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Romulus and Remus
The twins Romulus
and Remus were
abandoned as
children and in the
myth were raised by
a she-wolf. They
decide to build
their own city, but
after an argument
Remus is killed by
Romulus. Romulus
establishes the city
of Rome in 753 BC. (2) How old is city
of Rome?
Roman republic
In 509 BC Romans revolted against the Etruscan kings and created the system of government by the Senate and the Assembly. (3) How long after Rome was founded in 753 BC was it turned into a republic? Punic wars
Rome completed the occupation
of the Italian peninsula in 265 BC.
Once they controlled the Italian
peninsula they expanded their
empire. Rome engaged Carthage
in three Punic Wars over the next
century. Most likely these were
the greatest wars ever fought at
the time. 264 BC to 241 BC on Sicily
218 BC to 201 BC in Iberia (Spain)
149 BC to 146 BC in Carthage
(4) How long was each war?
(5) How long did the wars with
Carthage last?
Gladiator general
Spartacus lead an army of
escaped slaves in the Third
Servile War (slave revolt).
From 73 BC to 71 BC they
wandered and raided
throughout Italy. (6) How long did the Third
Servile War last?
(7) How long ago was this
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar rose through the
ranks of the military and after
defeated his enemies returned to
Rome in 45 BC . He appointed
himself dictator of Rome for life
and so ending the Roman
Republic. The senate had him
assassinated in 44 BC.
(8) How long was Julius Caesar
dictator of Rome?
(9) Julius Caesar was born in
July, 100 BC. He was
assassinated in March of 44 BC.
How old was he? (10) How many years after Rome
became a republic did Julius
Caesar end the republic?
Augustus and the roman empire
Octavian becomes the first emperor
of Rome in 27 BC when he was
granted the name Augustus. This
started the Roman Empire. He was
the emperor till his death in 14 AD.
During his time he nearly doubled
the size of the empire. (11) How many years was Augustus
emperor of Rome?
(12) How long after Rome became a
republic did Rome become an
Mount Vesuvius eruption
was mostly destroyed and buried under 16 to 20 feet of
volcanic ash in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius is 79 AD.
(13) This eruption occurred how many years before the last
significant eruption in the United States, Mt St Helens in 1980?
The Huns, the Visigoths, and the vandals
410 AD
The Visigoths, led by Alaric,
sacked Rome 450 AD Attila led the Huns, another
barbarian group, into Gaul
455 AD
The Vandals, led by Gaiseric,
sacked Rome (14) How many years after the
Visigoths sack Rome do the Vandals
sack Rome?
Fall of Rome
In 476 AD Romulus, the last of the Roman emperors in the west, was
overthrown by the Germanic leader Odoacer, who became the first Barbarian
to rule in Rome. This was the end of ancient Rome and the start of the dark
ages in Europe. (15) How long after Rome was founded was the fall of ancient Rome?