Download HighFour General Sciences Round 1 Category A: Grades 4 – 5

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HighFour General Sciences Category A: Grades 4 – 5 Round 1 Tuesday, September 13, 2016 The use of calculator is not required. Answer #1 Explanation: Answer #2 Explanation: Answer #3 Explanation: Answer #4 Explanation: D The root hairs allow a plant to increase its surface area to absorb water and nutrients from the soil more efficiently. ABCD Our muscles are moving at all times when we are awake and carrying out our daily activities. The heart itself is a muscular organ and is pumping every second during the entire lifetime of a person to keep him alive. The muscles in our lungs do not stop working, even when we are asleep. BCAD (in this order) The roots will grow out first when the seedling absorbs water. Next, the shoot will appear followed by its leaves as it grows. Once the seedling reaches maturity, it will grow flowers which will go through pollination and fertilization. Fruit are then developed. CD The surrounding air and plate are losing heat to the melting ice cube. The temperature of the melting ice remains 0°C until the whole ice cube has melted completely. HighFour General Sciences Category A: Grades 4 – 5 Round 1 Tuesday, September 13, 2016 The use of calculator is not required. Answer #5 Explanation: Answer #6 Explanation: Answer #7 Explanation: Answer #8 Explanation: D The butterfly, mosquito, and the housefly have four stages in their life cycle, namely egg, larva, pupa, adult. The cockroach has only three stages in its life cycle: egg, nymph, adult. C The silver, brass and tin cups are good conductors of heat. Melanie will probably burn her fingers if she is not careful. A ceramic cup is not as good a conductor of heat, thus, it is the best choice to put the hot tea in. A Every insect has a pair of antennae to help it sense its surroundings. AD We use microscope, not a magnifying glass, to see microorganisms. We have good bacteria in our bodies to aid in our digestion every day. We can also find microorganisms everywhere as long as there is some moisture. There are a few types of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. HighFour General Sciences Category A: Grades 4 – 5 Round 1 Tuesday, September 13, 2016 The use of calculator is not required. Answer #9 Explanation: Answer #10 Explanation: Answer #11 Explanation: Answer #12 Explanation: D The skeletal system provides a frame for our body, but not the bulk. It is the muscular system that gives the bulk. B Air can be compressed. Hence, even when more air is pumped into the netball, the capacity of the netball still stands at 450 cm3. A Gases have no definite volumes so they can be compressed. Liquids, on the other hand, have definite volumes. Gases do not have definite shapes either, just like liquids. AC A piece of plywood and a thin sheet of plastic are solids which occupy space and have mass. They are able to float on water and their shapes remain fixed. Also, they cannot be compressed. HighFour General Sciences Category A: Grades 4 – 5 Round 1 Tuesday, September 13, 2016 The use of calculator is not required. Answer #13 Explanation: Answer#14 Explanation: Answer #15 Explanation: Answer #16 Explanation: B When Mrs. Jones poured hot water over the metal cap, it gained heat and expanded. The metal cap, now bigger, would not grip the bottle as tightly. Therefore, it is easier to twist open the cap from the bottle. C The heart pumps oxygen-­‐rich blood to all parts of the body through the arteries. The veins then carry carbon dioxide-­‐rich blood back to the heart from the rest of the body. The respiratory system helps to take in oxygen for the body and remove carbon dioxide from the body. C the leaf is made up of leaf stalk, leaf blade, and leaf veins. AC There are plants that have leaves without leaf stalk. Not all fruit protect the seeds. Some fruit, like the pineapple, are seedless while others, like the strawberry, have seeds on the outside. Some roots, like the carrot, store food for the plant. There are leaves of different shapes, e.g. oval-­‐shaped, pal-­‐shaped, and so forth. Also, leaves have different edges: entire edge or toothed edge. HighFour General Sciences Category A: Grades 4 – 5 Round 1 Tuesday, September 13, 2016 The use of calculator is not required. Answer #17 Explanation: Answer #18 Explanation: Answer #19 Explanation: Answer #20 Explanation: C The picture shows a wriggler, the young of a mosquito. Once any kind of mosquito eggs hatch, they produce the next stage in the life cycle, the larva (plural "larvae"). They're commonly called wrigglers or wigglers, because they move in the water by wriggling. You can see them swimming or hanging close to the surface in rain barrels, flooded ditches, the edges of swamps or other stagnant water. They live in water but breath air, so like snorkelers, they have a breathing tube and must come close to the surface often to get oxygen. C The mosquito does not give birth to its young alive. It lays eggs in the water. Also, it has four stages in its life cycle, not three. ADBC (in this order) The mosquito goes through four separate and distinct stages of its life cycle: Egg, Larva (called wriggler), Pupa, and Adult. Each of these stages can be easily recognized by its special appearance. D Poor conductors of heat are materials that do not allow heat to flow through them easily. Wood, air, and rubber are such examples. Silver is a type of metal, which is a good conductor.