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Macbeth Act 1
Name ___________________________________________________________________
____1. Shakespeare most likely abandons blank verse in Scene 1 to
a. Show the witches singing their words
b. Imply that the witches are unintelligent
c. Emphasize the strangeness of the witches
d. Suggest that the witches’ words are unimportant
____2. The witches in Scene 1 inform you that
a. They will see Macbeth after the battle
b. Trouble is coming to the Scottish king
c. Macbeth has acted bravely in battle
d. Duncan in the king of Scotland
____3. In Scene 2, Duncan orders Ross to
a. Warn others of the thane of Cawdor’s treachery
b. Inform others of the thane of Cawdor’s death
c. Tell Macbeth he is the new thane of Cawdor
d. Command Macbeth to kill the thane of Cawdor
____4. In lines 34-35 of Scene 2, the Captain compares Macbeth and Banquo to
a. Eagles to show their kindness
b. Lions to show their bravery
c. Hares to display their courage
d. Sparrows to emphasize their size
____5. Why does Duncan give Macbeth the title, thane of Cawdor?
Duncan decides to reward Macbeth following the decision to execute the thane of
b. The thane of Cawdor surrenders his title when Macbeth discovers the thane’s treason
c. Macbeth kills the thane of Cawdor in the battle with Macdonwald
d. The witches cast a spell that makes Macbeth the thane of Cawdor
____6. In Scene 3, Shakespeare most likely has the witches speak in rhyme instead of blank verse
a. Their comments are humorous to them
b. The rhymes sound like witches’ spells
c. They are supposed to seem childish
d. Everything they say is a lie
____7. Macbeth shows his ambition and curiosity about becoming king in Scene 3 when he
a. Questions the witches about the prophecies
b. Listens to Banquo describe the witches
c. Invites Duncan to come to his home
d. Defeats many people in battle
____8. Macbeth’s questions in Scene 3 lines 70-78 are a clue that he is
a. Jealous of Banquo’s good news and good fortune
b. Convinced that the witches cannot see the future
c. Afraid that the witches will bring him bad fortune
d. Ambitious and curious about how to become king
____9. Why are Duncan’s praises of Macbeth in Scene 4 an example of dramatic irony in this tragedy?
a. Macbeth knows that Duncan will soon declare his son to be his heir to the throne
b. You know that Macbeth wants to kill Duncan but Duncan is unaware of this fact
c. Macbeth knew that the Thane of Cawdor was a traitor without telling Duncan
d. You know that Duncan declares his son as heir because he is suspicious of Macbeth.
____10. Lady Macbeth’s greeting in Scene 5 lines 51-55 shows that she
a. Knows that Macbeth is feeling confident
b. Hopes Macbeth will change his mind
c. Thinks Macbeth is already the king
d. Wants to help Macbeth in the plot
____11. Reread Scene 5, lines 12-27. What does Lady Macbeth think that Macbeth lacks?
a. Enough cruelty to murder Duncan
b. Respect for her opinion and ideas
c. Ambition to be greater than he is
d. The qualities to be a good king
____12. Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth wish that
a. Duncan will refuse to come to the castle
b. Fortune will “unsex” them before they act
c. Darkness will cover their evil deeds and wishes
d. Things will happen without any of their assistance
____13. Why is Duncan’s reference to Lady Macbeth as a “noble hostess” in Scene 6, line 24, of this
tragedy an example of dramatic irony?
a. You know that Macbeth enjoys serving Duncan
b. You know that Lady Macbeth plans to murder him.
c. Duncan has criticized her to other characters.
d. Lady Macbeth wishes Duncan would leave.
____14. What advice does Lady Macbeth give to Macbeth in Scene 5 to aid her plan?
a. Spend very little time with Duncan
b. Encourage Duncan to stay longer
c. Pretend to be nice to Duncan
d. Make Duncan drink all night
____15. The sentence in lines 10-12 of Scene 7 reveals Macbeth’s
a. Unwillingness to kill anyone
b. Belief that the witches are like poison
c. Discomfort with his actions in the battle
d. Fear of being punished for killing Duncan
Short answer—Use complete sentences please:
16. What private thoughts does Macbeth reveal in his asides in Scene 3, lines 143-147? (2 pts)
17. What three reasons does Macbeth list in Scene 7 to argue against murdering Duncan? (3 pts)
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