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Spring 2011
Graduate School of Education &
Information Studies
3101A Moore Hall, PO Box 951521
405 Hilgard Avenue
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095- 1521
Phone: (310) 206-7101 / 7585
(310) 825-7766
Email: [email protected]
Postdoctoral Study, School of Public Health (Epidemiology), University of North Carolina (1978)
Ph.D., Sociology, University of Chicago (1975)
M.A., Sociology, University of Chicago (1973)
B.A., Sociology, Beloit College (1971)
2004 -
Allan Murray Cartter Professor of Higher Education, Department of Education,
Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, University of California-Los Angeles
2008 -
Distinguished Professor of Sociology, UCLA
Director, CHOICES: Access, Diversity and Achievement in Higher Education, Institute for
Social Science Research, UCLA
Associate Director, Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program, School of Medicine, UCLA
Professor, Department of Sociology, UCLA
Associate Director, Center for Afro-American and African Studies, University of Michigan
Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, Department of Sociology and the Center for AfroAmerican and African Studies, University of Michigan
Instructor to Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina
Visiting Appointments: Wayne State University, 1988; University of Zimbabwe, 1984-88; Duke University,
1976; Howard University, 1975, 2008; St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 2004-07.
Consultant to: Universities - Northwestern U., U. Georgia, U. West Indies; Courts - Expert Witness for
“Ayers v. MS” and “Grutter v. MI” U.S. Supreme Court cases; Government - Invited testimony on Status of
African Americans to - U.S. House of Representatives and the United Nations (Geneva); Organizations Advisory Panels for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, United Negro College Fund and Robert Wood Johnson
Spring 2011
American Sociological Review, Contemporary Sociology, American Journal of Sociology, Journal of
Comparative Family Studies, Journal of Marriage and Family, Social Forces, Sociological Quarterly, Sociology
of Education; Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Temple University Press, University of
Chicago Press, University of California Press.
AERA Fellows Award, Distinguished Research Career, American Educational Research Association, 2009
Presidential Citation, American Educational Research Association, 2008
Finalist for President, American Educational Research Association, 2003
Special Merit Award, Association for the Study of Higher Education, 2002
Du Bois-Johnson-Frazier Award, American Sociological Association, 2002
Finalist for President, American Sociological Association, 1997
Ellis Joseph Distinguished Scholar Award, University of Dayton, 1997
Harriet and Charles Luckman Distinguished Teaching Award, UCLA, 1996
Distinguished Career Award, Association of Black Sociologists, 1995
Research Excellence Award, American Educational Research Association, 1993
Council, American Sociological Association, 1991-94
President, Association of Black Sociologists, 1992-93
Elected Member, Sociological Research Association, Honorary Society for Distinguished Sociologists, 1991
Allerton Lecturer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988
Faculty Recognition Award, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1987
Senior Fulbright Lecturer, University of Zimbabwe, 1984, 1987-88
Distinguished Scholar Award, American Educational Research Association, 1987
Distinguished Leadership Award, United Negro College Fund, 1985
Postdoctoral Fellow, Rockefeller Foundation, 1982-83; National Institute of Health, 1978-79
Predoctoral Fellow, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1971-74
Research Grants exceeding $109 million: Annie E. Casey Foundation, Mellon Foundation, Ford Foundation,
Lumina Foundation, C.S. Mott Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Russell Sage Foundation, Spencer
Foundation, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina, Cornerhouse Fund, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, National Institute of Aging.
Listings: “100 Years of Change,” Special Issue of Black Issues in Higher Education, 1999; Marquis Who’s Who
in the World, 1996, 2006, 2007, 2009; Marquis Who’s Who in American Education, 1996; Marquis Who’s Who
Among Emerging Leaders, 1989, 1990; Marquis Who’s Who in the Midwest, 1988, 1989; Marquis Who’s Who
In America, 1988, 1989, 2005, 2008; Men of Achievement, 1987; Outstanding Young Men of America, 1982;
Who’s Who Among Young Americans, 1976; Who’s Who Among High School Students, 1967.
Presentations during meetings of the following associations: American Psychological Association, American
Educational Research Association, American Sociological Association, Association of Graduate Schools,
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Groves Conference on Marriage and the Family, International
Sociological Association, National Association for the Education of Young Children, National Council on Black
Studies, National Council on Family Relations, Population Association of America, Society for Research on
Child Development, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Southern Sociological Society, Third World
Conference, Caribbean Studies Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Population
Association of America, American Public Health Association.
Spring 2011
Televised Interviews: The Oprah Winfrey Show; McNeil-Lehrer Reports; CBS News with Dan Rather; CBS
Sixty Minutes; NBC Evening News with Tom Brokaw; Independent Television Network (London, England);
ABC News (Detroit); NBC News (Washington, DC); GLOBO (Brazil); BET (Black Entertainment Television);
Firelight Media; British Broadcasting Network.
Print and Radio Interviews: Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Black Enterprise, Black Issues in
Higher Education, Chronicle of Higher Education, Detroit Free Press, Jet Magazine, Le Nouvel Observateur,
New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, U.S. News and World Reports, Harpers Magazine, Playboy
Magazine, Ebony Magazine; National Black Network Radio News, KNX Radio-Los Angeles, KOA RadioDenver, WBZ Radio-Boston, WABC Radio-New York City.
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (selected over 100 publications)
Allen, Walter R., Erin Kimura-Walsh, Kimberly A. Griffin. Towards a Brighter Tomorrow: Collge barriers,
hopes and plans of Black, Latino/a and Asian American students in California. Charlotte, NC:
Information Age Publishing, 2009.
Allen, Walter R., Uma M. Jayakumar, and Ray Franke. Till Victory is Won: The African American Struggle for
Higher Education in California. Los Angeles: “CHOICES” Graduate School of Education and
Information Studies, UCLA, 2009.
Panter, A.T., Daye, C.E., Allen, W.R., Wightman, L.F. and Deo, M. “Everyday Discrimination in a National
Sample of Incoming Law Students.” Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 1, 67-79.
Allen, Walter R., Joseph O. Jewell, Kimberly A. Griffin, and De’Sha Wolf. “Historically Black Colleges and
Universities: Then and Now.” In V. G. Thomas and F. C. Jones-Wilson, eds., Journal of Negro
Education 76, 3: 263-280. 2007.
Higher Education in a Global Society: Achieving Diversity, Equity, and Excellence (with M. Bonous-Hammarth
and R. Teranishi, eds.). Oxford, England: Elsevier Publishers, 2006.
Teranishi, Robert, Walter R. Allen, and Daniel Solórzano. “Opportunities at the Crossroads: School
Segregation and Disparate Opportunities for Higher Education in California.” Teachers College Record
106, 11: 2224-2247, 2004.
African American Education: Race, Community, Inequality and Achievement – A Tribute to Edgar G. Epps, coedited with M.B. Spencer and C. O’Connor. London: JAI Press, Inc., 2002.
Keeping Race in Place: Racial Microaggressions and Campus Racial Climate at the University of California,
Berkeley” (with D. Solórzano and G. Carroll). Chicano Latino Law Review, 23 (Spring 2002): 15-112.
“Skin Color, Income and Education: A Comparison of African Americans and Mexican Americans” (with E.
Telles and M. Hunter). National Journal of Sociology 12, 1 (Winter 2000): 129-180.
Enacting Diverse Learning Environments: Improving the Climate for Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Higher
Education (with S. Hurtado, J. Milem, and A. Clayton-Pedersen). ASHE-ERIC Higher Education
Report, Volume 26, No. 8. Washington, DC: George Washington University, 1999.
Special Issue: Comparative Perspectives on Black Family Life, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, coedited with A. James. Volume 29, No. 1, 2 (Spring and Fall 1998).
College in Black and White: African American Students in Predominantly White and Historically Black Public
Universities, co-edited with E. Epps and N. Haniff. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press,
The Color Line and the Quality of Life in America, co-authored with R. Farley. New York: Russell Sage
Foundation, 1987. Oxford University Press, 1989.
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