Download Hummingbirds By: Fidelia Lopez. There is a bird that can have eggs

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By: Fidelia Lopez.
There is a bird that can have eggs smaller than a chicken's egg. Their is a bird that is also
called "flying jewels"and "jewels in the sky." That is the marvelous hummingbird.
The hummingbird has so many interesting facts for example hummingbird eats about half
of it's bodyweight. I can't even imagine eating half my bodyweight, can you? Hummingbird's
tongues are longer than a butterfly's and a burrowing bee's tongue. The hummingbird has very
weak feet so it can't hop or walk. The feet are only meant for perching and if it had had to move
an inch it would probably fly.
Since hummingbirds eat half their body weight they eat many treats. The type of things
they eat are tree sap, flower nectar, insects, and pollen.Some of the insects hummingbirds eat are
mosquitoes, aphids, caterpillars, flying ants, and small beatles.
This may surprise you but the hummingbird's heart beat will go up to 500 times per minute when
it flys. Hummingbirds can flap their wings 13 times per second, I tried it but I can't do it. They
can't even flap their wings about 80 times per second. When the hummingbird gets frightened
they heartbeat will go up to 1,260 beats per second.
Some of the places that have hummingbirds are Alabama, Arizona, California, Maine, and
Florida. I also forgot to tell you that hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world.
Hummingbird also I was only small animal that has a back bone. They also have they also have
no sense of smell.
Resources I used:
Hummingbirds Jewels in
the sky by Esther Quesada Tyrrel
Where animals live the world of hummingbirds by Oxford scientific films