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“Something” that enables an object to do ______________– NOT a material substance!
When you have “_________________” you can do work
The amount of energy that an object has is related to the amount of ____________the object
can do.
The amount of energy can be precisely ____________________.
SI unit is Joules (J) – (N*m)
Comes in various forms
Seven Main Forms of Energy
sum of ____________________________________________ energy in a system.
_________________ atoms and ions together.
Electromagnetic (electrical)
internal __________________of particles.
_____________________electric charges.
in the atomic nucleus.
Nuclear ______________ & Nuclear_________________
Mechanical Energy
Energy due to the position, or _________________________, of something
Mass is, or will be, displaced
Nonmechanical Energy
Mass is not displaced, no __________________ or velocity gained or lost
Chemical Energy
Potential Energy
Potential Energy
Energy an object has due ____________________
___________________ Energy
Stored Work
Why do we not walk under ladders
Gravitational Potential Energy
due to ______________________ acting on an object,
PE = mgh
Metric unit of energy is __________________ (same as for work).
Sample Problem
What is the potential energy of a 6kg bowling ball at a height of 20 meters?
Gravitational Potential energy is
= (mass) x (Gravity) x ( Height )
What is potential energy at zero height?
Kinetic Energy
Energy associated with an object due to its _____________________.
If something is in motion it has the ability to do ______________
A stationary object has zero kinetic energy
KE = ½mv2
KE= ½ x Mass x Speed2
Notice that speed is _____________ – a small increase in speed causes a large increase in kinetic energy!
Sample Problem
What is the kinetic energy of a 6kg bowling ball, falling from a height of 20 meters, just as it reaches the
(Kinetic Energy) = ½ ( Mass ) x ( Speed ) x (Speed)
= _______________________________________________
= _______________________
Conservation of Energy
_____________________________________________ states that energy can never be created
or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one ______________ into another.
A book falls from a table
A _______________________
The total Mechanical Energy must always be equal to the sum of Kinetic Energy and Potential
Etotal = ____________________
Pendulum – Like a child on a swing
Energy exchange from PE to KE and back
Check for Knowledge
Suppose you have a 1 kg mass at a height of 1.25 m. How much potential energy does it have?
The mass is now let go. At the very bottom, what is it’s kinetic energy?
What is the speed of the mass just before it hits the ground?