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Earth Systems 3209
Chapters 15
Name _______________
Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer for the following multiple choice questions.
Write the UPPERCASE letter of the correct answer on the answer sheet on page 4.
1. A fracture with horizontal displacement parallel to its surface trend is called a(n) ________
a) dip-slip
b) strike-slip
c) overturned
d) joint
e) oblique-slip
2. The rock immediately above a fault surface is commonly called the
a) anticline
b) syncline
c) dip-slip
d) foot-wall
e) hanging wall
3. Folding is usually the result of
a) tensional forces
b) faulting
c) compressional forces
d) shear forces
e) jointing
4. Which one of the following pairs is properly matched?
a) normal fault-tensional forces
b) reverse fault-tensional forces
c) thrust fault-tensional forces
d) normal fault-compressional forces
5. Faults where the movement is primarily vertical are called ________ faults.
a) transform
b) dip-slip
c) strike-slip
d) oblique
e) random
6. Dip-slip faults are classified as ________ faults when the hanging wall moves up relative to the
a) normal
b) reverse
c) strike-slip
d) transform
e) tensional
True/False: For the following true/false questions, if a statement is not completely true, mark
it false. Place a T for True and F for False on the answer sheet on page 4.
1. The rock in a fault that is higher than the fault surface is referred to as the hanging wall.
2. Strike-slip faults that are associated with plate boundaries are called transform faults.
3. Most mountain building occurs in tensional environments.
4. Faults in which the movement is primarily horizontal are called dip-slip faults.
5. In a normal fault, the hanging wall moves downward relative to the footwall.
6. Most folds result from compressional stresses in the crust.
7. Most major mountain belts are fault-block mountains.
8. In a reverse fault, the foot-wall moves upward relative to the hanging wall.
9. Normal faulting is often the type that occurs at spreading centers, where plates are
Word Choice: Complete each of the following statements by selecting the correct response(s).
Write the correct response on the answer sheet on page 4.
1. Forces that pull apart Earth's crust are called [compressional/tensional] stresses.
2. A fault with primarily vertical displacement is called a(n) [dip-slip/strike-slip/oblique-slip] fault.
3. Reverse faults are usually produced by [tensional/compressional] forces.
4. Fault-block mountains are associated with [compressional/tensional] forces.
Multiple Choice
1. B
2. E
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
T or F
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. T
Word choice
1. tensional
2. dip-slip
3. compressional
4. tensional