Download September 2016 Information: Volunteer Day 2016 • Date: Monday

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September 2016
Information: Volunteer Day 2016
Date: Monday 3rd October, 10am-4pm
Venue: St Paul’s Church Centre, Salisbury SP2 7QW
Refreshments and Lunch Provided
No charge for the day, there will be a donation basket should anyone wish to make a donation
Transport and Car Parking: There is a car park in the grounds of St Paul’s Church. Alternatively
the following buses stop directly outside St Paul’s Church: Park & Ride 3 (Wilton), Red 1, Red 8,
Red 10
About the day:
The day is for all those who volunteer for and on behalf of Mothers’ Union across the Diocese.
Without you all our work in the Mothers’ Union would not be possible. The day is to celebrate all
that you do as well as provide an opportunity for discussion, to hear stories from other volunteers,
get up to date on new developments and join in with a workshop (listed below).
Workshop 1: Vocations led by Revd Benny Hazlehurst the Vocations Co-ordinator. Benny
recognises that we all have a part to play in listening to God and spotting vocations in those around
us. Benny will lead a session on the role you have in this process.
Workshop 2: Project based workshop: Led by Joanne Triffitt. Looking at how our projects might
work in your area and helping to get you started.
The afternoon session will be led by Dr Chris Abbott who supported our Volunteer Day in 2014: see
biography overleaf. Chris will lead an interactive afternoon around the theme of pantomime, sharing
his experience and giving us a chance to express our creativity.
A programme with something in it for everyone, space to reflect, worship, learn and have fun. You
are welcome to extend the invitation on behalf of Mothers’ Union to anyone you may know who
works alongside you in running groups or those who might benefit from joining with us.
Please confirm your place (and those of whom you are bringing) by Monday 26th September 2016.
More information and RSVP:
Joanne Triffitt
Mothers’ Union Office
Church House, Crane Street
Salisbury SP1 2QB
[email protected]
01722 333402/01258 721754
Dr Chris Abbott: Biography
Chris has taught in mainstream and special schools and ran a schools computing centre before
joining Kings College London in the Department of Education & Professional Studies where his
teaching and research interests were focused on aspects of literacy, inclusion and digital technology.
He is now Emeritus Reader in Assistive Technology.
Chris ran the ‘My First Inclusive Ballet’ project in collaboration with the English National Ballet to
make ballet more accessible to children with learning difficulties and disabilities, and this then led to
similar work with Ambassador Theatre Group and pantomimes. He is now Honorary Research
Associate for Action for Children’s Arts.
In 2012 Chris launched a book presenting the story of 30 years of theatrical history through
Pantomime in the Salisbury Playhouse. He also wrote the history of the Da Silva puppet company
and is an External Examiner for the London School of Puppetry. He is Convenor for Popular
Performance for the Theatre and Performance Research Association, and reviews plays and writes
articles for Sardines theatre magazine.