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How Pricing A
Affects Your C
Customers This we
eek on our social med
dia channe
els, we’ve been
g about prricing. It can be
scary, but
b sometim
mes raising
g the price
es can acttually have
e positive effects
on your
ers and cus
stomer basse. Here are
e some strong reason
ns why you
u should ch
m prices for your produ
uct or servicce:
More profits.
hen you sell for high
her prices, you make
e more prrofits. Very few
companies have be
een able to sustain a low-price po
osition in th
he marketplace.
Better customers
s. Price qua
alifies yourr customerss more tha
an you mig
ght realize. The
ones tha
at pay $7 fo
or an e-boo
ok will be th
he ones wh
ho whine and complaiin the mostt and
strain your custom
mer supporrt team. But
B in comparison, th
he custome
ers who sp
ant amoun
nts of mo
oney are surprisinglyy easier to deal with
and less
ding. Think about the
e last time
e you gavve free ad
dvice to so
omeone. What
ed? Nothing
g. But if you had made them payy you for co
onsulting, th
hey would have
taken the advice to
o heart.
The psy
ychology of
o pricing works
in yo
our favor. This
is a big one. We'vve always been
taught th
hat "you ge
et what you pay for." Itt's not unco
ommon for a prospecttive custom
mer to
discountt a product or offering because itt's too chea
ap. If the prrice isn't in line with wh
hat it
should be,
b you'd think there iss something
g wrong.
Some buyers
n't buy low
w-priced ittems. It sou
unds crazy, but some
e customerss are
only pre
emium buy
yers. If you
u gave the
em a disco
ount, it wou
uld actuallyy decrease
e the
response. Plus, some customers are only comfortab
ble buying in the high--end range.
We hope
e this helps
s break dow
wn any fearrs of valuing
g your prod
ducts and se
ervices for what
they are
e really wortth!
1 March 2016 in good faith. This informatio
on is provided as a general inforrmation only an
nd your own peersonal Published 10 circumstancces should be considered by speaking with a professional. For full disclaimer, clicck here.