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Additive manufacturing and high
resolution X-ray optics
Carolyn Atkins
STFC Rutherford International Fellow/ Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow
STFC – UK Astronomy Technology Centre
[email protected]
9th International workshop on astronomical x-ray optics,
Prague, Czech Republic, 7th Dec 2016
Presentation outline
Additive manufacturing of optics
Additive manufacturing of X-ray optics
Research plan
Summary and conclusion
Presentation outline
Additive manufacturing of optics
Additive manufacturing of X-ray optics
Research plan
Summary and conclusion
Rutherford International Fellowship
STFC Rutherford International fellow / Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow
A two year fellowship for non-UK citizens residing outside the UK (…or UK citizens who resided outside
the UK for 3+ years) to be located at an STFC laboratory:
• The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
• The Daresbury Laboratory
• UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UKATC)
• Chilbolton Observatory.
Rutherford International Fellowship
STFC Rutherford International fellow / Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow
A two year fellowship for non-UK citizens residing outside the UK (…or UK citizens who resided outside
the UK for 3+ years) to be located at an STFC laboratory:
• The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
• The Daresbury Laboratory
• UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UKATC)
• Chilbolton Observatory.
My Fellowship project at the UKATC
Title: Additive manufacturing of
astronomical components
What is additive manufacturing?
Additive manufacturing = 3D printing
‘Flavours’ of additive manufacturing
Stereolithography (photopolymerisation)
• Uses UV to photopolymerise a liquid resin.
• Plastics/ceramics
Laser Sintering
• Metallic or ceramic
• A laser is used to fuse a powder
Fused deposition modelling – a.k.a. 3D printing
Additive manufacturing (AM)
Generic process
1. CAD
Computer aided design of the object
2. STL conversion
STL is the generic file format for AM
3. Transfer to machine
Orientation the object on the build platform
4. Machine set-up
Ensuring correct print material etc.
5. Build
Sit back - relax
6. Remove
The build plate is removed, heat treatment, object removed
7. Post-process
Machine, polish, coat, paint etc.
8. Application
Presentation outline
Additive manufacturing of optics
Additive manufacturing of X-ray optics
Research plan
Summary and conclusion
Additive manufacturing of optics
Case study 1: Harrison Herzog et al., ‘Optical fabrication of lightweighted 3D printed mirrors’, Proc. Of SPIE
9573, 957308, (2015)
University of Arizona, USA
Aluminium rms roughness = 22nm
Titanium = optical surface not achieved
Additive manufacturing of optics
Case study 2: Michael Sweeney et al. ‘Application and Testing of Additive Manufacturing for Mirrors and
Precision Structures’, Proc. Of SPIE 9574, 957406, (2015)
General Dynamics – Global Imagining Technologies, USA
Before: PV = ~500nm
rms = ~70nm
After: PV = ~300nm
rms = ~40nm
Additive manufacturing of optics
Case study 3: Junjie Luo et al. ‘Additive manufacturing of glass for optical applications’, Proc. Of SPIE 9738,
97380Y, (2016)
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Presentation outline
Additive manufacturing of optics
Additive manufacturing of X-ray optics
Research plan
Summary and conclusion
1 of 4 proposals being
studied by NASA for the
2020 decadal.
Design based upon
Chandra heritage.
If selected at the 2020
decadal, assuming all
goes well, launch around
Tapping into
existing technology
Technology void
X-ray Surveyor
NASA led
Trying not to reinvent the
Looking at where there is
investment in technology.
Where is relevant
research currently taking
X-ray Surveyor: R&D today
polishing thin shells
Static correction
Monocrystalline silicon
X-ray mirrors
Active correction
Mirror surface
X-ray Surveyor: R&D today
Static correction
Monocrystalline silicon
X-ray mirrors
Mirror surface
Active correction
Additive manufacturing X-ray optics:
1. Design
The CAD design of the optic and lightweighting converted to STL and
orientated with in the machine
2. Print
Press GO!
It could be printed via a variety of
materials and methods.
3. Post-process
Post processing is required!
• Heat treatment to reduce stress
• Removal from build base
• Post-machining
4. Polish
The machined surface could then be
ground and polished to the desired
optical prescription
Additive manufacturing X-ray optics:
Notational X-ray surveyor requirements
Taken from a talk by M. Schattenburg 2016
Max. diameter
Focal length
On axis HPD (@ 1keV)
0.5 arc-sec
FOV diameter (<1 arc sec)
15 arc-min
Mirror shells
# Mirrors (segmented design)
Effective area @ 1keV (mirror)
~2-3 m2
Nominal bandwidth
0.1-10 keV
Direct polishing has
historically always provided
the means to achieve high
resolution X-ray optics
Additive manufacturing is
well placed for batch
production without requiring
custom machinery.
The use of robotic polishing
machine will also speed up
production once a process
has been developed.
Other advantages
• Reduction in manufacturing steps.
• A ready ability to light-weight without waste material
• Integration of a support structure with the optical component and therefore
minimising mounting and CTE (coefficient of thermal expansion) mismatch problems.
• Cost and time
How thin and light-weight
can additive manufacturing
Presentation outline
Additive manufacturing of optics
Additive manufacturing of X-ray optics
Research plan
Summary and conclusion
Research Plan
2 year fellowship
• Start: Aug 2016, end: July 2018
• Objective: experimental combined with simulations (FEA, ray tracing)
• Current status: forming collaborations and applying for funding
Funding 1 (6 months)*
Funding 2 (12 months)*
Aug 2016
Jul 2018
Build collaborations
Apply for funding
Investigation – materials, polishing etc.
Prototype design and build
X-ray testing?
* if successful
Research Plan: investigation
Investigation – materials, polishing etc.
Produce small flat circular test samples out
of a variety of materials and methods to
evaluate suitability.
Use finite element analysis (FEA) to
optimise the light-weighting structure to
ensure maximum rigidity for minimum mass.
Pass the FEA to ray tracing to determine the
effects of light-weighting print-though on the
optical surface.
• Small flat test
• ~40mm in diameter
and 5mm thick.
• Light-weighted
• Polished
• Metrology
Research Plan: prototypes
Prototype design and build
The design and fabrication of the prototype will
be determined after the initial samples.
It is expected to be a segment of a full shell.
It will be designed to be X-ray tested.
Directly polished
Prototype mandate:
• Thinner than Chandra’s optics - probably 5 – 2mm.
• Significantly lighter than Chandra.
Aiming for a areal density of ~8kg/m2 (X-ray Surveyor ~ 2kg/m2)
Other applications
Not just astronomical X-ray optics….
Optical, IR and Earth Observation:
Design for Demise (ESA)
• Space debris mitigation can be achieved
through designing a satellite to ‘demise’ within
the Earth’s atmosphere.
• Current optical components made from glass or
ceramic do not readily burn up in the Earth’s
• Light-weighted additive manufactured optics
could potentially offer an alternative
(image credit: ESA
I would like to credit Prof.
Peter Doel at UCL for
pointing me in this direction
Synchrotron optics
Integration of support structures to minimise
mounting effects.
Embedding a cooling system within the optic to
remove the requirement of mounting a cooling
system to the optic
I will be working with the Diamond
Light Source to this end
Presentation outline
Additive manufacturing of optics
Additive manufacturing of X-ray optics
Research plan
Summary and conclusion
Summary: technology development
“Golden Quadrant”
Current R&D at
various TRL
levels for X-ray
Direct polishing
Monocrystalline Si
Static correction
Active correction
Summary: fellowship project
“Golden Quadrant”
Current R&D at
various TRL
levels for X-ray
Direct polishing
Monocrystalline Si
Static correction
Additive manufacturing of astronomical components – with emphasis on
optics and the X-ray domain.
Goal: To design and build some X-ray reflecting prototypes that show
potential for a golden quadrant future X-ray telescope.
Active correction
Summary and conclusion
1. Introduction to fellowship scheme and additive manufacturing.
2. Outlined existing developments in additively manufactured optics.
3. Discussed the motivation and why additive manufacturing is an
interesting and viable fabrication method to study.
4. Outlined my research plan for the next 2 years
5. Discussed other applications
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 665593 awarded to the Science
and Technology Facilities Council.
I also acknowledge the UKATC for supplying the non-EU part of the Fellowship
Many thanks to all my collaborators/peers would have provided useful insight on this project:
• University of Leicester
• University College London
• Daresbury Laboratory
• The Diamond Light Source
Thank you for your attention!