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Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Parts of an Algebraic Expression
Label and define the parts of an algebraic expression.
_____________________ - numbers, variables, or the product
of a number and a variable
_____________________ - numerical factors of a term, or the
number before a variable
_____________________ - symbols that represent numbers
that are unknown or can change
_____________________ - a term that has no variable or a
number by itself
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
To simplify an algebraic expression means to
You Try It!
1. 4a + 7 + 2a
In other words, rewrite the expression in the most compact way,
without changing the _______________ of the expression. It's
like organizing the expression and making it neater!
2. −4x + 3 − 3x + 8 + 2
Combining Like Terms
Like terms have _________________________________
3. 12h − 17 − h + 16 − 2h
Draw shapes around the like terms in the algebraic
expression below. Then simplify.
3" − 7 + 5( − 6" + 10 − 2(