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The Nature of Volcanic Eruptions
Mt. St. Helens
Chapter 5:
•David Johnston 6 miles away
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The Nature of Volcanic Eruptions
The Nature of Volcanic Eruptions
• All volcanic eruptions involve magma
• Mobility of magma is called viscosity
• The more viscous the material, the greater its
resistance to flow
• Ex: honey is more viscous than oil
3 Types of Volcanoes
• Cinder Cones: Cinder Cone
• Shield: Prospect Peak
• Stratovolcano (composite): Mt. Tehama
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The Nature of Volcanic Eruptions
Viscosity is dependent upon the magma’s:
• Temperature: hotter =less viscous; cooler =more viscous.
• Chemical composition: more Si =more viscous
• Dissolved gases: Dissolved water in magma reduces
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The Nature of Volcanic Eruptions
Explosivity of
•Si-rich magmas create
explosive eruptions as
gases become “stuck” in
the viscous fluid of the
•Fluid basaltic lavas
create quieter eruptions
due to gases readily
escaping the magma at
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The Nature of Volcanic Eruptions
The Nature of Volcanic Eruptions
Different compositions result in volcanic
Quiescent vs. Explosive Eruptions
• Quiescent Hawaiian‐Type Eruptions
flows; lava
• Involves fluid basaltic lavas
• Eruptions are characterized by outpourings of lava that can last weeks, months, or even years
basalt plateaus,
cinder cones
• Explosive Eruptions
• Associated with highly viscous magmas
• Volatiles released; not major explosives
• Eruptions expel particles of fragmented lava and gases at high speeds that evolve into eruption columns.
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Materials Extruded During an Eruption
What materials are
extruded during
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Materials Extruded During an Eruption
Lava on Earth
• ~1 percent of lava is rhyolitic lava
• <10 percent of lava is andesitic lava
• ~90 percent of lava is basaltic lava
• Lava Flows
• Gases
• Pyroclastic Materials
(pulverized rock and lava
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Materials Extruded During an Eruption
Basaltic Lava Flows
Very fluid; flow in thin, broad sheets
or stream-like ribbons; move quickly.
• Aa flows have surfaces of rough
jagged blocks
• Pahoehoe flows have smooth
surfaces and resemble twisted
braids of rope
• Pillow Lavas are composed of
basaltic lavas extruded
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Materials Extruded During an Eruption
Andesitic and Rhyolitic Lava Flows
•Thick flows
•Andesitic eruptions are intermediate between basaltic and
• Block Lava Flows are composed of andesitic and rhyolitic
lava; upper surface consists of massive, detached blocks
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Materials Extruded During an Eruption
• Gases make up 1%‒6% of the
total weight of a magma
• Mostly water vapor with smaller
amounts of CO2, S, Cl, and
other gases
• Gases are held in molten rock
by confining pressures
• Gases are released as the
magma reaches the surface and
the pressure is reduced
• Relative proportion of gases
varies by volcanic region
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Materials Extruded During an Eruption
Materials Extruded During an Eruption
Pyroclastic Materials:
Pulverized rock and lava
fragments ejected from a
5 Types by Size:
• Volcanic Ash – fine, glassy
fragments; welded tuff is
created when hot ash falls and
glassy fragments fuse together.
• Lapilli – pyroclasts 2-64mm in
size; walnut size
• Cinders – pyroclasts 2-64mm
in size; pea size
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Materials Extruded During an Eruption
Pyroclastic Materials
Pyroclastic Materials
5 Types by Size (con’t):
2 Types by Composition:
• Scoria – reddish-brown
porous rock from frothy
basaltic and andesitic lava;
many voids (vesicles); more
dense than pumice
• Blocks hardened or cooled
lava fragments >64mm
• Bombs ejected hot lava
blobs that harden tin
streamlined shapes mid-air
>64mm (2.5”)
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Anatomy of a Volcano
General Features of a Volcano
• Pumice – vesicular rock
made from “frothy” lava;
many very small vesicles;
less dense than scoria;
andesitic to rhyolitic
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Anatomy of a Volcano
General features at the summit
Classified by eruptive patterns and landform
General features at the summit
• Conduit – a fissure that magma
moves through to reach the
• Vent –surface opening of a conduit
• Volcanic cone – cone shaped
structure created by eruptions of
lava and pyroclastic material at
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• Crater – a funnel-shaped depression at
the summit of most volcanic cones;
generally less than 1 km in diameter;
formed by accumulated materials
• Caldera – a volcanic crater >1 km in
diameter; produced by a collapse
following a massive eruption
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Anatomy of a Volcano
General features on the sides
3 Types of Volcanoes
• Parasitic cones – a flank vent that
emits lava and pyroclastic
• Shield
• Cinder Cones
• Composite
• Fumaroles – a flank vent that
emits gases (Lassen)
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Shield Volcanoes
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Shield Volcanoes
Shield Volcanoes
• Mauna Loa is the largest shield volcano on Earth
• Produced by mild eruptions of large volumes of
basaltic lava
• Broad, slightly dome-shaped
• Most begin on the seafloor as seamounts; only a few
grow large enough to form a volcanic island
• Gentle slopes formed from very hot, fluid lava that
travels far from the vent
• Often have a large, steepwalled caldera at summit
from magma chamber collapse
• Examples include the Hawaiian Islands, the Canary
Islands, the Galapagos, and Easter Island
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Cinder Cones
Cinder Cones
• Lassen NP
• Built from basaltic ejected lava that hardens in flight
• Material is commonly pea- to walnut-sized
• Can produce large lava flows in final eruptive stages
• Steep slope angle: 30-40°
• Frequently occur in groups; sometimes associated
with extensive lava fields
• Can be produced as parasitic cones, or in calderas
of large volcanoes
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Shield Volcanoes
Mauna Loa
•Earth’s largest shield
•9km (6mi) tall
•1 of 5 overlapping shield
volcanoes of Hawaiian
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Cinder Cones
Paricutin in Mexico City
• Grew over short period (9 years)
• Produced ash and volcanic fragments
• Ended with aa flows 30 meters thick that covered
nearby villages
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Composite Volcanoes
Composite Volcanoes
Composite Volcanoes (Stratovolcanoes)
Composite Volcanoes (Stratovolcanoes)
• Large, classic-shaped volcano (symmetrical cone,
thousands of feet high and several miles wide at the
• Composed of alternating layers of cinders and ash
interbedded with lava flows
• Viscous nature of eruptive materials
• Made from silica-rich, andesitic magmas
• Many will also emit basalt lava and rhyolitic
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• Most erupt explosively with huge quantities of
• Fine ash Is deposited in a thin layer over large area
• Course fragments accumulate near the vent and produce
steep slopes of summit
• Long lava flows common in early stages of growth; become
shorter with time
• Many have secondary vents that create ciner cones
or other volcanic structures on flanks
• Many are located adjacent to the Pacific Ocean in
the Ring of Fire
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Composite Volcanoes
Volcanic Hazards
Volcanic Hazards
Mount St. Helens, WA
Fujiyama, Japan
Mt. Shasta, CA
Mount Etna, Italy
• Pyroclastic Flows
• Lahars
• Other
Ash and pyroclasts deposits
Airborne Ash
Volcanic Gases
Ash and gases in atmosphere
Mt. Shasta
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Volcanic Hazards
Volcanic Hazards
Pyroclastic Flows
• Mixture of hot gases infused
with ash and lava fragments that
flows down a volcanic slope
• Cloud of hot gas and ash with
ground-hugging mixture of
pumice and pyroclasts
• Moves very quickly >60mph
• Driven by gravity, mobilized by
expanding gases, follows valleys
and other topographic lows.
Photo reference cited in notes
• A mudflow created as
volcanic debris becomes
saturated with water
• Follows stream valleys
• Common on glacier and
snow-covered volcanoes
and heavy rainfall areas
• Some lahars are triggered
when magma nears the
surface of a volcano
covered in ice and snow
and causes it to melt
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Volcanic Hazards
Other hazards
• Volcano-related tsunamis due to sudden
collapse of volcanic flanks into the ocean
• Volcanic ash – a hazard to airplanes; destroy
plant life
• Volcanic gases – a respiratory health hazard
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Other Volcanic Landforms
Other Volcanic Landforms
Other Volcanic Landforms
Fissure Eruptions
Lava Domes
Volcanic Necks
Volcanic Pipes
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Formation of Crater Lake-Type Calderas
Calderas are circular, steep-sided depressions
with a diameter >1 km
Crater Lake-type
Three different types
• Crater Lake-type calderas:
• Hawaiian-type calderas:
• Yellowstone-type calderas:
Form from the collapse
of the summit of a large
composite volcano
following an eruption;
these calderas eventually
fill with rainwater
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Hawaiian-Type Calderas
Hawaiian-type calderas: Form gradually from the
collapse of the summit of a shield volcano following the
subterranean drainage of the central magma chamber
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Formation of Yellowstone-Type Calderas
Yellowstone-type calderas: Form from the collapse
of a large area after the discharge of large volumes of
silica-rich pumice and ash; these calderas tend to
exhibit a complex history
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Other Volcanic Landforms
Fissure Eruptions
• Long, narrow cracks in Earth that emit fluid basaltic
• Creates large, flat, broad igneous provinces (basalt
• Also called flood basalts
• The Colombia Plateau and the Deccan Traps are
two examples
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Other Volcanic Landforms
Lava Domes
• Viscous silica-rich, ryholitic lavas “squeezed” out of a
vent, creating a dome-shaped mass
• Usually only a few 10’s of meters high
• Can collapse and produce pyroclastic flows
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Other Volcanic Landforms
Volcanic Necks
• The remains of magma that solidified in a volcanic
• Weathering erodes surrounding volcanic structure,
leaving resistant conduit
• Ex: Devil’s Tower, WY
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Other Volcanic Landforms
Volcanic Pipes
• Conduits of magma from deep within the
mantle that traveled upward through the
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Plate Tectonics and Volcanic Activity
Plate Tectonics and Volcanic Activity
Volcanic activity not random, most commonly associated
with plate boundaries
• Convergent Boundary
• Divergent Boundary
• Intraplate
Plate Tectonics and Volcanic Activity
Convergent Plate Boundaries
• Partial melting of subducting plates creates
buoyant magma that rises in crust
• Most common along Pacific Ocean Ring of Fire
• Eruptions tend to be explosive and associated
with volatile-rich, andesitic magma
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Plate Tectonics and Volcanic Activity
Convergent Plate Boundaries
• Volcanic arcs develop parallel to the associated
subduction zone trench
• The Aleutians, the Tongas, and the Marianas are
examples of volcanic island arcs
• The Cascade Range is an example of a continental
volcanic arc
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Plate Tectonics and Volcanic Activity
Divergent plate
• Mid-Atlantic Ridge
• ~60% of Earth’s yearly output
of magma is created at
oceanic ridge systems
• Mantle material melts through
decompression melting as it
rises to fill rift
• Basaltic magma creates
oceanic crust, pillow basalts
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Plate Tectonics and Volcanic Activity
Intraplate volcanism
• Occurs when a mantle plume ascends towards
the surface
• Occur thousands of kilometers from plate
• Ex. include the Hawaiian Islands, the Columbia
River Basalts, and the Galapagos Islands
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