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Plant Estrogens and Menopause©By R. E. Burki MD, FACOG
Plant Estrogens for the Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms
Plant estrogens are also called phytoestrogens and contain isoflavons, the scientific name
for the active ingredients.
When looking at different treatment menopausal options one has to consider both the
symptoms of menopause and also the long-term effects of living without functioning
ovaries. Symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and
mood swings make you miserable, but are not life threatening. On the other hand, the main
long-term effect of not getting enough estrogen is osteoporosis, which is responsible for the
death of about 5% of women. Interestingly, most women think that their biggest risk is
breast cancer, which in fact kills less than 4% of women. Heart disease and stroke are the
main treat to an older woman=s life. Together they kill about 45% of women.
We know that traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) treats both the symptoms of
menopause and protects women from osteoporosis as well as colorectal cancer. It does not
protect from heart disease and strokes, but actually slightly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and blood clots. Long-term use of HRT may also slightly increase the risk of
breast cancer (less than 1/10th of one percent per year of use).
Another drawback of traditional HRT are vaginal bleeding and sore breasts, which in turn
make women worry about uterine and breast cancer. This may be one of the reasons why
less than 10% of postmenopausal women take HRT long-term.
Unfortunately there are few reliable studies on the effects of plant estrogens available, and
most the evidence is circumstantial, such as the fact the Japanese women, who eat a diet
rich in soy products have a lower rate of osteoporosis and breast cancer. Rats who are fed
soy proteins have stronger bones, but not as strong as the ones given estrogen. Studies in
women have shown no osteoporosis prevention benefit from using plant estrogens. There is
a well designed study from Italy that shows that menopausal women who supplemented
their daily diet with 60 g of pure soy protein had a 45 % reduction in hot flashes - though
women on placebo had a 30 % reduction as well. That is certainly not as effective as
traditional HRT, but may be a good alternative for women in their 40's who are still having
more or less regular periods, but are beginning to have some hot flashes, night sweats and
insomnia, especially the week before their periods, and are looking for an alternative to full
fledged prescription hormonal therapy.
Soy proteins or other plants that contain Isoflavons are also a good alternative for
postmenopausal women with hot flashes and night sweats who cannot or will not take
estrogen for a variety of reasons.
It is generally believed that plant estrogens do not stimulate breast and uterine tissues and
are safe for women who have or have had breast cancer. There are however no good
scientific studies on plant estrogens and breast cancer.
Plant estrogens do not treat vaginal dryness and bladder symptoms caused by lack of
And before you reject them outright, it is helpful to remember that some of the estrogens
used in traditional estrogen replacement therapy prescribed by doctors are actually made
from plant sources such as soy and yam.
An alternative plant product that has been successful in treating hot flashes is black cohosh,
Red clover also helps reduce hot flashes.
A word of caution, however: I recommend that you actually eat the phyto-estrogen
containing soy protein as soy milk, tofu and soy flour products, and not buy capsules in the
health food store that claim to contain phyto (plant) estrogens. Since that is an industry
operating outside of government quality control, you really have no idea what actually is in
those capsules and you are better off eating the actual plant product containing the plant
estrogens. There are pharmacies that specialize in selling only high quality pharmaceutical
grade plant derived products. (Jolley Pharmacies in Salt Lake City).
Furthermore, many of the so called herbal remedies for menopausal symptoms contain
natural progesterone. Unlike synthetic progesterone most of the natural progesterone is
converted by the body into estrogen and therefore quite effective in the treatment of hot
flashes. Synthetic progesterone in combination with estrogen has been shown to increase
breast cancer in postmenopausal women more than estrogen replacement therapy alone.
Whether natural progesterone has the same breast cancer enhancing effect is not known at
this time, though there are some studies pointing in that direction.