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Noah Webster Christian School
Weekly Word
April 11, 2016
“8Above all, keep loving one another
earnestly, since love covers a
multitude of sins. 9Show hospitality
to one another without grumbling.
10As each has received a gift, use it
to serve one another, as good
stewards of God’s varied grace.”
A Note from the Principal:
Please be mindful of upcoming dates
and mark them on your calendar. Many
things are happening as we finish out
the school year. A school calendar can
be found on our website under
documents or on the bulletin board
outside the office. Spring concert is in
three weeks. It will be held Thursday,
May 5th at 7 pm. It will include all
students in Kindergarten through 5
grade, Band students, and the Junior
High Handbell choir.
The Junior High Handbell choir will also
be performing at the First
Congregational Church on Sunday, May
15 . Students will need to arrive by
9:00 am for setup and rehearsal.
Church service starts at 10:00 am. First
Congregational has devoted this
Sunday to celebrating children. The
students have chosen to wear black,
white and green for the Spring concert
and this performance. Pants or skirts
should be black.
On Tuesday, May 24 at 7:00 pm, we
will hold a Kindergarten and 8 grade
Promotion ceremony. We will also
honor those students who have earned
the highest grade point average (GPA)
for their class and have been chosen for
the Christian Character award. For the
Kindergarten promotion ceremony, we
will only be promoting our K5 students.
Since K4 students will be attending
Kindergarten next year, Mrs. Gordon
and I agreed that only those students
promoting to 1 grade would be part of
the ceremony. We want this to be a
celebration of transition for both groups
of students.
Dates To Remember
April 11 – Board Meeting 6:30pm
April 12-14 – Terra Nova Testing
April 22– Kindergarten Round-up
Terra-Nova Testing
Beginning tomorrow morning we will be
doing Terra-Nova Testing. Testing will
occur tomorrow, Wednesday, and
Thursday mornings. Due to testing on
Wednesday, students will not need to
dress in chapel clothes.
Congratulations to Jon Gordon and
Ethan Harris of our Junior High class.
Jon was the 7 grade winner and Ethan
was the 8 grade winner of the
Daughters of the American Revolution’s
American History Essay contest. Both
boys were presented with a certificate
and medal at a presentation at the
library on Saturday, April 9 . At the
presentation, Ethan was informed that
his essay had also been chosen as the
state winner. His essay will now travel
to the district competition. Both boys
had to read their essay to those in
attendance. They did a great job and
we are very proud of them.
Kindergarten Round-up
Kindergarten Round-up is scheduled for
next Friday, April 22nd from 9:30-10:30
am. If you know of anyone who has
children ages 4 and 5 who are thinking
about sending them to Noah for
Kindergarten, this is a great time to
observe a class in action. Please have
interested parents call the office.
Remember, we do offer a recruitment
incentive policy. For every new family a
current NWCS family recruits to attend
Noah Webster, a $150 credit will be
applied to your family’s account. That
means that for every family (not
individual siblings) that one recruits,
upon submission of the new family’s
registration and book fees, your family’s
account will receive $150 off your
balance. What a fantastic way of
rewarding those who work hard at
promoting NWCS and helping us to
provide ministry to new families.
5th Grade Fundraising
New total for the 5th grade fundraiser is
The office still has 15 candy bars
available for purchase. Each candy bar
is $1.00.
SchoolMALL Fundraiser
We are excited to announce that our
school is participating in the SchoolMall
program. Your student brought home
last week an envelope with the words
“Hello Parents” across the top. Please
take 10 minutes to complete the sign-up
process. This is all you have to do for
your student to earn prizes and our
school to earn money. However, this is
not a required fundraiser.
Once the sign-up process is complete,
you will need to fill in your Student’s
prize code on the front of your “Hello
Parents” envelope from a confirmation
email you will receive. The completed
envelope will need to be returned to the
office for your child to receive their
prizes and to be entered into a drawing
for JoeBot the Robot. All completed
envelopes must be returned to the
school office by THIS Friday, April 15 .
The drawing for the robot will occur in
chapel on Wednesday, April 20 .
Orders that qualify students for prizes
on their prize thermometer need to be
placed by Sunday, May 15 .
Chick-fil-A Spirit Day
We received a check for $45.12 from
Chick-fil-A for last month’s Spirit Day.
This month’s spirit day is scheduled for
Thursday, April 21st. You can go to
Chick-fil-A anytime during the day; just
be sure to tell the cashier prior to
ordering that you are with Noah
Webster. In conjunction with it, we ask
that kids and staff wear their Noah
Webster t-shirts.
1st/2nd Grade:
(Mrs. Cooper)
Verse: Matthew 6:14-15 due Friday
Arithmetic: 1 : review coins, telling
time by 5, + and -, adding with carrying
2 : counting coins, +- 18, telling time,
rounding to nearest 10
Phonics: 1 : Charts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, C, D, E, F, G, H, syllables, k/c,
ck/ke 2 : Charts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, syllables, k/c,
Spelling: 1 : none this week
2 : none this week
Language: 1 : rhyming, opposites,
sentence, root word/suffix, double
consonant +-ing, ABC order,
homonyms, prefixes, changing y to I +
suffix, contractions, syllables, compound
2 : sentence, homophones, rhyming,
contractions, root word/suffix, ABC
order, adding suffix, singular, plural,
accented syllables, capitalization,
similes, writing a descriptive paragraph,
topic sentence
Penmanship: 1 : Cursive b
2 : Cursive M
Science: plant unit
Extra: Remember Terra Nova Testing
this week (Tuesday – Thursday).
Please send healthy snacks and water
3rd & 4th Grade:
(Ms. Tudor)
Bible: What a Friend we have in Jesus.
We are learning the song and playing
instruments from our recycle band.
Spelling: No spelling this week.
Reading: We will Read samples from
American Literature this week when we
are not testing.
Science: We will finish our health unit.
Social Studies: We will work on the 50
States and how to read maps.
Extra: Terra Nova testing this week.
On Monday we will review the many
things we have learned this year.
5th Grade:
(Mrs. Eyres)
Bible: We are starting a new unit titled
“Growing in Grace and Knowledge”.
This week we will start with trusting in
times of trouble.
Memory Verse: “Dear friends, do not be
surprised at the fiery ordeal that has
come on you to test you, as though
something strange were happening to
you. But rejoice inasmuch as you
participate in the sufferings of Christ, so
that you may be overjoyed when his
glory is revealed.” 1 Peter 4:12-13
English: In English we will try to finish
our lessons on verb forms with the
perfect tense and prefixes and suffixes.
We will have a test Monday over
chapter 11.
Math: We will have math Monday and
Friday. The other days we will be
testing. We will look at sequences,
scales, and story problems.
Reading: In Reading, we will be
discussing plot and on Friday we will
reading a story titled “Common Salt” and
discussing how Christians are the salt of
the earth.
Science: In science we will be starting a
new chapter on the Solar System.
Social Studies: We are continuing our
study on Western Europe.
Extra: This Tuesday through Thursday
the students will be taking the Terra
Nova tests. Please make sure that your
child(ren) get plenty of sleep and eat a
good, nutritious breakfast. Thanks and
have a fantastic week.
Jr. High:
(Mrs. Olson)
Bible: Begin L. 7-5 "Seeking the Lost".
Grammar: Distinguishing adverbs from
Literature: Instead of a test over The
Giver, I will assign a project for each
Spelling: Begin L. 19; No test this
Science: L. 14C "Waves"
History: Arts in the Gilded Age; Study
for test next week.
7 Grade Math: Evaluations of
equations with signed numbers and
signed numbers without parentheses.
8 Grade Math: We will be talking
about fractional percentages and simple
and compound interest.
Extra: Terra Nova tests this week on
Tuesday - Thursday mornings. Please
make sure students get good rest, good
snacks and arrive on time. Have a great
Permission slips need to be turned in by
Wednesday to attend the movie on