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Ch. E4 Study Guide
The definitions and understand these words (don’t forget to check that they
are in your spiral): charge, static electricity, electric field, electric
current, circuit, electric cell, conductor, insulator, resistor, series circuit,
parallel circuit, magnet, magnetic poles, magnetic field, and electromagnet.
An object has a _________________ charge if it has more negative particles
than positive particles. (E91-92)
When two objects both have positive charges, the objects
__________________. (E91-92)
Copper wire in a circuit ___________________ electricity. (E97)
A bar magnet’s pull is strongest ________________________. (E102-3)
Magnets attract each other at ________________________. (E102)
Electromagnets in motors are used to cause __________________. (E112)
What is a good way to control an electromagnet? (E110)
You will have to answer questions by looking at a type of circuit in a picture.
Short Answer Inference Questions
o What two magnets make a compass work? How do they interact?
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o In what ways are electricity and magnetism alike?