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Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Period: _______ Unit: Introduction, Chapter: 13: The Humanized Environment, Key Question 1: How has Earth changed over time? Introduction p.437 How has the physical environment of the earth changed over time? How did humans initially impact the environment? How have humans impacted the environment in the modern era? Define anthropocene. Define scale. Define agrarian. Define urban. Tectonic Plates p. 437‐439 Briefly explain Wegner’s hypothesis of continental drift. Define Pangaea. Define tectonic plates. Summarize and provide an example of the basic plate movements divergence, convergence, transform. Summary/Notes/ Discussion I. Environmental variation ‐ one of earth’s crucial characteristics, examples‐
____________________________________________________________ A. _____________________ ‐the role humans play in shaping the Earth’s environment. 1. Humans have altered their environment from the _____________________. 2. Early human societies had____________ populations and their impacts were___________________________________________ examples______________________________________________ 3. Historically, even after the development of agrarian‐(define) ____ ______________________________________________________ industrial, and urban societies human alteration was relatively _______________ in scale‐(define) ________________________ _____________________________________________________ 4. However, in the last century humanity’s impact has___________ _____________________________________________________ B. Tectonic plates 1. Geographers have been trying to reconstruct ________________ _____________________________________________________ 2. Wegner’s hypothesis called, continental drift, recognized that the shapes of the continents seemed to fit together like a puzzle. a. ________________‐ supercontinent made up of current continents b. ___________________‐move in a variety of patterns i. Divergence‐ _______________________________________ example: Mid Atlantic ridge chain of volcanoes on ocean floor ii. _____________‐ plates come together, example: _________ _________________________________________________ 1. Subduction‐denser ocean plate subducts under continental plate, creates a trench and strong earth quakes and volcanoes. c. Transform‐ _________________________________________ i. Example: ___________________________ earthquakes are common but ________________________________are not. Ocean and Atmosphere p. 439 Generalize the development of the basic elements needed for survival on Earth. Define photosynthesis. Fire and Ice p. 439‐442 Briefly summarize the effects of volcanic eruptions and Ice ages on the formation of modern day earth Identify ring of fire. Contrast glaciation and interglacial periods. Identify key epoch periods of Pleistocene, Holocene, and Little Ice Age Define greenhouse effect and identify its place in shifting from the Little Ice Age to a warming phase. Summary/Notes/ Discussion C. Ocean and Atmosphere 1. _______________‐ do not know with __________________ how Earth acquired it but makes up ___________ of surface. 2. Atmosphere‐ do not know how it formed either, a long time passed before ________________ became substantial. a. Photosynthesis needed to occur to raise oxygen levels enough to sustain life b. define: _________________________________________ D. Fire and Ice 1. Common volcanic eruptions created a. A period in which a loss of species diversity occurred known as ________________ b. A period in which a destruction of most species occurred known as ________________ c. Breakup of the supercontinent known as ________________ d. ________________‐ region in the pacific ocean that features crustal instability including regular eruptions and earthquakes today 2. Ice Ages a. Pleistocene‐ period of long ________________ followed by short warm ________________ b. ________________‐ full scale interglacial warming c. ________________‐ period of minor glaciation that may be responsible for widespread famines in Europe, failure, starvation of many colonies such as Jamestown from the fourteenth to nineteenth centuries. d. ________________‐ when gases such as methane, ozone, and carbon dioxide trap heat above the Earth’s surface creating a rise in temperatures. Unit: Introduction, Chapter: 13: The Humanized Environment, Key Question 2: How have humans altered the Earth’s environment? Introduction p. 443 II. Environmental Stress‐ the human imprint on the environment has been both constructive and ________________. Examples such as ________________ ________________________________. Generalize the human impact on the A. Water environment. 1. ________________ to life, ________________resource 2. Fresh water is not ________________________across the globe a. Chronic water shortages occur across the globe, in developed Water p. 443‐446 countries such as________________________________ Define renewable and _________________________________________________ nonrenewable resources. _________________________________________________ b. Water Security, can fuel violent and or political disputes. Such as _______________________________________________ Discuss and provide examples of chronic water _________________________________________________ shortages. 3. Consumed mostly through_______________________________ 4. Some argue the hydrologic cycle should be thought of as Identify what practice ____________________________________________________ consumes most of the world’s water supply. B. Atmosphere a. define: Describe the argument _________________________________________________ against using the term _________________________________________________ hydrologic “cycle”. b. Environmental impacts such as________________________ _________________________________________________ Atmosphere p. 446‐448 2. Human impacts are increasing rapidly as countries’ economies continue to develop Define atmosphere, recognize its importance to a. Climate change‐ sometimes referred to as ________________ human survival because __________________________________________ causing _________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Provide examples of both environmental and _________________________________________________ anthropogenic impacts on b. Acid rain‐ forms when________________________________ the atmosphere including _________________________________________________
those of climate change _________________________________________________
and acid rain ________causing ___________________________________ _________________________________________________ Summary/Notes/ Discussion Land p. 449‐451 Define deforestation. List previous and current deforestation trends including an explanation for these patterns. List the main causes of soil erosion. List the major concerns with the growing quantity of solid waste. Biodiversity p. 451‐452 Define biodiversity. List causes and examples of decreasing biodiversity. Summary/Notes/ Discussion Environmental Stress continued C. Land 1. Deforestation‐ destruction of vast tracts of forest a. Effects ____________________________ b. During the 1980s‐90s UN found ______________________ i. Heavily occurring to convert ____________________ ___________________________________________. ii. Others for paper products and lumber c. Reforestation has occurred since and rates _____________ ________________________________________________ 2. Soil erosion a. Caused by _______________________________________ ________________________________________________ i. Farmers not _________________________________ ii. ______________________________ grazing iii. Drought 3. Waste disposal a. Solid waste disposal is a ____________ problem, __________________________________countries have a ___________ rate of consumables. b. Those that can afford to create _____________ landfills, however ___________ is at a premium. Some_______ other countries to take their waste. c. ______________and radioactive waste poses even greater concern due to risk of environmental contamination D. Biodiversity loss 1. define: loss of _______________variability within species as well as the diversity of ______________________ on the planet. a. While some species have yet to be ________________others are becoming _____________________________________. b. Causes include: ____________________________________ _________________________________________________ c. Examples such as: _____________________________ _________________________________________________ Unit: Introduction, Chapter: 13: The Humanized Environment, Key Question 3: What are the major factors contributing to environmental change today? Factors of environmental change
Political Ecology p. 452‐453 III.
Explain why contrary to popular thought a wealthy farmer might cause more environmental damage than a poor farmer Population 453‐455 Explain how environmental changes influence humans differently depending who they are and where they live. Define mortality. Patterns of consumption p. 455 Contrast the consumption of a hunter gatherer with that of an urban dweller. Define core. Define periphery. Explain how consumption of the core effects the global scale whereas generally the periphery only effects the regional or local scale Contrast population growth in the core vs. periphery. Technology p. 455‐6 Explain and list examples of how technology has impacted environmental change. Transportation p. 456 Define infrastructure. Describe both the direct and indirect impact transportation has had on the environment. Summary/Notes/ Discussion A. Political ecology 1. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ B. Population 1. Impact of location/socioeconomic status: a. More developed countries (MDCs):______________________ __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ b. Lesser Developed Countries’ (LDCs): ____________________ __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ C. Patterns of Consumption 1. Those in urban areas consume____________________________ _____________________________________________________ 2. Those in core countries (wealthy) consume__________________ _____________________________________________________ 3. Population growth in the core is a global concern whereas that in the periphery is local/regional D. Technology 1. Industrial innovations, improving our standard of living, has some negative impacts such as _________________________________ _____________________________________________________ E. Transportation 1. Transportation has allowed for true globalization, allowing us to travel to remote areas of the planet, consumers can buy products from distant places, a. Direct impact‐_______________________________________ __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ b. Indirect impact‐ _____________________________________ __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ Energy p. 456‐458 Describe where the majority of energy is derived from as well as what it is used for. Identify the region where most of the world’s oil comes from, noting how dependent the socioeconomic well‐
being of the area is on this nonrenewable resource. List one area of research being explored in oil rich regions to help with the transition away from this limited resource. Define potable. Define desalinization. Describe the negative environmental impact of at least one alternative energy source, such as wind turbines. Summary/Notes/ Discussion Factors of environmental change continued F. Energy 1. Most of our energy supply comes from _____________________ _____________________________________________________ 2. As our population grows so does __________________________ 3. More than half of the world’s oil supply is found ______________ _____________________________________________________ a. In Kuwait _________of income is tied to oil. b. This region needs to find alternate source of income to replace oil before it’s gone‐ will cause MAJOR economic problems i. Potable water‐__________________________ ________________ through _______________ ______________________________________
______________________________________. 4. Alternative Energy a. Negative environmental impacts result from alternative energy as well. 1. Example‐Wind turbines use _______________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ a. So environmentally costly most mines in the world ______________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Unit: Introduction, Chapter: 13: The Humanized Environment, Key Question 4: What policies are being adopted in response to environmental change? Introduction p. 459‐460 List several barriers encountered when attempting to combat global environmental issues. Define NGOs. Give some examples. Briefly describe the role of the UNCED and GEF in addressing global environmental issues. Biological Diversity p. 460 Describe the basic premise and struggles of the United Nations Environment Program convention Summary/Notes/ Discussion IV. Global Policy of Environmental Change A. Barriers to global policy 1. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ a. __________________________________________
__________________________________________ b. __________________________________________
__________________________________________ c. __________________________________________
__________________________________________ 2. United Nations and NGOs a. __________________________________________
__________________________________________ b. __________________________________________
__________________________________________ c. __________________________________________
__________________________________________ i. ____________________________________
____________________________________ B. Major Conventions to the UNCED 1. Biological Diversity‐ ‐
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ a. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Protection of Ozone Layer Global Policy of Environmental Change continued p. 461 Define ozone layer. 2. Protection of the Ozone Layer a. _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ b.
_________________________________________________ 3.
Global Climate Change Identify the main culprit a. _________________________________________________
linked to reducing the layer of ozone. _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ i. _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ ii. _________________________________________
_________________________________________ Describe the basic premise _________________________________________
of the Vienna _________________________________________ convention/Montreal iii. _________________________________________
Protocol. _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ Global climate change p. 461‐462 List and describe a few of the conventions attempted to address the human impacts on climate minimally including the Earth Summit, Kyoto Agreement, Copenhagen Accord . Summary/Notes/ Discussion