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U.S. Government – Practice Test
A. Force Theory
B. Evolutionary Theory
C. Divine Right Theory
D. Social Contract Theory
Society formed from groups fighting, and establishing control and rules over people.
God created society and gave those of royal birth the right to rule.
Society is created out of an agreement between those in power and those being ruled.
Society grew out of the family structure.
Multiple Choice
5. What branch of government interprets laws.
A. Executive
B. Legislative
C. Judicial
D. Parliament
6. Which branch of government carries out laws.
A. Executive
B. Legislative
C. Judicial
D. Parliament
7. Which of the following is not a necessary condition of a state.
A. Territory
B. Population
C. Sovereignty
D. King
8. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence
A. Adam Smith
C. Baron de Montesquieu
B. John Locke
D. Thomas Jefferson
9. The separation of powers is discussed in which document
A. Two Treatises on Government
C. Social Contract Theory
B. Spirit of the Laws
D. Common Sense
10. This group of people did not want to the Constitution to be ratified because it lacked a Bill of Rights
A. Anarchists
C. Federalists
B. Anti-Federalist
D. Constitutionalists
True or False.
11. The legislative branch makes laws.
12. The Declaration of Independence got rid of a monarchy.
13. John Locke had no influence on the Declaration of Independence.
Multiple Choice
14. Which amendment protects individuals from unreasonable search and seizure
A. 2nd
B. 4th
C. 5th
D. 6th
15. Which amendment prevents individuals from having to testify against themselves
A. 2nd
B. 4th
C. 5th
D. 6th
16. Which amendment guarantees the rights to a speedy trial
A. 10th
B. 4th
C. 5th
D. 6th
17. Which amendment gives individuals the right to own a gun
A. 2nd
B. 4th
C. 5th
D. 6th
18. Which amendment protects individuals from cruel and unusual punishment
A. 2nd
B. 8th
C. 10th
D. 15th
19. Which amendment gave all citizens the right to vote regardless of color, race or previous condition of
A. 2nd
B. 8th
C. 10th
D. 15th
20. The only amendment to repeal a previous amendment was the
A. 13th
B. 21st
C. 19th
D. 15th
21. The supreme courts continuing interpretation of laws and acts of government is an example of which
constitutional principle
A. Popular Sovereignty
C. Limited Government
B. Federalism
D. Judicial Review
22. The three distinct branches of government is an example of
A. Separation of powers
C. Limited Government
B. Federalism
D. Checks and balances
23. Government divided among local, state and federal government is which principle
A. Popular Sovereignty
C. Limited Government
B. Federalism
D. Checks and balances
24. When the President vetoes a bill passed by Congress sending it back to Congress for re-evaluation it is
an example of
A. Popular Sovereignty
C. Checks and Balances
B. Federalism
D. Judicial Review
25. The ability for individuals to exercise freedom within society exemplifies which constitutional principle
A. Popular Sovereignty
C. Limited Government
B. Federalism
D. Judicial Review
26. Powers which the federal government leaves for states are called
A. Exclusive
B. Reserved
C. Concurrent
D. Implied
27. The power to tax individuals is what type of power
A. Inherent
B. Reserved
C. Concurrent
D. Implied
28. Powers given only to the federal government are
A. Exclusive
B. Reserved
C. Concurrent
D. Implied
29. The ability for the government to create an Air Force is an example of what type of power
A. Exclusive
B. Reserved
C. Concurrent
D. Implied
30. The power of the federal government to regulate undocumented persons in the US is
A. Inherent
B. Expressed
C. Implied
D. Concurrent
31. Powers directly written in the Constitution are called
A. Concurrent
B. Reserved
C. Expressed
D. Implied
32. Powers which are not directly written in the Constitution, but are granted as part of the interpretation of
another rule are called.]
A. Exclusive
B. Reserved
C. Concurrent
D. Implied
True or False. Mark A for True and B for False.
In the United States we have limited government involvement.
The ability for Congress to declare war is an expressed power.
Building interstate highways is a power for the federal government only.
Exclusive powers are given to both the states and the federal government.
States can be called into special conventions to vote on a proposed amendment.
The Bill of Rights is the first 20 amendments.
The federal government helps states financially with certain projects.
Congressional approval of Presidential appointments is an example of Checks and Balances.