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Learning Period 1 Quiz
Learning Period 1: Ancient World History
Name: ________________________________________
Date: ________
1. The Neolithic Age, also called the New Stone Age, began with what discovery?
A. metal tools
B. stone tools
C. hunting
D. farming
2. What was the greatest benefit when people began farming?
A. They had more time to relax.
B. They had better-tasting food.
C. They had a stable food supply.
D. They had enough water for crops.
3. Why did people live in larger communities during the Neolithic Age than in earlier times?
A. They needed more people for hunting and gathering.
B. They could grow enough food to support more people.
C. They created better ways of getting along with people.
D. They could trade their crops with other groups.
4. What is true about life in Paleolithic times?
A. In Paleolithic times, people spent most of their time finding enough food to live.
B. In Paleolithic times, people lived in large communities and moved frequently.
C. In Paleolithic times, people developed special skills such as weaving and farming.
D. In Paleolithic times, people lived in permanent structures made of mud bricks.
5. If you were a Neolithic trader, what most likely happened as you traveled and traded?
A. You found out how other groups lived.
B. You made a lot of money and moved to a new place.
C. You invented an alphabet and started writing.
D. You became a better hunter by following animals.
6. What was not a result of people developing specialized skills?
A. improving the quality of what they made
B. making things beautiful rather than just useful
C. moving more often in search of food
D. trading with other people for different things
7. Based on its name, what do you know about Mesopotamia?
A. It is located between two rivers.
B. It is located in mountain foothills.
C. It was home for a large population.
D. It was home of the world’s first cities.
Learning Period 1 Quiz
Learning Period 1: Ancient World History
8. Read the paragraph below about Sumerian cities. What does this arrangement tell you about the
Early Sumerian cities were walled settlements surrounded by farmland. The strong city walls
were built of sunbaked bricks. Moats, or ditches filled with water, surrounded the walls.
A. They did not trade with others.
B. They protected themselves from others.
C. They did not produce their own food.
D. They lived during the Paleolithic Age.
9. What change, caused by farming in northern Mesopotamia, led people to move south?
A. The population increased, and there wasn’t enough food.
B. The people fought, and they needed to find new places to live.
C. The climate changed, and it got too dry to keep living there.
D. The soil got overused, and plants could no longer grow there.
10. Sumerians used levees, canals, and dams to
A. keep water away from neighboring towns.
B. control the amount of water in the valley.
C. make ponds where they could wash clothes.
D. create waterfalls so they had water power.
11. What happened when people from many villages used Sumerian irrigation systems?
A. Cities had to have moats for storing water outside their walls.
B. Cities had to limit the number of people who could have farms.
C. People in the villages had to develop a language they could all speak.
D. People in the villages had to work together to take care of the system.
12. Why were Sumerian settlements called city-states?
A. Each settlement served the Sumerian empire.
B. Each settlement had its own ruler and farmland.
C. Each settlement had its own irrigation system.
D. Each settlement recorded the empire’s history.
13. Why didn’t Sumerians continue living in small villages, as their ancestors had?
A. They needed more land so they could gather enough food.
B. They needed more trees so they could build enough homes.
C. They had to work together to maintain the irrigation system.
D. They had to live together to protect themselves from outsiders.
14. What made it harder to live in Sumer than in the Zagros foothills?
A. Sumer lacked natural barriers to keep out enemies.
B. Sumer had many hills that made farming difficult.
C. Sumer had many stones that needed to be cleared from farmland.
D. Sumer lacked strong people to build canals.
Learning Period 1 Quiz
Learning Period 1: Ancient World History
15. Ancient Sumerians invented irrigation systems and plows. What did these two inventions help
A. a system of government
B. a partner with whom to trade
C. a steady supply of food
D. an honor for the gods
16. What evidence shows that Sumerian society developed after the Stone Age?
A. copper blades
B. painted pottery
C. wooden plows
D. mud houses
17. Which statement shows how Sumerian religion and government were connected?
A. Sumerians believed that merchants sold goods for the king.
B. Sumerians believed that the king got power from the gods.
C. Sumerians recorded their prayers on clay tablets.
D. Sumerians recorded the movements of the planets.
18. What did Sumerians invent to make it possible for their armies to use chariots?
A. harnesses
B. swords
C. wheels
D. horseshoes
19. What evidence shows that Sumerians were not prehistoric?
A. ziggurats
B. statues
C. irrigation ditches
D. written laws
20. Whose duty was it to do these jobs: build temples, lead the army, and enforce laws?
A. the king’s
B. the priests’
C. the scribes’
D. the governors’