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AP World History
Mrs. Osborn
Name_____________________________________ Per______ Date______________________
PERIOD 4 (1450-1750)
Chapter 21/22 Study Guide: “SW Asia and Indian Ocean, 1500-1750” &
“Eastern Eurasia, 1500-1800”
(TEXT, Bulliet 2nd edition, pp. 521-543, 545-568)
HONOR STATEMENT: On my honor, I understand that this is an individual assignment and is
to be completed entirely by myself. (Copying or ‘splitting’ the assignment with other students
will not prepare me for tests/essays in this course.)
A) Write answers on your OWN paper. Do the work on your own. You need to read.
B) Using 3x5 index cards, create study flash cards (term on one side, definition on the other
side w/chapter pg#) of the following key terms: CH 21: Ottoman Empire, Suleiman the
Magnificent, janissary, devshirme, Tulip Period, Safavid Empire, Shi’ite Islam, Hidden Imam,
Shah Abbas I, Mughal Empire, Akbar, mansabs, Sikhism, Acheh Sultanate, Oman, Batavia.
CH 22: Jesuits, Siberia, Muscovy, tsar, Mikhail Romanov, cossacks, Peter the Great, autocracy,
serfs, Ming Empire, dalai lama, Manchus, Qing Empire, Kangxi, variolation, Macartney
Mission, Tokugawa Shogunate, samurai.
C) Using complete sentences, answer the following questions. Page numbers provided.
1. What post-Mongol Muslim empire lasted the longest? P.522
2. In 1453, what city and empire did the Ottoman Empire attack? P.525
3. With what Italian city-state did the Ottomans fight a prolonged war? What was the
outcome of that war? p.526
4. What was the askeri and raya? P.527
5. Describe the “balanced” military of the Ottomans. P.526
6. What became the primary religion in the Balkans? P.526
7. What was the title of the Ottoman ruler & why was Suleiman called “Magnificent?” P.
8. What caused inflation in the 16th century? P.528
9. Describe the system of “tax farming”. P.529
10. Who inspired the new Sunni movement in central Arabia? P.530
11. What sets Iran apart from its neighbors? P.531-532
12. How is the martyrdom of Imam Husayn commemorated among the Shi’a? p.532-533
13. List 3 things that the cities of Isfahan and Istanbul had in common. P.533
14. What manufactured good became most closely associated with Iran? Describe their
construction and look. P.534
15. Why were the Portuguese able to seize the strategic port of Hormuz from Iran? P.535
16. How did Mughal lands differ from the lands of the Savafid and Ottoman Empires? P.535
17. Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire and from whom did he descend? P.536
18. What does “Mughal” mean in Persian? P.536
19. List 3 things Akbar did in his attempts at Hindu-Muslim reconciliation. P.536
20. What kind of imagery did Nanak, the first Sikh guru, draw upon? P.538
21. Why did the Mughal, Safavid, and Ottoman Empires decline simultaneously? P.539
22. Why did Islam spread extensively into East Africa and Southeast Asia? P.539-541
23. What were some valuable East African exports? P.542
24. What European country conquered the East African port cities? P.542
25. What valuable colony did the Dutch acquire after defeating the Portuguese? P.542
26. After 1500, why was seaborne trade more profitable than overland routes? P.547
27. Name the sea-based empires and land-based empires. What challenges did land-based
empires face in comparison to sea-based empires? P. 548
28. What Mongol Khanate ruled Russia from the 1240’s until 1480? Map on P.335
29. What was a valuable resource that Russians sought from the forests of Siberia? P.553
30. The Great Northern War resulted in Russian access to what sea? P.552
31. What was to be Russia’s capital & “window to the West”? P.552
32. What was the goal of Peter’s westernization? P.552
33. How did possible climate change weaken the Ming Empire? P.555
34. Although the European sent a steady supply of ships to trade with China, how did the
Chinese respond to Western trade? P.518
35. How were the Portuguese, the first Europeans to arrive in East Asia, received by the
Chinese? P.548
36. How did the Dutch gain favor in China? Be specific. P.549
37. How did the Jesuits under Matteo Ricci’s leadership seek to enhance their status in
China? P.548-549
38. What were the terms of the Treaty of Nerchinsk? P.553
39. What did the Jesuits do to gain converts in China? P.559
40. Although gunpowder had already reached the Europeans centuries earlier, what other
things did the Europeans gain from China? List at least 5. P.559-560
41. Europeans were only allowed to trade in what city? P.560
42. List three (3) reasons for the British becoming China’s biggest European trading partner.
43. What caused Britain’s massive trade deficit with China? P.560
44. What caused China’s environment decline which began in the 1700s? p.561
45. Name the Imperial and Shogunal capitals of Japan. P.563
46. What was the result of decentralized system of control of the shogun through regional
lords? P.563
47. What was the eventual response of the Japanese government to Christianity? P.565-566
48. Dutch traders were restricted to the island of Deshima near what port? P.565
49. What were three (3) impacts of European contact with Japan? P.565
50. List three (3) reasons that contributed to the instability of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
51. What was the fate of the samurai of the Forty-Seven Ronin incident? P.566
D) Free Response Focus Questions: Answer EACH of these questions in a 5-7 sentence
In your own words. Do not simply copy from the book and memorize the response.
Support your response with plenty of facts.
Understand where events fall historically (global context, cause/effect, etc)
52. Describe the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and Europe. (CHAPTER 21)
53. What was the primary feature that distinguished the Mughal Empire from the Ottomans
and the Safavids? Explain your answer in detail. (CHAPTER 21)
54. How did the Tokugawa Shogunate fall into decline and crisis? (CHAPTER 22)
55. What role did foreign trade play in the economy of the Qing Empire? (CHAPTER 22)
56. What was the role of the Jesuits and the East India Company in the development of
cultural exchange and trade between Europe and Eastern Eurasia? (CHAPTER 22)
E) Compare/Contrast: Write a well-developed thesis statement which clearly addresses
similarities and differences. (Provide actual similarities and actual differences, not “similar
trade, different politics”; that says nothing.)
57. Compare and contrast the political structure and religious beliefs/practices of the
Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire. (CHAPTER 21)
58. Compare Russia’s interaction with the West with the Qing Empire’s interaction with the
West. (CHAPTER 22)
F) FLIPPED VIDEOS: Watch the following short videos for these chapters:
- WHCC Venice and the Ottoman Empire:
- Qing Empire:
- Emperor Kangxi (Qing):
- Tokugawa Shogunate: