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The Cell Energy Cycle Key Words Photosynthesis – the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria use sunlight, CO2 and water to make food. Chloroplasts – organelle in plant cells that contains chlorophyll Chlorophyll – A pigment in plant cells that absorbs light energy and is green in color Cellular Respiration -­‐ The process by which cells use oxygen to produce energy from food. Mitochondria – Organelle in eukaryotic cells that performs cellular respiration to make ATP. Fermentation – the breakdown of food without the use of oxygen. It’s All Connected! Animal cells release carbon dioxide and water, which are used by plant cells to make glucose. With sunlight, Plant cells make glucose and oxygen, which they then use to make ATP. Animals eat the glucose from plant cells and breathe the oxygen so their cells can make ATP. Cell Energy: Choose Your Fuel!
The Role of Food Food contains the glucose that your cells need to make energy or ATP. In addition to glucose, foods contain vitamins, minerals, fats, protein and antioxidants that our cells also need to function. There are a lot more of these essential nutrients in foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and fresh meat than in processed foods like candy, chips, soda, fried food, and fast food. Would you take a road trip without any gas in your car? No way! Just as a car needs gas to drive, a human needs food to think, walk, run, and play! Fuel Up with These Snack Ideas: •
Yogurt with berries Oatmeal with fruit and milk Apple with nut butter PB&J on Whole Wheat bread Veggies with Hummus List some of your own Fuel Foods: ____________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ KSC Dietetic Interns Carol Anne Simpson and Rebecca Behr
Cell Energy
Carol Anne & Becca
Keene State College Dietetic Interns
What are we doing Today?
Warm up activity
Cellular Respiration
Food’s role in our cellular energy
Food goals & discussion
Goals For Today
1. Students will demonstrate the relationship
between plant cell energy and animal cell
2. Students will be able to identify the role of
food in cell energy.
Energy charades
Plant cell energy
Process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria use
sunlight, carbon dioxide & water to make food
Absorb sunlight and use it along with water and
carbon dioxide gas to produce food for the plant
sun to
Cell energy scramble:
Plant cell energy
1. DO NOT look at your card yet! You each will be a
piece in plant cell energy.
2. There are 4 stations around the room. Each
station must end up with each of the pieces of
plant cell energy.
3. WHEN WE GIVE THE SIGNAL - flip over your card.
Scramble to a station - your piece needs to be
on the appropriate side of the arrow, and each
station must have all of the pieces!
Animal Cell Energy
Cellular respiration:
The process by which cells use oxygen to
produce energy from food.
Eukaryotic cells, organelle that is the site of
cellular respiration.
Cellular Respiration
Cell energy scramble:
animal cell energy
1. DO NOT look at your card yet! You each will be a
piece in plant cell energy.
2. There are 4 stations around the room. Each
station must end up with each of the pieces of
plant cell energy.
3. WHEN WE GIVE THE SIGNAL - flip over your card.
Scramble to a station - your piece needs to be
on the appropriate side of the arrow, and each
station must have all of the pieces!
● The breakdown of food
for energy without the
use of oxygen
● Two Types:
○ Lactic Acid Producing
○ Alcoholic: CO
Feel the Burn!
What is food’s
MINERALS, healthy fats,
And fiber!
Get more bang for your buck!
Choose one not-so-nutritious food to
replace in your week to get higher quality
● Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. (2007). Cells, Heredity, and
Classification. Austin, TX: Holt Science & Technology.
● How Healthy Nutrition Builds Health, Starting with the Cell.