such as
the combined Sun-Earth-Moon system.
By the middle of the 19th century,
astronomers and mathematicians had
devised tools capable of tackling an
eight-body problem—calculating the
orbital motions of the Sun and the seven known planets. Unlike Newton’s
solution of the two-body problem,
these methods gave only approximate
results. Nevertheless, they were accurate enough to reveal a tiny discrepancy between theory and observation,
which led to the discovery of an additional planet, Neptune.
The challenge now is to solve a
100-billion-body problem. Computational astronomers are preparing
to simulate the motions of all the
stars in a galaxy the size and shape
of the Milky Way, tracing the stars’
trajectories over a period of several
billion years. The team working on
this computational extravaganza—a
Dutch-Japanese collaboration led by
Simon Portegies Zwart of the Leiden
Observatory—has already completed
a pilot study of 51 billion stars.
In all of these “N-body” models, the
individual particles obey very simple
laws of motion, yet a large ensemble of
Brian Hayes is senior writer for American Scientist. Additional material related to the Computing Science column can be found online at http:// E-mail: [email protected]
American Scientist, Volume 103
particles can dance a surprisingly intricate and lively ballet. Gravitation organizes astronomical bodies into a hierarchy of structures: planetary systems,
clusters of stars, galaxies, lacy webs of
galaxy clusters that stretch across the
entire visible universe. N-body studies
may help illuminate the mechanisms
that create these forms. In the case of
the Milky Way, the 51-billion-star simulation shows a featureless disk evolving
into a majestic pinwheel with a central
bar and several bright spiral arms. Still
larger simulations should reveal finer
details, just in time for comparison with
new satellite observations expected in
the next few years.
A Few Bodies
Imagine a clump of stars in an empty
corner of the universe, isolated from
everything else. You know the mass of
each star, along with its position and
velocity at some initial time t = 0. Can
you predict the future positions and
velocities of all the stars? This is the essence of an N-body problem.
For simplicity, each star is assumed
to have all of its mass concentrated at
a single point. Of course real stars are
not dimensionless points, but they are
tiny compared to the typical distances
between them, so the approximation is
reasonable. The stars interact through
mutual gravitational attraction (and no
other forces). According to Newton’s
law, stars i and j attract each other with
a force equal to Gmimj/r2, where mi
and mj are the stellar masses, r is the
distance separating them, and G is the
gravitational constant.
If there are just two stars, this problem has a “closed-form” solution: a
set of equations that define the bodies’
motion for all time. Plug in any value
of t and the equations tell you where
the stars are and where they’re going.
Unfortunately, this elegant analysis
works only for N = 2. Adding a third
body changes the character of the problem entirely; there are no exact closedform solutions except in a few special
configurations. Newton remarked that
struggling to understand the threebody dynamics of the Sun, the Earth,
and the Moon was the only problem
that ever gave him a headache.
Newton’s successors in the 18th and
19th centuries found ways to cope with
few-body problems, successfully predicting the motions of planets, moons,
comets, and other solar system objects.
The basic idea was to start with a twobody solution, then add in the effects of
other bodies as small perturbations that
slightly alter the orbit. The result of this
process is again a set of equations that
give positions and velocities as functions of t, but the equations are more
complicated, and they provide only approximate answers.
Many Bodies
The perturbation methods developed
for solar-system astronomy become
unwieldy when the number of objects
grows beyond a dozen or so. Clusters
with millions of stars, and galaxies
with billions, require a different strategy. The preferred approach today is
step-by-step numerical simulation of
the particle trajectories. Mathematically, this scheme is appealingly simple,
replacing much algebra and calculus
with mere arithmetic. On the other
hand, the amount of arithmetic needed
is prodigious—enough to strain the capacity of the largest supercomputers.
A step-by-step algorithm moves the
particles in discrete jumps from one
© 2015 Brian Hayes. Reproduction with permission only.
Contact [email protected].
Three stages in the evolution of a galaxy like the Milky Way were
generated by a simulation of 51 billion particles interacting through
their mutual gravitational attraction. The particles represent stars in
configuration to the next, as if in a sequence of movie frames. Each frame
depends on the previous one, so they
have to be computed in order. If you
want to know what the system looks
like after a million time steps, you
need to work your way through all the
intermediate states.
Here is a three-part recipe for computing a single step in the motion of a
star inside a cluster. First measure the
force F attracting the star to each of
the other stars, using the gravitational
equation F = Gmm/r2. Summing up all
these attractions—taking account of
both their magnitudes and directions—
yields the net force acting on the star.
Once you know the net force, you
can calculate the star’s acceleration, or
change in velocity, using another Newtonian equation, F = ma. Then, knowing the acceleration, you can update
the star’s velocity.
Finally, the updated velocity allows
you to calculate the star’s trajectory
over some interval Δt, and thereby establish its new position at time t +Δt.
The easiest algorithm for this “particle
pushing” process assumes the velocity
calculated at time t remains constant
throughout the interval Δt, so that the
star moves in a straight line at constant
speed. This crude extrapolation gives
acceptable results only if Δt is very
brief. More sophisticated integration
methods allow longer time steps at the
cost of greater complexity.
At every time step, a new position
and velocity must be calculated not
just for one star but for all N stars in
the system. This is the major computational bottleneck in N-body studies.
Because each star responds to N –1
the central bulge and the disk of the galaxy as well as “dark matter” in
an unseen spherical halo. The snapshots show the galaxy at ages of 3.4,
4.2, and 5.6 billion years. Images courtesy of Simon Portegies Zwart.
other stars, there are N(N–1)/2 pairs
of stars for which the mutual attraction
must be worked out. In the notation
of computer science, the algorithm is
said to have O(N 2) complexity; as N
increases, the amount of work rises approximately as N 2. For a million stars,
every time step requires roughly 1012
force computations.
The number of time steps can also
present a computational challenge.
Each step should be brief enough that
the distance between pairs of stars
does not change by more than a few
percent. For stars that are many lightyears apart, time steps of several thousand years give acceptable results, but
close encounters and tightly bound binary stars can require steps of days or
weeks—too frequent for a simulation
that extends over billions of years.
The Center Cannot Hold
It’s not entirely obvious how gravitation gives rise to elaborate, long-lived
structures such as planetary systems
and galaxies. Other complex forms in
nature, such as molecules and crystals, depend on a balance of attractive
and repulsive forces, but gravitation
is purely attractive. The explanation
is that galaxies and other gravitating
systems are dynamic, made up of objects in motion. Instead of an equilibrium between attraction and repulsion,
there is a continual interchange of kinetic and potential energy.
Suppose several thousand stars are
scattered at random within some finite
spherical volume, with all of the stars
initially at rest. What happens next?
A century ago the physicist Arthur
Eddington wrote that stars in such
clusters probably cannot “escape the
fate of ultimately condensing into one
confused mass.” N-body simulations
show otherwise. There is an initial infall, but the stars do not all converge
on their common center of mass. Instead, their paths are deflected slightly
by interactions with near neighbors,
so that collisions are avoided. Most of
the stars enter elongated elliptical orbits, shuttling back and forth between
the core and the periphery of the cluster. Furthermore, some stars do escape
the grip of mutual attraction: Close
encounters can whip a star out of the
cluster at high velocity, never to return.
The stars left behind give up some of
their kinetic energy in this transaction,
but the cluster as a whole also loses
mass, so that the stars are less tightly
bound together. The ultimate fate of
the cluster may be the very opposite of
condensation: evaporation, as all of the
stars disperse.
The Milky Way has at least 150 globular clusters. The prevalence of close
encounters and binary stars in these
regions makes N-body simulation particularly difficult. Early attempts were
limited to fewer than 100 stars. By 2010,
a star-by-star simulation followed the
evolution of a specific globular cluster
over a lifetime of 11 billion years. That
cluster, Palomar 14, is one of the smaller
ones orbiting the Milky Way, with fewer than 5,000 stars. The bigger clusters
have a million stars or more.
Whole galaxies, of course, are far
larger still; the Milky Way has roughly
100 billion stars. Furthermore, stars are
not the only components of a galaxy.
Some 90 percent of the mass takes the
form of “dark matter,” whose exact
© 2015 Brian Hayes. Reproduction with permission only.
Contact [email protected].
The first experiments with N-body
simulations on GPUs began more than
10 years ago. By 2009, Evghenii Gaburov, Stefan Harfst, and Portegies
Zwart had created emulation software
that allows programs written for the
GRAPE to run on a GPU. The more
recent Milky Way simulations by Portegies Zwart and his colleagues were
designed from the outset to make the
best possible use of supercomputers
with thousands of GPUs.
Calculating forces is the most time-consuming phase of an N-body simulation. In a cluster of
size 50, each particle interacts with 49 others (left panel). A scheme called a tree code (right panel)
reduces the burden. Some particle-particle forces are still calculated directly (purple dots and
lines), but in other cases a group of particles is replaced by a single “pseudoparticle” placed at
the group’s center of mass (orange dots and lines). The groupings are determined by recursively
subdividing the space. In two dimensions, a square cell is divided in four; in three dimensions,
a cube is replaced by eight smaller cubes. The version of the algorithm illustrated here installs
a pseudoparticle in a cell whenever the distance to the cell’s center of mass is greater than the
cell’s side length (orange-tinted squares). The number of force calculations falls from 49 to 24.
composition remains unknown. Thus
a fully realistic galaxy simulation, including both the visible and the dark
matter, should have substantially more
than 100 billion particles. Tracing the
paths of such an immense swarm of
moving and interacting objects is a
daunting prospect.
One way to speed up N-body simulations is simply to build faster computers. Early experiments relied on
mainframes, workstations, and monolithic supercomputers, but the field
was transformed in the 1990s by the
arrival of a relatively small and inexpensive device known as GRAPE,
specially designed for N-body simulations. Developed by Junichiro Makino
and his colleagues at the University
of Tokyo, GRAPE operates as a coprocessor attached to a conventional
computer. The coprocessor handles
all the pairwise force calculations—
the part of the N-body algorithm with
O(N 2) complexity—while the host
computer completes the star-pushing
part of the simulation.
“GRAPE” stands for Gravity Pipe.
Circuits performing various aspects of
the force calculation are arranged in sequence, with data flowing through the
pipeline from one unit to the next. The
final version of the GRAPE system, introduced in 2002, is built around a semiconductor chip with six such pipelines,
each of which can compute 90 million
American Scientist, Volume 103
particle-particle forces per second. As
many as 2,048 chips can be combined
in a single system. By some measures,
GRAPE devices were the world’s fastest computers for a few years (though
only for this one problem).
Today GRAPE has been surpassed
by another kind of coprocessor, the
graphics processing unit, or GPU.
These devices evolved from hardware
designed for video games, where the
main requirement is to project a threedimensional scene onto a display composed of several million pixels, refreshing the image quickly enough to create
the illusion of continuous motion. The
task can be decomposed into multiple
“threads” that run almost independently. A GPU performs the computation
with an array of many small processors,
or “cores,” tuned for high-speed arithmetic. The individual cores are simpler
than the central processing unit (CPU)
of a typical computer, but with thousands of cores in a single GPU chip,
their aggregate power is greater.
GPUs have spread far beyond video
games. They are well adapted to many
kinds of scientific computing, and they
provide most of the computational
horsepower in some of the newest supercomputers. Although GPUs are not
explicitly designed for N-body problems, as the GRAPE is, they have economic and technological advantages:
A market for millions of GPU chips
provides funds for development and
economies of scale in manufacturing.
Stars in a Box
Solving a 100-billion-body problem
calls for algorithmic ingenuity as well
as computational muscle. With 1011
stars, an O(N 2) algorithm would make
1022 pairwise force calculations on each
time step—a task that would keep a
billion GRAPE machines busy. Somehow, the number of operations must be
drastically reduced. There are several
ways to approach this task, but they all
involve assembling stars into clusters,
then clusters of clusters, and so on.
The Sun’s immediate neighborhood
in the Milky Way has a dozen stars
within a radius of 10 light-years. An
accurate description of their dynamics needs to consider all (12×11)/2 = 66
pairwise interactions. For more distant
stars, however, the all-pairs requirement can be relaxed. Imagine another
group of a dozen stars, 10,000 lightyears away. The Sun feels the gravitational influence of those far-off stars,
but they all pull in very nearly the same
direction. Treating them as a single
body with the combined mass of all 12
stars introduces only a tiny imprecision.
One way to organize a hierarchical
N-body calculation is to recursively
divide the space into subvolumes. Begin with a cube of edge length L, large
enough to encompass the entire galaxy.
Partition this box into eight subcubes,
each with edge length L/2. Now each
of these subcubes becomes a candidate
for further partitioning into eight boxes
of side length L/4. Within each box the
process continues until the number of
stars in the box is no greater than some
threshold. This partitioning scheme, introduced in the 1980s by Josh Barnes
and Piet Hut, is called a tree code. The
tree is the branching structure formed
by the hierarchy of boxes, with the single largest box at the root of the tree and
the smallest boxes at the leaves.
In the tree code calculation, a star
has direct, one-on-one interactions with
nearby stars, but some longer-range in-
© 2015 Brian Hayes. Reproduction with permission only.
Contact [email protected].
teractions are between the star and an
entire box of stars. The technique reduces the complexity of the computation
from O(N 2 ) to O(N log N), a huge improvement. For 1011 stars, the number
of force evaluations per time step falls
from 1022 to as few as 1013. The tradeoff between speed and accuracy can be
fine-tuned by adjusting the crossover
point between individual and aggregated force computations.
To observe the long-term evolution
of a simulated galaxy, time steps must
be reasonably long. Galactic motions
tend to be stately and slow, allowing
time steps of thousands of years, but
occasional close encounters cause rapid
changes in a star’s speed and direction.
One way to suppress such events is to
“soften” the gravitational attraction.
Whereas the real force is proportional
to 1/r2 (and therefore tends to infinity
as r goes to 0), the softened force is proportional to 1/(r+ε)2, where ε is a constant with dimensions of distance. The
softening of the force law eliminates
the troublesome divergence at r = 0 yet
has almost no effect when the stars are
far apart.
The Milky Way on a GPU
The Milky Way simulation by Portegies Zwart and his colleagues is based
on tree-code software they call Bonsai.
In addition to Portegies Zwart, the primary authors are Jeroen Bédorf and
Gaburov, who were Ph.D. candidates
at Leiden when the project began. Bédorf is now at the Centrum Wiskunde
and Informatica in Amsterdam; Gaburov is at an Amsterdam research
institute called SURFsara. Also participating in the Milky Way simulation
were Michiko S. Fujii of the National
Astronomical Observatory of Japan,
Keigo Nitadori of the Japanese institute RIKEN, and Tomoaki Ishiyama
of the University of Tsukuba in Japan.
In creating the Bonsai software, the
first major challenge was to perform
the force calculation entirely on the
GPU; if parts of the procedure are
done on the host CPU, most of the
GPU speed advantage is dissipated
in moving data back and forth. The
second challenge was getting the software to run efficiently when the computation is distributed across multiple
GPUs; here the threat to performance
is slow communication between separate GPU modules. Such communication cannot be eliminated entirely because all stars interact with all others,
but delays were minimized by carefully distributing the stars among the
modules and by having the CPU handle communication while the GPUs
were kept busy with other tasks.
The galactic simulation was carried
out at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre in Lugano, using a computer called Piz Daint (named for an
Alpine peak). The computation ran on
4,096 nodes of this machine. Each node
has an Intel CPU and a GPU called the
NVIDIA Tesla K20X, which has 2,688
cores; thus the total count of GPU cores
was more than 11 million. With these
facilities, the Bonsai program was able
to simulate a galaxy with 51 billion
particles—a thousand times more than
earlier studies, though still short of the
star-for-star goal. The galaxy’s evolution was followed over six billion years,
with time steps of 75,000 years.
The Bonsai program also had a
brief test run on a larger machine, Titan, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
in Tennessee. The aim of this exercise
was to measure performance when the
simulation was scaled up to 242 billion particles, running on 18,600 GPU
modules and almost 50 million GPU
cores. The measurements showed that a
complete eight-billion-year simulation
would take about a week of runtime on
Titan. That allocation of computer time
has not yet been granted. On the other
hand, the Bonsai project was one of five
finalists for the 2014 Gordon Bell Prize,
which recognizes progress in highperformance parallel computing.
A Galactic Selfie
Trying to get a clear view of our home
galaxy is like trying to see one’s own
face. We can’t reach out 100,000 lightyears and take a selfie. Only in the past
decade have astronomers been able
to ascertain even the basic architecture of the Milky Way. It turns out we
live in a barred spiral. A thick shaft of
luminous matter protrudes from the
galaxy’s central bulge, with loosely
wrapped streamers of stars trailing
from the ends of the bar.
In a year or two, a more precise portrait will begin to emerge from data
gathered by the Gaia spacecraft, which
was launched into solar orbit by the
European Space Agency in 2013. Gaia
is mapping a billion stars—a 1 percent
sample of the Milky Way—measuring
their positions in three-dimensional
space and recording velocities for a
subset of 150 million objects.
N-body simulations provide a theoretical complement to this observational program. The Gaia catalog will reveal the spatial structure of the galactic
disk in unprecedented detail; computational models can suggest how
the observed features arose and what
physical mechanisms maintain them.
The Bonsai simulation begins with
particles pre-allocated to the central
bulge, the disk, and the dark-matter
halo, but the bar and the spiral arms
are not part of the initial conditions.
Those structures evolve spontaneously
from the gravitational dynamics. Interestingly, it takes more than three billion years for them to appear.
Do we really need 100 billion stars
to simulate a galaxy? Portegies Zwart
points out that spatial resolution is a
crucial issue in these models. A coarsegrained view of the universe, like a
blurry photograph, obscures identifying features. Meaningful comparisons
with the Gaia data will require models
with resolution of a few light-years, distinguishing individual stars.
Forty years ago the physicist Philip
Anderson remarked, “More is different.” He was talking about condensedmatter physics, where a small cluster of
atoms exhibits properties quite unlike
those of a macroscopic lump of matter. Perhaps the same principle applies
in astrophysics as well. The two-body
problem is qualitatively different from
the few-body problem, and it seems
the 100-billion-body problem falls in
yet another category. For the first time,
computer technology can take us across
the more-is-different threshold.
Aarseth, Sverre J. 2003. Gravitational N-Body
Simulations: Tools and Algorithms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Barnes, Josh, and Piet Hut. 1986. A hierarchical O(N log N) force calculation algorithm.
Nature 324:446–449.
Bédorf, Jeroen, Evghenii Gaburov, and Simon
Portegies Zwart. 2012. A sparse octree gravitational N-body code that runs entirely on
the GPU processor. Journal of Computational
Physics 231:2825–2839.
Bédorf, Jeroen, Evghenii Gaburov, Michiko
S. Fujii, Keigo Nitadori, Tomoaki Ishiyama, and Simon Portegies Zwart. 2014.
24.77 pflops on a gravitational tree-code to
simulate the Milky Way galaxy with 18600
GPUs. In Proceedings of the International
Conference for High Performance Computing,
Networking, Storage and Analysis, pp. 54–65.
Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press.
Heggie, Douglas, and Piet Hut. 2003. The Gravitational Million-Body Problem: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Star Cluster Dynamics.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
© 2015 Brian Hayes. Reproduction with permission only.
Contact [email protected].