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Module 1 lesson 1.notebook
September 12, 2016
Monday, September 12, 2016
Module 1/lesson 1
Student objective: To define ratio and understand when it is used
5 minute check:
0.7 x 8 = 0.08 x 0.5 =
0.325 x 0.3 = Ratios in Daily Life
­Teachers to students
Example 1:
Example 2:
Exercise 2
Define ratio ­ in your own words
Is order important when writing ratios?
Ratio – A ratio says how much of one thing there is compared to another thing.
example: 3 blue circles to 2 red circles
Write each ratio as a fraction in simplest form
15 feet out of 36 feet 48 rainy days out of 60 days 10 pints to 20 pints 18 beetles out of 72 insects Extra: The ratio of the number of bananas to the number of apples at a fruit stand is 3:5. Moe says that the ratio is equivalent to 12:25. In the space below, use words, numbers, or symbols to show why Moe’s statement is incorrect. Be sure to provide a ratio equivalent to 3:5 in your answer
A ship traveled 48 nautical miles in 3 hours. At that rate, what is the number of nautical miles the ship would travel in 4 hours?