Download Heroin Addiction and Abuse 1) Street heroin - CEU

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Heroin Addiction and Abuse
1) Street heroin is commonly cut with which of the following substances?
o Sugar
o Powdered Milk
o Starch
o All of the above
2) Heroin use among 8th, 10th and 12th grade students is what?
o At it's highest level since the drug survey began
o At it's lowest level since the drug survey began
o Steadily rising
o At the median point since the drug survey began
3) Not listed in the material as a common medical complication of heroin use.
o Infection of the heart lining
o Abscesses
o Collapsed veins
o Tachycardia (increased heart rate)
4) Vivitrol is an monthly injected form of __________ used to treat heroin addiction.
o Methadone (Dolophine or Methadose)
o buprenorphine
o Suboxone
o Naltrexone (Depade or Revia)
5) There are no medically accepted safe detox options available to pregnant heroin addicts.
o True
o False
6) Unintentional deaths by prescription overdose _____________  from 1999-2010.
o Doubled
o Tripled
o Quadrupled
7) Contingency management (as presented in the material) uses a voucher based system with points earned for what?
o Achieving the next step in the 12 step model
o Clean drug tests
o Improved social skills
o Maintaining employment
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