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Articles of Confederation
Bill of Rights
Dec. of Independence
Great Compromise
Boston Massacre
British Soldiers Trial
Whiskey Tax
Early Political Parties
Cotton gin effects
Enlightenment ideas
3/5ths Compromise
Marbury v. Madison
Electoral College
Supremacy Clause
Louisiana Purchase
Election of 1824
Battle of New Orleans
Seneca Falls Convention
John Hancock
Thomas Jefferson
John Locke
John Adams
Alexander Hamilton
George Washington
John C. Calhoun
Harriet Tubman
John Quincy Adams
U.S. History 1st Semester Final Exam Review
Tariff of Abomination
Dred Scott Case of 1857
Fugitive Slave Law
Missouri Compromise
Compromise of 1850
Bleeding Kansas
Manifest Destiny
Popular sovereignty
Election of 1860
Battle of Bull Run
Siege of Vicksburg
Battle of Gettysburg
Emancipation Proclamation
Radical Republicans
Writ of Habeas Corpus
10% plan goals
13th Amendment
Plessey v Ferguson
People- Who are they and what did they do?
Andrew Jackson
John O’Sullivan
Eli Whitney
Stephan Douglas
Abe Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
U.S. Grant
W.T. Sherman
John Wilkes Booth
The French and Indian War led to what in the colonies
Constitutional Convention goals/reasons
What nation was our major ally during the American Revolution?
Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
What is a watershed moment?
What was the Frontier after the Revolution? And what year was the Frontier closed?
What was the cause of the Mexican War?
What was the early power source of the Industrial Revolution?
Which was the first state to secede?
Advantages and disadvantages for North and South during Civil War
Role of Navy during the Civil War
Why did the U.S. not sign the Treaty of Versailles?
Political Difference between Jefferson and Hamilton
Why was 1824 election the “Corrupt Bargain”
What is a Republic?
What is a Confederation?
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
16th Amendment
17th Amendment
18th Amendment
19th Amendment
Compromise of 1877
USS Maine
Rough Riders
Civil Rights Cases
Populist Party
Niagara Movement
Wisconsin Idea
Hull House
Sherman Anti-trust Act
Schlieffen Plan
Fourteen Points
Zimmerman Note
The Big Four
14 points
Jefferson Davis
Clara Barton
Teddy Roosevelt
Upton Sinclair
John Pershing
Robert La Follette
Jane Adams
Woodrow Wilson
Arch-Duke Ferdinan
U.S. History 1st Semester Final Exam Review
What was the name of the first constitution and first government in the United States? ____________________
What were 2 weaknesses of this constitution? a.___________________________b._______________________
What powers were granted under this constitution?_________________________________________________
What are the first 10 amendments called in the U.S. Constitution? _______________________________
What document stated the reasons for the colonies to separate from Great Britain?________________________
Who was the 1st signer of the Declaration of Independence, & his signature was the largest?________________
Who is known as the main author of the Declaration of Independence?_________________________________
What was the date when the Declaration of Independence was approved?_______________________________
How did the Declaration of Independence embody Enlightenment ideals?_______________________________
What country was the Americans number one ally during the Revolutionary War? ____________________
Who gave a fiery speech in the Virginia House of Burgesses (1st popularly elected legislature in the American
Colonies) and ended his speech with these words, “Give me Liberty or Give me Death!”___________________
What was the name of the event that occurred in Boston on March 5, 1770 in which the British troops killed 5
American colonists?_____________________________________ What was the name of the African American
dock worker that was killed in the Boston Massacre?_________________________ What “Founding
Father” defended the British Troops in court following this Massacre?_________________________________
What was the name of the event that occurred in Boston on December 16, 1773 in which the Boston Sons of
Liberty boarded ships that carried tea and threw about 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor?_____________
Who helped warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the British were on the move and he alerted the people
of Boston by shouting, “The Redcoats are Coming!”________________________________________________
Where did the “Shot heard ‘round the World” get fired at?___________________________________________
10. In January 1776, a pamphlet was published that captured the American colonists’ attention and called for
complete independence away from Great Britain, what was the name of this pamphlet?____________________
Who wrote this pamphlet?____________________________________________________________________
11. Who was known as coming up with the Great Compromise?_____________________________What issue did
the Great Compromise resolve?________________________________________________________________
12. What was the series of clashes called that had the American Colonists fighting both the French and the Native
Americans?_____________________________________________ What would the rest of the world call this
war?______________________________________________ Who were the Native American allies in this
war?_________________What would this war lead to in the American Colonies?________________________
13. What is a good definition for mercantilism?_______________________________________________
14. What is a good definition for imperialism?________________________________________________This was
a cause of the American Revolution because little concern was shown for the rights of colonists by G. Britain.
15. Who was the United States first ambassador to France and really helped get the French to help the Americans
during the Revolutionary War? ________________________________________________________________
16. What did the Anti-Federalists argue about to be against the Constitution?_______________________________
U.S. History 1st Semester Final Exam Review
17. What was a movement that spread the idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society and it
introduced the concept of equality because all men had natural rights?__________________________________
Who exemplified this time period in America?____________________________________________________
18. What was the Compromise that came up with a way to count enslaved people in the U.S. Constitution? _______
19. The differences between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson cause what?_________________________
20. Who feared that political parties could divide the American people and destroy the government and the
21. What were 3 early challenges that President Washington had to face during his presidency?1._______________
Who did the Whiskey Tax anger?_______________________________________________________________
22. What was the famous Supreme Court Case that happened right after John Adams left the Presidency and
Thomas Jefferson came into the Presidency? __________________________________________ Who was the
Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court during this case?____________________________________ What
important concept came from this case which allows the Supreme Court to review and rule on acts of other
branches of the government? __________________________________________________________________
23. What elects the President and Vice-President?________________________________________________ What
determines the number of electoral votes that a state gets?___________________________________________
25. The Treaty of __________________________ ended the Revolutionary War?
26. What happened during Thomas Jefferson Presidency that helped double the size of our country? ____________
How much did the U.S. pay for this land?________________________What country did the U.S. buy this land
from?_______________________ Who was this country’s leader?____________________________________
27. Who shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in that famous duel?________________________________________
28. What was the name of the group that really pushed President Madison to go to Congress to have them declare
war on Britain?______________________________________________ Who were the 2 leaders of this group?
29. What happened to Washington D.C. during the War of 1812?________________________________________
30. Who wrote the “Star-Spangle Banner? _____________________________________________
31. What was the name of the very last battle of the War of 1812 that made Andrew Jackson a hero?____________
33. What peace agreement officially ended the War of 1812?____________________________________________
34. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin in the mid 1700’s?________________________________________
35. Who invented the Cotton Gin?____________________________________________ What was one important
effect of the this invention?_______________________________________________What other idea did this
inventor introduce to the U.S that saw machines began to be used in great numbers, repairs could be made
easier, good could be made faster, and factories could run with greater efficiency?________________________
36. During the early years of the Industrial Revolution what was the new source of power?____________________
Who built a steamboat with a newly designed powerful engine?_______________________________________
U.S. History 1st Semester Final Exam Review
37. What decided the election of 1824?_______________________________________________Who influenced
the vote as the Speaker of the House in the election of 1824?________________________________________
What two men struck a deal in which one would use his influence in the House of Representatives and then the
other would give him the Secretary of State position once he became President? _________________________
Who would win the election of 1824 to become the 6 th President?_____________________________________
What did Andrew Jackson’s followers call the deal that these 2 men made during the 1824 election?_________
What type of people tended to support & vote for Andrew Jackson?___________________________________
38. Who would win the Elections of 1828 & 1832 to be the 7th President of the U.S.?_________________________
What bill did this President veto that made many people angry?______________________________________
Since Andrew Jackson vetoed many bills, killed the Bank of the U.S., implemented the spoils system, and
enforced the Indian Removal Act, many of his critics called him this?__________________________________
39. Who would win the election of 1840 to become the first Whig President? ______________________________
How long was William Henry Harrison in office as President?______________________
40. Who were two women that were born slaves and later they escaped slavery to work as abolitionists and fight for
women’s rights?_____________________________________ Harriet Tubman led over 300 slaves to freedom
using the Underground Railroad.
41. Who wrote a very influential novel which explored the injustice and terrors of
slavery?______________________What was the name of her novel?__________________________
42. What term stated that the United States was blessed by God and intended to overspread the North American
continent to expand its boundaries to the Pacific Ocean?_____________________________________________
43. What Supreme Court decision outraged antislavery advocates in the North, but pleased Southerns, dividing the
country more that ever?________________________________________________________Who was the U.S.
Supreme Court Chief Justice during this case?_____________________________________________________
44. What was the subject of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848?_______________________________________
45. Name four things that were true during the 1800’s about women’s rights.1.______________________________
46. What is a form of democracy in which the people elect their representatives?____________________________
47. What are taxes imposed on imported goods called?____________________Remember this as well about tariffs,
tariffs are designed to protect domestic industries, are bad for consumers, and Northern states favored them.
49. What term was used for the land west of the Mississippi River?_______________________________________
50. What is a loyalty to a region that differences arose over slavery, tariffs, national bank, and internal
51. What was the name of a protective tax on imports named by southern opponents and South Carolina threatened
to succeed rather than to have this law forced on it?_______________________________________________
52. What is the term used for a dividing point in history that marks a great change?__________________________
53. What term refers to the right to vote?____________________________________________________________
54. What required all citizens to help capture and return slaves who had run away? __________________________
U.S. History 1st Semester Final Exam Review
55. What river did Texas and the U.S. want as the boundary between Mexico and this border dispute was a cause of
the Mexican War?___________________________________________________________________________
56. What was the Abolitionist Movement against?____________________________________________________
57. What senator wanted to break the Missouri Compromise because both Kansas and Nebraska lay North of the
latitude line & it was expected that these two territories would enter the Union as free
states?_______________________________________ What was it called that let settlers in a territory vote and
decide for themselves on whether to allow slavery? ________________________________________________
58. Who won the presidential election of 1860?_______________________________Why did the Election of 1860
cause a lot of controversy?____________________________________________________________________
59. What state was the first to secede or leave the Union?_______________________________________________
60. What was name given to the states that left the Union and formed a new government called in
1861?_________________________________________ Who was their first president?___________________
61. What did President Lincoln suspend that protects the a person from being jailed with being charged a specific
crime and could be imprisoned without the benefit of a trial?_________________________________________
62. What is another name for a military draft that helped replenish the ranks of depleted armies and the Confederate
Government was the first to pass this law to force people to serve in the military?________________________
63. Where did the first shots to the Civil War take place?_______________________________________________
65. Name the 4 border states that were slave states that did not declare their secession from the U.S.
66. Name 2 advantages that the South had over the North during the Civil War.
67. What was the name of the first major battle that took place during the Civil War?_________________________
Who won that battle?________________________________________________________________________
68. What battle took place in which it was the single bloodiest day during the Civil War and this battle marked the
1st major fighting on Union soil and it was the battle after Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation?
_____________________________ Who claimed victory in this battle?________________________________
69. What are 3 circumstances that make the Civil War a watershed event? 1._______________________________
70. Name 5 advantages that the North had over the South during the Civil War.
71. What was the main role of the Union Navy in the Civil War?_________________________________________
Why were the Monitor and Merrimack significant during the Civil War?________________________________
73. What did President Lincoln issue on January 1, 1863 that stated that it freed the slaves in the Confederacy?
_______________________________________________________ What will actually free the slaves that was
ratified by Congress in 1865?__________________________________________________________________
74. Who established the Red Cross Organization during the Civil War?____________________________________
U.S. History 1st Semester Final Exam Review
75. What was an impact of the Battle of Vicksburg?___________________________________________________
76. What strategy was used by Union troops that includes striking civilian as well as military targets and the goal
was to not only weaken the enemy’s armies but also the economy that supports them?_____________________
This is also known as the Scorched Earth Policy. What general employed this policy and Confederate soldiers
surrendered to him in N.Carolina?______________________________________________________________
77. Where did General Lee surrender to General Grant at?______________________________________________
78. What caused the Civil War to be so very bloody?__________________________________________________
79. Who assassinated President Lincoln?__________________________________Where did the assassination take
place?______________________________Who became the 17 th President?_____________________________
80. What Act made the President get Senate approval to remove certain officials from office and when President
Andrew Johnson violated this law, he was impeached by the House of Representatives? Hint: Think of the TV
show, The Office.___________________________________________________________________________
81. What term is used to bring formal charges against or an accusation of wrong doings to an elected official while
in office?_________________________________________________________________________
82. What House in Congress will accuse an elected official of wrong doings and will bring the formal charges
against them?_________________________________________What House of Congress acts as the court and
will conduct the impeachment trial?_____________________________________________________
83. How many votes was President Andrew Johnson found innocent of any wrongdoings in his impeachment trial
in the U.S. Senate?___________
84. What were laws that sought to limit the rights of African Americans and keep them as landless workers in the
85. What grouped dressed up in white robes and hoods that formed to try to terrorize African Americans? They
roamed the countryside burning homes, schools, churches, sometimes beating and killing African Americans
and their white allies._____________________________________________________________What was the
main goal of this group to prevent African Americans from exercising what new right?____________________
86. Who was the first Grand Wizard of this group?____________________________________________________
87. What were the members of President Lincoln’s political party called that opposed his 10 Percent Plan & his
approach to Reconstruction as to make it as painless as possible for the South to rejoin the
Union?__________________________________ What did these individuals insist that needed to be done to the
South after the Civil War?__________________________________________________________Why did this
group feel that the Civil War had been fought?____________________________________________________
88. What was President Abraham Lincoln’s approach to Reconstruction?__________________________________
89. What did the 13th Amendment do in the United States?______________________________________________
90. What did the 14th Amendment do in the United States?______________________________________________
91. What 2 things did Southern states pass to try to get around the 15 th Amendment to restrict African Americans
from voting? 1._______________________________________2._____________________________________
92. What did the Compromise of 1877 help the Democrats regain?_______________________________________
U.S. History 1st Semester Final Exam Review
93. In what year was the frontier declared closed by the U.S. government which help spur the acquisition of an
overseas empire?___________
94. What was the time period called that describe the post-Reconstruction era which was characterized by façade of
prosperity?__________________________________Who coined this term?____________________________
95. Who founded the Hull House in Chicago?________________________________________________________
97. The sinking of the USS Maine helped ignite the Spanish-American War. Where was the USS Maine located
when it exploded?___________________________________________________________________________
98. Who was a hero of San Juan Hill and a member of the Rough Riders?__________________________________
99. What Supreme Court case ruled that “separate but equal” facilities were Constitutional?___________________
100. What political party pulled its strength from the American Farmer, called for “free silver,” 8-hour work day, and
a progressive income tax?_____________________________________________________________________
101. What was made illegal by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890?______________________________________
Who was the 1st President to enforce the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?____________________________________
102. What group was a tough, hard-hitting set of journalists that wrote about government corruption, unsafe working
conditions, and unsanitary conditions in food processing plants?______________________________________
103. Who was a muckraker that took photographs of crowded, unsafe, and dirty conditions of tenements in large
104. Who wrote The Jungle which was about unsanitary conditions in the meat packing industry?_______________
105. What Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted suffrage to women?________________________________
106. What 4 countries were the allies that were known as the “Big Four” during WWI?1.______________________
107. Who was the archduke of Austria-Hungary that was assassinated on June 28, 1914 that led to a chain of events
that helped start World War I?_________________________________________________________________
108. What was Germany’s plan that wanted a quick strike against France, then a full scale invasion of Russia and its
objective was to avoid a 2-front war but it was unsuccessful?_________________________________________
109. What was the name of the telegram that proposed a Germany alliance with Mexico?______________________
110. Who was the U.S. General in command of all U.S. Forces in Europe during WWI?_______________________
What was the name given to U.S. troops in WWI?_________________________________________________
111. What was the name of the treaty that officially ended WWI and it severely punished
Germany?___________________________________________What term is used for compensation of payment
required from defeated nations for damage or injury during a war?____________________________________
112. What did President Wilson present that he believed the German Government should submit to and he thought
that the total aim of the peace treaty should be to prevent war from ever again happening?__________________
What organization was formed to help nations settle their differences peacefully?_________________________
123. Who was the U.S. President during World War I that urged neutrality?_________________________________