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Questions: Unit 5 Test
Do not write on this copy of the test! Write the letter corresponding to the best
answer in the appropriate spot on the answer sheet.
1. The type of bonding that involves a transfer of electrons is ...
a. ionic.
b. covalent.
c. metallic.
2. The type of bonding that results in volatile liquids is ...
a. ionic.
b. covalent.
c. metallic.
3. _____ bonding produces substances that have luster.
a. Ionic
b. Covalent
c. Metallic
4. _____ bonding produces substances that are hard, or difficult to crush.
a. Ionic
b. Covalent
c. Metallic
5. When an atom loses electrons, it becomes a(n) ...
a. cation.
b. anion.
c. losion.
6. When an atom gains electrons, an ion with a _____ charge is formed.
a. positive
b. negative
c. neutral
7. The type of intermolecular force found in polar molecules is called ...
a. London-dispersion.
b. hydrogen bonding.
c. dipole-dipole.
8. The weakest type of intermolecular force found in all molecules is ...
a. London-dispersion.
b. hydrogen bonding.
c. dipole-dipole.
9. When electrons are shared unequally between two atoms, the bond is called ...
a. nonpolar covalent.
b. polar covalent.
c. ionic.
10. A molecule consisting of only two atoms has a _____ shape.
a. linear
b. trigonal
c. tetrahedral
CHEMISTRY: A Study of Matter
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