Download Talar Orientation in Cavus Foot Bruce Sangeorzan, MD

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Talar Orientation in Cavus Foot
Bruce Sangeorzan, MD
Professor of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
University of Washington
I, Biomechanics,- .
A. Overview of normal foot biomechanics
The gait cycle is divided into two phases: stance phase and swing phase. It begins when one foot
contacts the ground and ends when that foot contacts the ground again. Stance phase accounts for
approximately 60 percent, and swing phase for approximately 40 percent, of the gait cycle. Stance
phase of gait is divided into four periods: heel contact, midstance, terminal stance, and pre-swing.
Swing phase is divided into three periods: initial swing, mid-swing, and terminal swing.
During the normal gait cycle the arch changes shape. At heel strike, there is medial rotation
of the forefoot and inversion of the heel. In midstance, the subtalar joint assumes a valgus
position, unlocking the midtarsal joints. This allows partial stress distribution. At the end of
stance phase, there is metatrsophalangeal dorsiflexion and locking of the midtarsal joints.
The elevated arch becomes a rigid lever. The posterior leg muscles permit push-off and
provide energy for forward propulsion.
C. Cavus Definition: Elements of a cavus foot
a. Varus hindfoot; When the talo-calcaneal angle is narrowed, the navicular moves to a
position superior to the cuboid instead of medial to it. This makes it difficult for choparts
joint to function. During the gait cycle, the foot remains locked in hindfoot inversion and
forefoot varus through out the stance phase, causing less stress dissipation. This can result
in metatarsalgia, stress fracture of the 5th metatarsal, plantar fasciitis, medial longitudinal
arch pain, and ilio-tibial band syndrome (2) and instability
b. High pitched midfoot
i. Defined by navicular height
D. Pathological mechanics
a. due to plantarflexed first ray
a. inversion thrust to hindfoot
b. due to cavus
a. ankle instability
c. due to midfoot cavus
Figure 4: Colmun Block Test: Determining a Flexible Hindfoot Deformity in a Patient with Forefoot
Driven Cavus-Foot. A = Standing Axial Alignment, B = Axial Alignment with Colman Block.
II. Radiological Signs
A. Simple radiological signs
a. Meary’s angle. The axis of the talus versus the axis of the first metatarsal
b. Faciszewski-Burke navicular height
c. Posterior fibula (sagittal breach of Lloyd-Roberts)
d. Pseudo posterior fibula includes flat top talus
B. CT; cavus is not the opposite of planus
Not as flexible, not likely to have joint subluxation; not a common endpoint of collapsing disorders but
a varied endpoint for deforming disorders and a common variant of normal.
III. Symptoms/Clinical problems
recurrent ankle sprains
overload/fracture of 5th metatarsal
Navicular stress fracture
IV. Summary
Cavo varus Increases likelihood of recurrent sprains, peroneal disorders, 5th met stress fractures and
ankle arthritis.
Has increased plantar flexion of first ray, abnormal morphology of tarsals, reduced motion of subtalar
Results in adduction thrust, short stride, weaker push off compared with neutral foot.
Ledoux WR, Shofer JB, Ahroni JH, Smith DG, Sangeorzan BJ, Boyko EJ. Biomechanical differences among
pes cavus, neutrally aligned, and pes planus feet in subjects with diabetes. : Foot Ankle Int. 2003
Aminian, Sangeorzan The Anatomy of Cavus Foot Deformity
Foot and Ankle Clinics of North America. Vol. 13, Iss. 2; pg. 191
Daines SB, Rohr ES, Pace AP, Fassbind MJ, Sangeorzan BJ, Ledoux WR. Cadaveric simulation of a pes
cavus foot. Foot Ankle Int. 2009 Jan;30(1):44-50
Lubicky, John P. M.D.; Altiok, Haluk M.D. Transphyseal Osteotomy of the Distal Tibia for Correction of
Valgus/Varus Deformities of the Ankle. J Pediatric Orthopaedics: Volume 21 - Issue 1 - pp 80-88, 2001
Treatment of asymmetric osteoarthritis of the ankle joint.
Markus Knupp, MD,
Kantonsspital Liestal, Switzerland
Supramalleolar osteotomies for the treatment of varus and valgus type arthritis of the ankle joint (asymmetric
arthritis) have been shown to reduce pain, and improve function and radiological signs of arthritis as well as
postpone fusion or replacement surgery. However, recent studies indicate that asymmetric arthritis of the
ankle joint in a majority of cases is not a single plane deformity but may include a complex instability pattern
involving not only the ankle but also the neighbouring joints and the stabilizing surrounding soft tissues.
Therefore, these patients may not only require a correction of the angle of the distal tibial articular joint
surface angle but also include additional procedures to the adjacent joints, ligaments and tendons. The
purpose of this lecture is to provide a treatment algorithm and to discuss risk factors for failure of
supramalleolar osteotomies.
Preooperative considerations
Prior to surgery the correction is planned on the anteroposterior and lateral view radiographs. The angle of
distal tibial joint surface (TAS; normal value 91 to 93 degrees) and the tibiotalar angle (TTA; normal value
91.5 ± 1.2 degrees) is assessed. The degree of talar tilt in the ankle mortise can be calculated as the
difference between TAS and TTA. Clinically relevant tiliting has been determined to be >4 degrees. Lateral
view radiographs are used to distinguish between patients who present with a centred joint and those with an
anterior extrusion of the talus out of the mortise.
Surgical technique
In case of ankle impingement, advanced stages of arthritis (Takakura stage 3) and ankle joint instability the
procedure is initiated with an arthroscopy. Grade four lesions, according to the Outerbridge classification, are
Next, the axis of the distal tibia is corrected with a supramalleolar osteotomy. Varus feet are addressed with
a medial opening wedge osteotomy or a lateral closing wedge osteotomy. The decision between the lateral
or medial approach is based on the amount of correction needed. In an extensive medial opening wedge
osteotomy, the fibula may restrict the amount of correction possible, therefore deformities greater than ten