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Quiz 18
1. What would be the primary effect of mRNA degradation on gene expression?
A) Transcription couldn’t initiate
B) Transcription couldn’t terminate
C) Translation couldn’t initiate
D) Protein folding could not occur
2. A specific gene is known to code for three different but related proteins. This could be due to which
of the following?
A) premature mRNA degradation
B) alternative RNA splicing
C) use of different enhancers
D) protein degradation
E) differential transport
3. Which of the following statements about embryonic development is FALSE?
A) Embryonic cells undergo differentiation becoming specialized in structure and function
B) Morphogenesis encompasses the processes that give shape to the organism and its various parts
C) Cells differ in structure and function not because they contain different genes but because they
express different portions of the same genome
D) During embryonic development different kinds of cells are randomly distributed
4. The bicoid protein is normally concentrated at the head end of an embryo. If large amounts of the
product were injected into the tail end as well, which of the following would occur?
A) The embryo would grow to an unusually large size.
B) The embryo would grow extra wings and legs.
C) The embryo would probably show no head development and die.
D) Head structures would form in both sides of the embryo.
E) The embryo would develop normally.
5. Which of the following is not a reason cells need to regulate their genes?
A) To produce differentiated tissues and organs
B) In some cases, not all of a cell’s products are needed constantly.
C) Single-celled bacteria often work together in colonies.
D) It is a waste of energy to produce proteins that aren’t needed.
E) Some protein functions are mutually exclusive.
6. Spleen cells and kidney cells in one species of animal owe their differences in structure to
A) having different genes expressed.
B) having different genes.
C) having unique ribosomes.
D) having different chromosomes.
E) using different RNA polymerases.
7. The human body regulates blood glucose levels via a negative feedback system. Which of the
following would NOT be consistent with this process?
A) When glucose levels are low, the body releases more glucose into the
bloodstream from storage molecules.
B) When glucose levels are high, the body releases more glucose into the
bloodstream from storage molecules.
C) When glucose levels are high, the body pulls glucose out of the bloodstream and puts them into
D) When glucose levels are high, the body feels full, triggering us to stop eating.
8. Enhancers are used by ____ to regulate ____.
A) eukaryotes, transcription.
B) eukaryotes, translation.
C) eukaryotes, mRNA splicing.
D) prokaryotes, transcription.
E) prokaryotes, translation.
9. If you wanted to try to experimentally turn a human hair follicle cell into a muscle cell, what would
be the best way to do this?
A) Replace the follicle cell’s DNA with the muscle cell’s DNA.
B) Replace the follicle cell’s activators with the muscle cell’s activators.
C) Insert a keratin (hair protein) repressor into the follicle cell.
D) Insert an actin (muscle protein) repressor into the follicle cell.
10. Differential gene regulation means that different cell types have the same _______ but express
different _______.
A) proteins, mRNAs
B) genomes, proteins
C) mRNAs, genes
D) genes, chromosomes
E) DNA, genomes